Supreme Court to Determine If Gender Dysphoria Is a Mental Illness Therefore Protected Under ADA

You don't know what a woman is. 😄
You Leftards are science deniers.
You science deniers are pathetic and need to be locked up in mental institutions.
Who's denying science? When you post facts from a reputable scientific source then we're having a conversation but you just posted a doodle and pretended it was science. Why should I take that seriously or the claim that you understand the science? 😄
Who's denying science? When you post facts from a reputable scientific source then we're having a conversation but you just posted a doodle and pretended it was science. Why should I take that seriously or the claim that you understand the science? 😄
Hilarious! You can’t define what a male and female are but you’ll lecture us on science!
Hilarious! You can’t define what a male and female are but you’ll lecture us on science!
Who said I couldn't? I didn't say that. You had to make that up because you're a little bitch. What I asked was for you to also define it and let us all know where you got that information from. As for mine?

A woman is typically someone who was identified as female at birth due to physiological characteristics such as a genitalia, chromosomes and hormone production (though occasionally these don't all align) but there is also an aspect that is largely social and a construct of expected class etiquette and behavior.

As for the source of this knowledge that would be here. Feel free to scientifically critique any of their or my points. If you can.

Whatâs the Difference Between Sex and Gender?
Who said I couldn't? I didn't say that. You had to make that up because you're a little bitch. What I asked was for you to also define it and let us all know where you got that information from. As for mine?

A woman is typically someone who was identified as female at birth due to physiological characteristics such as a genitalia, chromosomes and hormone production (though occasionally these don't all align) but there is also an aspect that is largely social and a construct of expected class etiquette and behavior.

As for the source of this knowledge that would be here. Feel free to scientifically critique any of their or my points. If you can.

Whatâs the Difference Between Sex and Gender?
Who said I couldn't? I didn't say that. You had to make that up because you're a little bitch. What I asked was for you to also define it and let us all know where you got that information from. As for mine?

A woman is typically someone who was identified as female at birth due to physiological characteristics such as a genitalia, chromosomes and hormone production (though occasionally these don't all align) but there is also an aspect that is largely social and a construct of expected class etiquette and behavior.

As for the source of this knowledge that would be here. Feel free to scientifically critique any of their or my points. If you can.
How did I know you’re a ‘humans can change sex on a whim’ science hater?
Looks like professional formal attire. I mean, I know you are freaked out but that's your hangup.
You said they don’t dress like that at work.
Of course you like mentally ill freaks running our nation. You’re a Lefty Loon.
You said they don’t dress like that at work.
Of course you like mentally ill freaks running our nation. You’re a Lefty Loon.

The only mentally ill people I see running the country are the ones who think there's an imaginary man in the sky telling them what kind of sex we should all have.
Except people with mental illnesses such as anxiety disorder or depression do that all the time.

Now, if you want to have a psych test for public office, I'm down with that. I don't think your Orange Messiah will do that well. Maybe we can have a Shrink board consisting of Dr. Bandy X. Lee and his niece, Dr. Mary Trump.

Personally, I'm not in favor of classifying Gender Dysphoria as a mental illness, because Gender Dysphoric people are perfectly capable of doing their jobs. It's the rest of society that freaks out.
Lol, they wouldn't even test Biden. Everyone but liberals can plainly see he has dementia.
if you can prove that, have at it.
Do you not see recent footage of him? He doesn't know where he is at. I saw a reporter shout out a question and one of Biden's handlers said he isn't answering questions. Biden said no I'll take it and it was a disaster.
The only mentally ill people I see running the country are the ones who think there's an imaginary man in the sky telling them what kind of sex we should all have.
The one's that don't believe in God are Transforming children and pumping them full of experimental drugs. I'll go with Christian's running the country.
Interesting argument with which I agree that it’s a mental illness. But since it’s a mental illness everyone with high security jobs should be reassigned to peeling potatoes and rearranging the flowers in the lobby. You can’t have mentally ill people running our society.

The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear a case, Kincaid v. Williams, that turns on whether gender dysphoria is a protected category under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a decision that brings into focus how the clash over transgender rights could arrive at the high court’s docket in the heady days before the 2024 presidential election.

The ADA, co-sponsored by Senators Ted Kennedy and Harkin and passed in 1990, mandates that a “covered entity” shall not discriminate against “a qualified individual with a disability.” It aimed to expand the protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which encompasses race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity, to reach those with disabilities.

The ADA defines a “disability” as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” In 2008, Congress mandated that “disability” shall be “construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted.”

Special rights for special people.

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