Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

You are not a good businessman if you base your hiring practice on illegal discrimination
Good businessman? Those who deliberately break the law are generally called criminals ;)
synonyms: lawbreaker, offender, villain, delinquent, felon, convict, malefactor, wrongdoer, culprit, miscreant;
thief, burglar, robber, armed robber, gunman, gangster, terrorist;
informalcrook, con, jailbird, hood, yardbird, perp;
And government officials who pass LAWs to make criminals out of average modest citizens to manipulate social norms are known as traitors and dictators.
And do you think churches should be made to officiate gay weddings?
Hell no! And I will add that even bringing that up is idiotic. Who the hell would want to get married in a place or by a person who is hostile to the union. Ya think that it might case a pale over their future? Most people would.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption
I think you mean "illegal discrimination".

I don't mean to nitpick. It's just that not all discrimination is illegal.
I discriminate when I select a flavor of ice cream to buy.
And do you think churches should be made to officiate gay weddings?
Hell no! And I will add that even bringing that up is idiotic. Who the hell would want to get married in a place or by a person who is hostile to the union. Ya think that it might case a pale over their future? Most people would.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption

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According to the Supreme Court the baker is not guilty of breaking the law. And this was decided by a large majority of the judges. And the simple fact is that a gay man who only has sex with men is discriminating in his sexual preference (try to deny that).
There's no such thing as equal opportunity either. The only equality government is responsible for is equality under the law. That means that, regardless of who or what you are, everyone - black, white, rich, poor, or Mad King Donald himself - must to follow the same rules.

Maybe not in so many words however, the Constitution defers to a higher power (Creator) who, among other truths, guarantees the pursuit of happiness. Now, you can try to spin that however, basically it means equal opportunity. That being said, without basic Judeo-Christian morals and values, there can be no overall guarantee of any equality whatsoever.
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Who made up the law? If you don't wish to believe in GOD that's your mistake.

No, I just refuse to believe in a God who can fix all the world's ills, and refuses to do so.

Such a being would truly be evil.

You wish to make the lawyer and judges your gods --- they are not mine. They are no better than anyone else.

Well, you mean other than they spend a lot of time studying the law and the rest of us don't? I kind of like living in a nation of laws, but at the end of the day, I kind of want experts working ont he problem harder than I am.

I want a society that is safe for children and families. I don't see that as YOUR goal.

How do gays make the world worse for children and families?

I mean other than your own sexual insecurities.

You are trying to make out that blacks and gays are one and the same. Nothing could be further from the biblical truth. Natural physical appearance is not the same as choice or personal hygiene.

Okay, here's the problem... people once argued for segregation and slavery just as passionately and they quoted the bible to justify it.

So here's the question I ask all homophobes. Do you have any argument against gays other than "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad?"
Here's a question: should it make a difference in a case like this if it's obvious that the gay couple went out of their way to pick a fight with a Christian baker? If there were other bakers who were willing to do the cake but these guys deliberately went to this guy just so they could sue him and raise a stink about it? Do you think that intolerance should work both ways, who got harmed the most here?

Do you have any proof of that?

The thing is, if you run a business, you have to be ready for any customer, and the way you do that is follow the law just as it is written. IF you offer a service, offer it to everyone, and don't make promises you can't keep.
IF you offer a service, offer it to everyone, and don't make promises you can't keep.
Businesses have the right to decide for themselves who they engage in commerce with. Not even a little sorry that your hateful, envious, fascist ass doesn’t like it.

They are not an extension of government no matter how much you wish they were.
How do gays make the world worse for children and families?
Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families. You are the poster child for why children should stay in school. Just the simple things like missing Sex Ed have had a profoundly negative effect on your life. You don’t even realize that two members of the same sex cannot procreate.
Actually there is but I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate you about that. But I will say that "sexual minorities " also refers to those with a sexual orientation that is in the minority. And don't try to tell us that scientifically they don't exist either. They exist legally and that is what matters

Actually there is no other sex other than male and female. If you have proof of a 3rd sex please provide it. You don't have to 'educate' anyone just provide scientific proof.

Sure when I have nothing better to do than to play special ed. teacher. Meanwhile, you might want to learn how to use Google
And do you think churches should be made to officiate gay weddings?
Hell no! And I will add that even bringing that up is idiotic. Who the hell would want to get married in a place or by a person who is hostile to the union. Ya think that it might case a pale over their future? Most people would.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption

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Actually, the question of an entitlement to a religious exemption has not yet been adjudicated. We have here an issue of someone's right to equal treatment vs someone else's right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
I addressed that earlier. There is the traditional interpretation of religious freedom and the new , contrived view that religious freedom means imposing your religious views on others.
The thing is, if you run a business, you have to be ready for any customer, and the way you do that is follow the law just as it is written. IF you offer a service, offer it to everyone, and don't make promises you can't keep.

The Court is leaning in the direction of letting shop owners do as they please and letting the market decide. Sorry to be the one to break it to you. Now if it was about the stuff protected in the Constitution like race, actual gender, country of origin; static stuff that people simply cannot help no matter what, then it might be a different story. But religions and lifestyles have no dominance one over the other. That's what the Court just found.
I addressed that earlier. There is the traditional interpretation of religious freedom and the new , contrived view that religious freedom means imposing your religious views on others.

You mean like the gay cult imposing its religious views on Christians in the marketplace under threat of financial punishment?
And do you think churches should be made to officiate gay weddings?
Hell no! And I will add that even bringing that up is idiotic. Who the hell would want to get married in a place or by a person who is hostile to the union. Ya think that it might case a pale over their future? Most people would.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption

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According to the Supreme Court the baker is not guilty of breaking the law. And this was decided by a large majority of the judges. And the simple fact is that a gay man who only has sex with men is discriminating in his sexual preference (try to deny that).

1. The SCOTUS does not decide guilt or innocence... they interpret the law and decide issues of constitutionality

2. Regarding gay men and how they "discriminate", you are dishonestly, or perhaps ignorantly conflating two meanings of " discrimination. There is a difference between discriminating in terms of your preferences in your personal relationships and discriminating AGAINST others in the public arena. Is it remotely possible that you do not have the intellectual capacity to understand that?
Businesses have the right to decide for themselves who they engage in commerce with. Not even a little sorry that your hateful, envious, fascist ass doesn’t like it.

They are not an extension of government no matter how much you wish they were.

Quite the contrary... businesses are subject to business law, which is why that hamburger you had for lunch wasn't smeared with feces like the kid who heard your ranting about how they only deserved min wage wanted to do.

I kind of want government making sure the businesses I deal with follow the law, and so do you.

Well for starters, homosexuals cannot have families. You are the poster child for why children should stay in school. Just the simple things like missing Sex Ed have had a profoundly negative effect on your life. You don’t even realize that two members of the same sex cannot procreate.

Uh, dude, gays have families. Family is more than biology. My oldest sister wasn't the biological daughter of my dad, but he treated her just like he did the four kids who were. Gay folks adopt, they have kids in failed attempts at heterosexuality.... and they are mostly just fine.

If pro-creating were the only requisite for "family", we wouldn't have a lot of the problems we have with deadbeat dads.

Do you want to keep saying stupid things? Because I can do this all day.
The Court is leaning in the direction of letting shop owners do as they please and letting the market decide. Sorry to be the one to break it to you. Now if it was about the stuff protected in the Constitution like race, actual gender, country of origin; static stuff that people simply cannot help no matter what, then it might be a different story. But religions and lifestyles have no dominance one over the other. That's what the Court just found.

The only thing they found was that the Commission was rude to the cake maker...

Saying that discrimination is a religious right is going to cause all sorts of problems.
And do you think churches should be made to officiate gay weddings?
Hell no! And I will add that even bringing that up is idiotic. Who the hell would want to get married in a place or by a person who is hostile to the union. Ya think that it might case a pale over their future? Most people would.
So, why would you want a person who is "hostile" (as you call it) to make cakes for individuals that they pity?

Pity ? Really? Actually that is a pretty good point. But that does not change the fact that it is discrimination and that they are not entitled to a religious exemption

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, the question of an entitlement to a religious exemption has not yet been adjudicated. We have here an issue of someone's right to equal treatment vs someone else's right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
I addressed that earlier. There is the traditional interpretation of religious freedom and the new , contrived view that religious freedom means imposing your religious views on others.

That is bullshit. The baker guy doesn't want to impose his religious views on anybody, but he also does not want somebody telling him he isn't entitled to act on his own religious views and convictions either. There's nothing new or contrived about that.
The only thing they found was that the Commission was rude to the cake maker...

Saying that discrimination is a religious right is going to cause all sorts of problems.

Actually they found that 1st Amendment protections extend to the marketplace. And that the city violated the bakers Constitutional rights by punishing him for practicing his faith at his business.

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