Supreme Court to Determine If Gender Dysphoria Is a Mental Illness Therefore Protected Under ADA

Interesting argument with which I agree ....

The ADA, co-sponsored by Senators Ted Kennedy and Harkin and passed in 1990, mandates that a “covered entity” shall not discriminate against “a qualified individual with a disability.” It aimed to expand the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which encompasses race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity, to reach those with disabilities.

The ADA defines a “disability” as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” In 2008, Congress mandated that “disability” shall be “construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted.”
Yup me too - as I had stated in another post - no one has a right to discriminate a person with a mental deficiency, e.g. an autistic person.

And no one (including a democratic government) has a right to propagate a mental deficiency (illness) as being normal - and certainly not to be enhanced and promoted as such.
Therefore LGBTq and pedos are ALL mentally ill - and a (government) has the sworn duty to PROTECT it's society/citizens from mentally disturbed persons.
Depends what kind of policy you have.

I'm for single payer, so I'm sure the insurance industry will push for it not being one.
This is a no-win situation for supporters of transsexuals

The left would like to see them afforded special protections

But having them officially declared nut cases is not good for the grooming industry

How can libs argue that they should be allowed in infect children with mental disease?
This is a no-win situation for supporters of transsexuals

The left would like to see them afforded special protections

But having them officially declared nut cases is not good for the grooming industry

How can libs argue that they should be allowed in infect children with mental disease?

The same way people with depression and anxiety disorders are allowed to continue teaching, actually.
The same way people with depression and anxiety disorders are allowed to continue teaching, actually.
Are they supposed to be teaching depression and anxiety for the sake of diversity?

Make all the kids equally depressed so that no one feels like a minority?
Yes, giving people the same privileges you take for granted is "Special rights".
Exactly. It has nothing to do with equal rights. It's the opposite. It's state assigned privilege.

Get in line and lobby for privileges. That's the kind of government Democrats want.
Be careful what you wish for. Making them a protected class under ADA will give them all sorts of rights and probably won't bar them from any jobs. They'll probably get increased accommodations.

Friend of mine told me that at his job, a coworker recently came back from an extended leave identifying as the opposite sex, and the company sat everyone down and made sure that they all used the right pronouns and that there was no dead-naming going on. Why? They didn't want the potential lawsuit.

If SCOTUS rules the way you want, you'll see more of that,not less.

Forced speech is a violation of freedom of speech.

And not going to end well.
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I do not think the Supreme Court is deciding if gender dysphoria is a mental illness, it appears they are trying to decide if it is a disability. If it is a disablity that qualifies ADA, there are going to have to be accommodations made. Wonder what that would look like.
Accommodations or restrictions, it's not a one way street.
I do not think the Supreme Court is deciding if gender dysphoria is a mental illness, it appears they are trying to decide if it is a disability. If it is a disablity that qualifies ADA, there are going to have to be accommodations made. Wonder what that would look like.
It will look like the hapless King, waking down the street naked, while the dutiful subjects admire his fine attire.
Interesting argument with which I agree that it’s a mental illness. But since it’s a mental illness everyone with high security jobs should be reassigned to peeling potatoes and rearranging the flowers in the lobby. You can’t have mentally ill people running our society.

The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear a case, Kincaid v. Williams, that turns on whether gender dysphoria is a protected category under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a decision that brings into focus how the clash over transgender rights could arrive at the high court’s docket in the heady days before the 2024 presidential election.

The ADA, co-sponsored by Senators Ted Kennedy and Harkin and passed in 1990, mandates that a “covered entity” shall not discriminate against “a qualified individual with a disability.” It aimed to expand the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which encompasses race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity, to reach those with disabilities.

The ADA defines a “disability” as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” In 2008, Congress mandated that “disability” shall be “construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted.”

It's a mental illness.
THEREFORE every rule and regulation limiting their activities or employment is a violation of the ADA.
Which, of course, means you support criminality.
SCOTUS will determine if it’s a mental illness. It’s not me making the argument that it is, I simply agree.
Do you really want a bunch of lawyers whatever their political leanings to decide what is or is not a mental illness?

Ready for the courts to decide
How many guns
How many kids
How many marriages
constitutes a mental illness?

This looks like one of those sliiiiiiipery slopes you guys are always crying about.
I can only say on the subject of my observations with these types of people. In my past job where I go into people's homes to do repairs, I have been verbally and physically abused by those types. Only once was I badly hurt so I let their parents handle the situation. I didn't see a need to call the police. If this behavior is common among these folks then I say yes there is some mental Illness situation and I agree they maybe shouldn't be allowed in certain jobs and situations unless they are under strict observation by a qualified person.
Tell us a story you completely made up

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