Supreme Court Throws Out Bid To Restrict Abortion Medication

Just a loser? Got it. Better luck next time.

Maybe you could wear some freak looking costume and join the other freaks protesting in front of the court now. Sounds like a giant loser party going on.
Progs are the Broadway actors always on the stage. Emote...Emote I tell you. We see it all the time. And the Hamilton Broadway stage was a dystopian Broadway show within the Prog show broadcast to the heavens. Look, there are extreme people who have their views on abortions' you do not like. Fortunately, without the political accusations, there is an eventual potential common-sense solution from many states you do not like as it all shakes out.
You really need then, to be concerned about the explosive growth of Islam in America, which will take you back much further than other religions.
As a leftist, you won't of course have the balls to single it out.

You really need then, to be concerned about the explosive growth of misinformation and lies around the issue of non-Christians, which renders you incapable of making well informed decisions.

Painting "others" to be a danger to the "American way of life" goes back to white slave owners telling their indentured workers that the "slaves are stealing your jobs".

And you're still falling for it.
And that means by mail also. Bad day for the pro birth witch burners.
But the authoritarian right’s war on reproductive right’s won’t stop.

This is a win for reproductive autonomy on a legal technicality; the Court’s partisan conservative ideologues are still willing to ignore settled, accepted precedent and the facts of law to further restrict a woman’s right to privacy if again given the opportunity.
Abortion isn't healthcare.

Yes it is. The other name for a "miscarriage" is a "spontaneous abortion". But often such abortions are incomplete. Not all of the placenta is discharged, even if the fetus is gone or no longer has a heartbeat. The woman will continue hemoraging until the blood loss gets too much, or the remaining tissue festers and sepsis sets in.

6 week bans are in effect, full bans because few women even know they're pregnant at 6 weeks. That's because the 6 weeks are counted since the end of the last period and the woman won't even miss her period for another 4 weeks giving her two weeks or less to a heartbeat.

In Canada, there are no laws around abortion at all. It's private matter between a woman and her doctor. Fully funded by your government health care system. As it should be.
But the authoritarian right’s war on reproductive right’s won’t stop.

This is a win for reproductive autonomy on a legal technicality; the Court’s partisan conservative ideologues are still willing to ignore settled, accepted precedent and the facts of law to further restrict a woman’s right to privacy if again given the opportunity.
Awww the two baby murderers stroking each others nuts....
But the authoritarian right’s war on reproductive right’s won’t stop.

This is a win for reproductive autonomy on a legal technicality; the Court’s partisan conservative ideologues are still willing to ignore settled, accepted precedent and the facts of law to further restrict a woman’s right to privacy if again given the opportunity.
But if a man wants to put on a wig and compete against a woman, screw the true woman's rights....

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