Supreme Court Throws Out Bid To Restrict Abortion Medication

Big loss for Jesus land. Don’t worry, women will be showing up in numbers you won’t be able to over come in November.

The court is a clear and present danger. Religion is a clear and present danger. The majority of American youth despise religion. It is a dying cult that is losing its grip in this country, and the day it no longer exists will be the day human beings are free from the only true tyranny that exists.
Baby killing is murder skrewey.
God controls nature and the weather skrewey.
Only one cult goosestepper.
Where will you move brownshirt??
Baby killing is murder skrewey.
God controls nature and the weather skrewey.
Only one cult goosestepper.
Where will you move brownshirt??

This isn’t about abortion rights freak.

It’s about the perversion that is religion.

Which is being rejected wholesale by America.

There is no god freak. That’s an hallucination that only exists in your diseased brain.
Big loss for Jesus land. Don’t worry, women will be showing up in numbers you won’t be able to over come in November.

The court is a clear and present danger. Religion is a clear and present danger. The majority of American youth despise religion. It is a dying cult that is losing its grip in this country, and the day it no longer exists will be the day human beings are free from the only true tyranny that exists.

You really need then, to be concerned about the explosive growth of Islam in America, which will take you back much further than other religions.
As a leftist, you won't of course have the balls to single it out.
You really need then, to be concerned about the explosive growth of Islam in America, which will take you back much further than other religions.
As a leftist, you won't of course have the balls to single it out.

Never happen. The youth of America want science. They want freedom. They don’t want authoritarianism associated with any religion.
This isn’t about abortion rights freak.

It’s about the perversion that is religion.

Which is being rejected wholesale by America.

There is no god freak. That’s an hallucination that only exists in your diseased brain.
Well, skrewey, one day we will find out which one of us is right about God, won't we?
Another gigantic mistake on you and your ilk's part is that ignorant statement about America rejecting God. And remember, religion is not the same as personal belief in God.
And a stage 4 TDS patient is lecturing me on diseased brains?
Never happen. The youth of America want science. They want freedom. They don’t want authoritarianism associated with any religion.
You idiots have no idea how to even spell science.
Remember....winter cold, summer hot. It fits right in with your orange man bad.
Baby killing is murder skrewey.
God controls nature and the weather skrewey.
Only one cult goosestepper.
Where will you move brownshirt??

They're not killing "babies". 30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. You're throwing these women's lives away by refusing to give them medicial treatment for miscarriages.

80% of all women who die because of the complications of pregnancy and childbirth in the USA, could be saved with proper medical treatment.

More American women die from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth that in any other first world country. The rate of death in Canada is 7 women for 100,000 pregnancies. Our rate is that high because we have large swaths of the northern territories and provinces without quick access to hospitals For American women, that number is 30 deaths for 100,000 pregnancies: double that for states which have 6 week abortion bans.

These numbers are from 2020, BEFORE Roe was overturned. The number has increased by 50% since Roe's protections ended.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

The court found unanimously that the group of anti-abortion doctors who questioned the Food and Drug Administration’s decisions making it easier to access the pill did not have legal standing to sue.

And that means by mail also. Bad day for the pro birth witch burners.

Yeah, hypothetical harm is typically a poor basis for standing.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone, meaning the commonly used drug can remain widely available.

The court found unanimously that the group of anti-abortion doctors who questioned the Food and Drug Administration’s decisions making it easier to access the pill did not have legal standing to sue.


And that means by mail also. Bad day for the pro birth witch burners.

I saw a piece on the morning news about this and cheered. Women must vote in November. They must in huge numbers, Their right to Dominion over their bodies is at stake.
The triggering is strong with the forced birther crowd this decision has brought I see.
I’m not the one who starts threads whining like a little bitch every time the court makes a ruling I don’t agree with that would be dumb fucks like you. In case it slipped your feeble mind as most things do I didn’t complain about this ruling I just pointed out that for a brief moment it will stop idiots like you from ranting about the court.

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