Surge, Obama's popularity spikes

Not to be unexpected, though, I would say a lot of it has to do with just having some goal and direction, whether one agrees or not, as opposed to the other aisle, which is now seen as a party without rudder.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.

Well no..

This was the same meme you folks used against Clinton as well.

Didn't work then..won't work now.
Obama, is no Clinton.

Exactly. I'm no republican mouthpiece. I'm a conservative. Unlike liberals, I give credit where credit is due (something that is as foreign to a liberal as compassion is).

Clinton, although a disgrace to the office, turned our economy around and did a hell of a job returning us to economic viability. I give him absolute credit for that. Now, if he could have just kept his pants zipped up and not around his ankles.......

Obama? I'm waiting........Obama?

Like Clint said. Empty suit.
The democrats arent winning so much as ,the republicans are sucking so epically badly it sometimes makes me wonder if they are doing it on purpose. Once the GOP stops trashing themselves, they are going to crush the dems.

I have long been a party..."whatever".....but I will tell you this...unless we make some major changes, we will simply serve in the next many elections as, "also ran."

Newt mentioned recently some of the changes we will have to come to peace with.
Obama, is no Clinton.

Exactly. I'm no republican mouthpiece. I'm a conservative. Unlike liberals, I give credit where credit is due (something that is as foreign to a liberal as compassion is).

Clinton, although a disgrace to the office, turned our economy around and did a hell of a job returning us to economic viability. I give him absolute credit for that. Now, if he could have just kept his pants zipped up and not around his ankles.......

Obama? I'm waiting........Obama?

Like Clint said. Empty suit.

And that's bullshit.

If you had any idea what a fucked situation the financial industry was'd understand what a hat trick it was to save the banks, brokerage houses, exchanges and other dependent industries WITHOUT seizing them. Same with the Auto industry.

But even if you didn't get that..getting the fuck out of Iraq was also a big deal.

But even if you didn't get that..locating and killing Osama Bin Laden was pretty major. Gaddafi was the cherry on top.

Along with all of that..was comprehensive health care and setting up a consumer watchdog board to keep an eye on the financial industry. That..and after the first year of the first term, SPENDING..has been flat..

And this has been done with some pretty fierce obstruction making use of "emergency" parliamentary procedures to gum up the works.

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