Sure the senate won’t remove Trump, but seeing Trump losing his shit alone is worth it

What do you think he will lose?
Trump is gaining one more notch in his belt as the most immoral, unethical President in history.
One of only 3 President's who was impeached. He and Bill Clinton are birds of a feather.

Except scumbag Willy was charged, lost his law license, and had to pay one of his victims $800k in damages.

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Fuckwit Trump is being charged too. Good job. He'll be found not guilty of course. He'll claim that he is vindicated, but when a party votes along partisan lines, I wouldn't call that a victory at all. He will and his Deplorable, thick-as-pig-shit base will wallow in the mud of his victory. Scum. The lot of them.
Hey, did you notice how there were no actual crimes listed in the articles of impeachment?

No, you didn't. Your programming didn't include that bit of crucial information.

Democrats count on you being stupid. And you don't let them down.
Well he wouldn’t be crying at the rally now would he? He would wait til later when he’s alone with his Big Mac and then start balling.

Unlike the dim dyke queen hilly, who just ran away after her crushing defeat. Hilly had left the building. Couldn’t function under any pressure. We dodged a bullet there! [emoji1787][emoji867]

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Ah yes Hillary losing in 2016. That’s all you people really have isn’t it?
lol It's clearly the only thing you people have been able to think about.

Some day you might realize that that is bullshit, and just the excuse Trump uses to explain why so many people hate him,
lol Even the people who say they hate him don't know why they hate him. You hate him because you think you're supposed to.
His teevee told him to.

That you idiotically think Democrats accused the Impeached Trump of doing exactly what Biden did serves only to reveal how mentally unstable you are

Sometimes you need a hard, filthy type of guy who's not afraid to get dirty to do a really dirty job, and cleaning up Washington is a really dirty job. The first thing you do when cleaning out a hog pen is disturb the crap, and that's when it stinks the worst. Trump is rude, crude, nasty, and tough enough to take the crap being flung at him on a daily basis.
Dems just don't get it. All's fair in love, war, and politics.
Doesn't matter history books won't be kind to the orange idiot. You can like his economy that he inherited but he is a filthy person with a filthy mouth and a filthy attitude....the only ones that find him not filthy are filthy people.
I don't effin care. I'm happy, I got my tax cut, new sections of border wall are going up, and we're safer because of Trump's Muslim ban.
I consult the magic 8 ball: The impeachment haze clears, I see 4 more years of Trump...a judicial investigation, major upheavals in the impeachment process...Democratic leaders undergoing legal scrutiny...It goes hazy.
No need. They have enough to bring the procedure in. You know, in typical neocon whackadoodle fashion, you're shooting the messenger. Don't you think it would have been a good idea for your Orange Messiah just to shut his trap? If he hadn't made that phone call, and not even mentioned Biden, none of this would have happened. But no. He's grown up in a life of privilege, thinking he is above the law, can do whatever he wants with impunity. When you are the POTUS, you are under a microscope 24/7. The only person to blame for this farce - and it is a farce - is the Fucktard himself. Just can't keep is big, fat gob shut. He deserves everything that comes his way. In spades.
It's how the game of politics is played. You Dems are a bunch of crybabies.
Being one of three presidents that were impeached is enough.
Trump accomplishes construction of the border wall, Dems accomplish one of the three impeachments in US history.
Trump is an enigma. But Democrats want to dictate in the name of freedom, they are a contradiction. Why I left. I am not for Trump, I am an apostate, a refugee from the democratic liberal oppression . They contradict themselves, Liberals aren't liberals anymore, they are shills for globalist.
Being one of three presidents that were impeached is enough.
Trump accomplishes construction of the border wall, Dems accomplish one of the three impeachments in US history.

There is about .5 miles of privately funded new wall in Texas that has been shut down. Where is all the new wall you are talking about?
You are correct that the Democrats' war against border security has been successful in that respect, yet illegal crossings are down by 75% because President Trump has managed to persuade Mexico and and some in Central America to help keep the illegals away from our border.
Trump is an enigma. But Democrats want to dictate in the name of freedom, they are a contradiction. Why I left. I am not for Trump, I am an apostate, a refugee from the democratic liberal oppression . They contradict themselves, Liberals aren't liberals anymore, they are shills for globalist.
Exactly. I stopped voting for Democrat politicians when they became agents for foreign countries.
Hey, did you notice how there were no actual crimes listed in the articles of impeachment?

No, you didn't. Your programming didn't include that bit of crucial information.

Democrats count on you being stupid. And you don't let them down.

Of course there's no crimes listed in the articles of impeachment <rolls eyes>..
No need. They have enough to bring the procedure in. You know, in typical neocon whackadoodle fashion, you're shooting the messenger. Don't you think it would have been a good idea for your Orange Messiah just to shut his trap? If he hadn't made that phone call, and not even mentioned Biden, none of this would have happened. But no. He's grown up in a life of privilege, thinking he is above the law, can do whatever he wants with impunity. When you are the POTUS, you are under a microscope 24/7. The only person to blame for this farce - and it is a farce - is the Fucktard himself. Just can't keep is big, fat gob shut. He deserves everything that comes his way. In spades.
It's how the game of politics is played. You Dems are a bunch of crybabies.

I'm not a Dem idiot. I'm not even America. I'm just dumbfounded the supposedly 'greatest' country on Earth can elect such a numbskull to its highest office in the land.

And no, that is not how the game is played. Trump is playing his own game and is getting himself buried for being such a fucking retard.
Being one of three presidents that were impeached is enough.
Trump accomplishes construction of the border wall, Dems accomplish one of the three impeachments in US history.

There is about .5 miles of privately funded new wall in Texas that has been shut down. Where is all the new wall you are talking about?
You are correct that the Democrats' war against border security has been successful in that respect, yet illegal crossings are down by 75% because President Trump has managed to persuade Mexico and and some in Central America to help keep the illegals away from our border.

Down 75% with no new wall. Imagine that.
Hey, did you notice how there were no actual crimes listed in the articles of impeachment?

No, you didn't. Your programming didn't include that bit of crucial information.

Democrats count on you being stupid. And you don't let them down.

Of course there's no crimes listed in the articles of impeachment <rolls eyes>..
Soooo...there was no legitimate reason for the impeachment.

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