Surfactanct is a disinfectant often injected into infants lungs.

SURFACTANT: a substance which tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved.
DISINFECTANT: a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.

The DHS department doing the investigation re coronavirus and surfaces was NOT testing surfactants. They were testing disinfectants. There is a more common name for surfactant: soap
When Anderson Cooper made the leap from "disinfectant" to surface cleaning agents, it was HE and his worthless hack network that connected the generic term "disinfectant" to specific products like Lysol. This is manufactured crisis #847 brought to you by a partisan, hateful group of so called journalists who are destroying this country just as surely as China virus. Oh BTW here is one NIH article on a "disinfectant" called Surfactant that is routinely injected straight into baby's lungs. Once again take a look at my avatar. Stop being the goldfish.

Not a cnn approved expert
Meanwhile ...the same leftist who scream drumph .... and to get your vaccinations...most have never really bothered to look at the labels of all types of other harmless vaccines ....that contain mercury and formaldehyde
When Anderson Cooper made the leap from "disinfectant" to surface cleaning agents, it was HE and his worthless hack network that connected the generic term "disinfectant" to specific products like Lysol. This is manufactured crisis #847 brought to you by a partisan, hateful group of so called journalists who are destroying this country just as surely as China virus. Oh BTW here is one NIH article on a "disinfectant" called Surfactant that is routinely injected straight into baby's lungs. Once again take a look at my avatar. Stop being the goldfish.

The thing is we all heard him using the term disinfectant, nobody heard him use a surfactant. We also heard him harping on "light inside the body" which one can only assume is ultraviolet also a bad idea according to health experts.

Learn something.

Hanna Baglia

This normally isnā€™t my jam, but Iā€™m tired of reading posts about trump suggesting we inject ourselves with disinfectants and everyone is assuming Lysol or bleach...
My life is a circus and Iā€™m truthfully not going to participate in any debates
I just wanted to leave this here for anyone who wants clarity /cares to read what I am sharing from a few other peeps in the medical field.

Also guys, to edit this, I thought by saying ā€œI am sharing this from a few other people,ā€ it would be clear that I didnā€™t write this - just sharing and passing along.
ā€œTrump at the press conference today:

ā€œthis stuff is fascinating, so if UV rays kill the virus can we look into something like that systemically, to use inside the body?
And if bleach and alcohol kill the virus can we maybe look into something similar, that we can inject or inhale? I donā€™t know Iā€™m just asking the questions. ā€œ

Audience comments:

ā€œwhat an idiot! He knows nothing! Are you gonna tell people to drink bleach now? Leave it to the doctors!ā€
(I guess ā€œthere are no stupid questionsā€ doesnā€™t apply here).

Well actually since you mention it. Yes! We do use UV rays via IV to kill microbes! Very successfully actually! We do use IV hydrogen peroxide and ozone! We already use hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver via nebulizer, ozone intranasally via oil bubbler and ozone intestinally! And with very little side effects and no risk of bacterial resistance!!!
Trump may be many things but heā€™s no dummy. His instincts have actually been more on target than the ā€œexpertsā€. Itā€™s about time we start using naturopathic, effective, safe and inexpensive therapies and wave goodbye to the gorilla hold that pharma has on our entire medical system, our legislators, our citizens and our entire country!
By the way...spoiler alert, those who vaccinate ALREADY DO INJECT disinfectants into yourself. Read the CDCā€™s excipient list if you truly care about whatā€™s being injected
Enter light therapy and sound therapy and loads of research to support it

The media was so quick to have a laugh at the expense of the Presidency instead of celebrating holistic options that do not add to their bottom line.

Therapy 1: UBI.

ā€œUltraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis..... We would like to propose that UBI be reconsidered and re-investigated as a treatment for systemic infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in patients who are running out of (or who have already run out) of optionsā€

Therapy 2: ozone therapy

ā€œIts effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O3 is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system.... Diseases treated are infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.... Ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first O3 generator in the US, later forming the ā€œTesla Ozone Company.ā€
And we all know the Tesla/Trump connection.

Therapy 3: sound healing

More sound therapy in the form of amplified frequency for oxygen.

Therapy 4:

Sun pharmaceuticals. Producing HQC and distributing a lot of it for free. Super cheap drugs.

Therapy 5:
So now you know all this; you know why Birx reacts like this ....
When Anderson Cooper made the leap from "disinfectant" to surface cleaning agents, it was HE and his worthless hack network that connected the generic term "disinfectant" to specific products like Lysol. This is manufactured crisis #847 brought to you by a partisan, hateful group of so called journalists who are destroying this country just as surely as China virus. Oh BTW here is one NIH article on a "disinfectant" called Surfactant that is routinely injected straight into baby's lungs. Once again take a look at my avatar. Stop being the goldfish. mean trump cultists. Infants.
Give it a rest. Drumpf didnt know that. He already said he was just kidding. You cant make it right. Just deal with the fact that he is a fuckup. Besides, surfactants are produced by the lungs naturally numb nuts. Also the word "disinfectant" is no where to be found in your own link.

"Surfactant: A fluid secreted by the cells of the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) that serves to reduce the surface tension of pulmonary fluids; surfactant contributes to the elastic properties of pulmonary tissue, preventing the alveoli from collapsing. "
Seriously...Trump said a dumbass thing and the TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome) is in overdrive trying out new stories to explain how really didnā€˜t say what he said. This is like thread 124 on it.
When Anderson Cooper made the leap from "disinfectant" to surface cleaning agents, it was HE and his worthless hack network that connected the generic term "disinfectant" to specific products like Lysol. This is manufactured crisis #847 brought to you by a partisan, hateful group of so called journalists who are destroying this country just as surely as China virus. Oh BTW here is one NIH article on a "disinfectant" called Surfactant that is routinely injected straight into baby's lungs. Once again take a look at my avatar. Stop being the goldfish.

Seriously? You don't know what a surfactant is, yet you're willing to conflate it with "disinfectant" on the basis that the caboose of the word looks similar?

A surfactant is an agent that reduces the surface tension of water or other liquid. I use a surfactant in my record cleaning fluid. It is in no way a disinfectant. Not even related.

Holy SHIT this was a stupid thread idea.
When Anderson Cooper made the leap from "disinfectant" to surface cleaning agents, it was HE and his worthless hack network that connected the generic term "disinfectant" to specific products like Lysol. This is manufactured crisis #847 brought to you by a partisan, hateful group of so called journalists who are destroying this country just as surely as China virus. Oh BTW here is one NIH article on a "disinfectant" called Surfactant that is routinely injected straight into baby's lungs. Once again take a look at my avatar. Stop being the goldfish.

The thing is we all heard him using the term disinfectant, nobody heard him use a surfactant. We also heard him harping on "light inside the body" which one can only assume is ultraviolet also a bad idea according to health experts.

Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.
Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.

Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.

That must be it.

Go & snort some Clorox.
Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.
Suggesting people inject Bleach into their body is not a very good instinct.
Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.

Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.

That must be it.

Go & snort some Clorox.
There we go! Weapons grade stupid RealDave! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump has instincts after talking with experts behind closed doors. You guys have to lie, cheat and steal to try to discredit him, as he is a threat to you. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t be going out of your way every chance you get.

Tell us how the idea of injecting sunlight or disinfectants needed any kind of "effort" to discredit, because I'm feeling like I got a free ride here. :dunno:
Give it a rest. Drumpf didnt know that. He already said he was just kidding. You cant make it right. Just deal with the fact that he is a fuckup. Besides, surfactants are produced by the lungs naturally numb nuts. Also the word "disinfectant" is no where to be found in your own link.

"Surfactant: A fluid secreted by the cells of the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) that serves to reduce the surface tension of pulmonary fluids; surfactant contributes to the elastic properties of pulmonary tissue, preventing the alveoli from collapsing. "

Turn off CNN. Trump never told you to snort PineSol

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