Surge, Obama's popularity spikes

The democrats arent winning so much as ,the republicans are sucking so epically badly it sometimes makes me wonder if they are doing it on purpose. Once the GOP stops trashing themselves, they are going to crush the dems.

If we had a congressional configuration that matched population as opposed to geography..Republicans would never win another election.

About a third of the people in this country that can vote, actually do vote and mainly because most Americans don't think voting makes any difference.

In some regard..they are right.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.
I am certainly not surprised. Unemployment has been falling for nearly two years. The stock market is approaching an all time high, home sales are the highest in 2 and half years, and he has passed the most sweeping healthcare bill since Medicare. And most importantly, he has won a second term. I'm surprised it isn't higher.
The democrats arent winning so much as ,the republicans are sucking so epically badly it sometimes makes me wonder if they are doing it on purpose. Once the GOP stops trashing themselves, they are going to crush the dems.

Your post goes along well with my train of thought, the fringe right wing lead-GOP looks so bad that even Obama looks great to 60% of the people. The GOP's unfavorable poll rating is almost twice the number of their favorable rating! It must suck, to suck so much.
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"In the poll, respondents were asked how they felt about Barack Obama personally. All responses of "You're fucking KIDDING me, right?" were counted as highly favorable."

I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.
I am certainly not surprised. Unemployment has been falling for nearly two years. The stock market is approaching an all time high, home sales are the highest in 2 and half years, and he has passed the most sweeping healthcare bill since Medicare. And most importantly, he has won a second term. I'm surprised it isn't higher.

OK..let's take a look at your proof, shall we?

unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 7.8% - real measure of success. Most eceonomists figure that the "real" unemployment numbers hover at nearly 12% nationwide.

The stock market has no more to do with our economy than bus schedules at a greyhound bus station. Mony changers are making billions, trillions off GLOBAL markets and, in spite of the American economy. WallStreet would PREFER that we have a robust economy, but until then? They will make money in markets where there is money to be made. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Home sales are the highest in nearly 2.5 years because there is virtually NOTHING left to foreclose on and home buyers, as well as speculators are BUYING, not SELLING. A one-sided market. The GDP this month was ZERO. That has never happened in the US. ZERO. Nothing grew. Obama expected a 4 % growth and got ZERO. Unbelievable.

Obama did indeed, pass the most sweeping healthcare fiasco in our nation's history and business after business and union after union (not to mention the very President and Congress that forced that crap down OUR collective throats) are looking for ways to NOT HAVE TO COMPLY with that same law. It's good enough for us, the peasants, but not for the president, the House, the Senate, The AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the IBEW, The SEIU and any other union that SCREAMED for passage of said bill - hell, PROTESTED for passage in the streets!

Now, suddenly, after we have "passed the bill and found out what is in it" these same thugs want nothing to do with it.

Yeah, great accomplishments from a man who promised 128 times that "no family, making less than 250k would not see their taxes go up one penny". OK. How does that account for the 21 tax increases in Obamacare??? Hmmmmm?

Again, when a liberal holds this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals", then I'll buy into what you are spewing. Until then, take a hike.
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the hilarity of the comments so far is the implication that liberals are the dumb ones. meanwhile, how many studies have been done that show that conservative thinking is the lowest form? it's cute though. like watching your retarded sister try to masturbate her way out of a taco bell restroom stall.
Obama, is no Clinton.

you're right. obama ended don't ask don't tell, is supportive of repealing DOMA, actually passed health care reform, and saved our economy from the brink of annihilation, and is poised to sign the most comprehensive immigration reform package into law.

clinton didn't do any of that.

don't get me wrong, i'm a huge fan of clinton's presidency and i actually see a lot of similarities between how clinton was treated and his governance and obama's first term. part of it is that the republicans haven't changed the record of course. but i think both are going to be remembered as being the most progressive president of their time and yet still governing overall from a more center-right position than anything. but we'll see how much of obama's second term agenda gets done. he certainly set a high bar for himself.
also, funny to me is seeing conservatives trotting the same bullshit about "real" unemployment numbers and "not accomplishing anything" or blah blah blah. you guys really truly don't understand it do you? we have the fucking internet at our fingertips, dawgs. we can bring up the actual truth in a matter of seconds...nanoseconds really.

obama did a hell of a lot in his first term. student loans, access to women's health services, managing the gm bailout. all of these things you stubbornly insist don't actually happen we can see happen. in real time. you know what else is happening in real time? the country is changing out from underneath you. i'm not saying you're all fucked and your party is dead. but thinking that changing the way you talk about immigration instead of analyzing wither your position itself is wrong, will not do you any good.

have fun though.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.
I am certainly not surprised. Unemployment has been falling for nearly two years. The stock market is approaching an all time high, home sales are the highest in 2 and half years, and he has passed the most sweeping healthcare bill since Medicare. And most importantly, he has won a second term. I'm surprised it isn't higher.

OK..let's take a look at your proof, shall we?

unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 7.8% - real measure of success. Most eceonomists figure that the "real" unemployment numbers hover at nearly 12% nationwide.

The stock market has no more to do with our economy than bus schedules at a greyhound bus station. Mony changers are making billions, trillions off GLOBAL markets and, in spite of the American economy. WallStreet would PREFER that we have a robust economy, but until then? They will make money in markets where there is money to be made. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Home sales are the highest in nearly 2.5 years because there is virtually NOTHING left to foreclose on and home buyers, as well as speculators are BUYING, not SELLING. A one-sided market. The GDP this month was ZERO. That has never happened in the US. ZERO. Nothing grew. Obama expected a 4 % growth and got ZERO. Unbelievable.

Obama did indeed, pass the most sweeping healthcare fiasco in our nation's history and business after business and union after union (not to mention the very President and Congress that forced that crap down OUR collective throats) are looking for ways to NOT HAVE TO COMPLY with that same law. It's good enough for us, the peasants, but not for the president, the House, the Senate, The AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the IBEW, The SEIU and any other union that SCREAMED for passage of said bill - hell, PROTESTED for passage in the streets!

Now, suddenly, after we have "passed the bill and found out what is in it" these same thugs want nothing to do with it.

Yeah, great accomplishments from a man who promised 128 times that "no family, making less than 250k would not see their taxes go up one penny". OK. How does that account for the 21 tax increases in Obamacare??? Hmmmmm?

Again, when a liberal holds this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals", then I'll buy into what you are spewing. Until then, take a hike.

By claiming 60% of the country is not holding "this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals"", are you admitting 60% of the country is Liberal? -- Good on you for recognizing a left-center-left country when you see one.
Never knew America wanted to see the number of Food Stamp recipients rise, Unemployment hover at 8-9 percent, and Al Queda thriving. The facts speak for themselves. But, if that is what America wants

This is a sure sign that the US has moved left of center. Now conservatives will have to leave the country because this is no longer their America. Maybe Canada and their socialized medicine will welcome you with open arms. Of course, if Canada is too cold, maybe Mexico will suit you better. I hear Australia and NZ are accepting immigrants, if you have a skill and are under 45. Just think, you can finally move to a real conservative country with really low tax rates. You should be thankful that liberals have finally given you the reason to move to a new and more conservative country, one where you will fit right in with your far right wing ideas.
I am certainly not surprised. Unemployment has been falling for nearly two years. The stock market is approaching an all time high, home sales are the highest in 2 and half years, and he has passed the most sweeping healthcare bill since Medicare. And most importantly, he has won a second term. I'm surprised it isn't higher.

OK..let's take a look at your proof, shall we?

unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 7.8% - real measure of success. Most eceonomists figure that the "real" unemployment numbers hover at nearly 12% nationwide.

The stock market has no more to do with our economy than bus schedules at a greyhound bus station. Mony changers are making billions, trillions off GLOBAL markets and, in spite of the American economy. WallStreet would PREFER that we have a robust economy, but until then? They will make money in markets where there is money to be made. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Home sales are the highest in nearly 2.5 years because there is virtually NOTHING left to foreclose on and home buyers, as well as speculators are BUYING, not SELLING. A one-sided market. The GDP this month was ZERO. That has never happened in the US. ZERO. Nothing grew. Obama expected a 4 % growth and got ZERO. Unbelievable.

Obama did indeed, pass the most sweeping healthcare fiasco in our nation's history and business after business and union after union (not to mention the very President and Congress that forced that crap down OUR collective throats) are looking for ways to NOT HAVE TO COMPLY with that same law. It's good enough for us, the peasants, but not for the president, the House, the Senate, The AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the IBEW, The SEIU and any other union that SCREAMED for passage of said bill - hell, PROTESTED for passage in the streets!

Now, suddenly, after we have "passed the bill and found out what is in it" these same thugs want nothing to do with it.

Yeah, great accomplishments from a man who promised 128 times that "no family, making less than 250k would not see their taxes go up one penny". OK. How does that account for the 21 tax increases in Obamacare??? Hmmmmm?

Again, when a liberal holds this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals", then I'll buy into what you are spewing. Until then, take a hike.

By claiming 60% of the country is not holding "this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals"", are you admitting 60% of the country is Liberal? -- Good on you for recognizing a left-center-left country when you see one.

Ha! No! I will admit, however, that 20% TOPS is liberal and the other 40% are just plain stupid......:cuckoo:

Honestly, though, that poll is a typical poll. I don't believe for a minute that it is an objective poll. Polls can be rigged to give any result the pollster wants - whether he be republican or democrat. Elections are based on polls these days. I come from a time when there was no Internet, 3 television networks and MAYBE one newspaper in town.

In those days, folks thought for themselves. We didn't need some clown TELLING us how to feel.....That's the downfall of the electorate today. Go to work, come home, turn on your favorite cable television channel and let THEM tell you what you're suppose to think and feel. God help us all.
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The democrats arent winning so much as ,the republicans are sucking so epically badly it sometimes makes me wonder if they are doing it on purpose. Once the GOP stops trashing themselves, they are going to crush the dems.

I agree. It's not that Obama is that great of a president. It's that the GOP has gone so batshit insane in recent years that Obama looks great in comparison. I'm not sure about the "crushing the dems" part though. It will be the same back and forth we have seen for decades now. Both parties will reinvent themselves or go the way of the Whigs.
also, funny to me is seeing conservatives trotting the same bullshit about "real" unemployment numbers and "not accomplishing anything" or blah blah blah. you guys really truly don't understand it do you? we have the fucking internet at our fingertips, dawgs. we can bring up the actual truth in a matter of seconds...nanoseconds really.

obama did a hell of a lot in his first term. student loans, access to women's health services, managing the gm bailout. all of these things you stubbornly insist don't actually happen we can see happen. in real time. you know what else is happening in real time? the country is changing out from underneath you. i'm not saying you're all fucked and your party is dead. but thinking that changing the way you talk about immigration instead of analyzing wither your position itself is wrong, will not do you any good.

have fun though.
"dawgs"......Star Wars toy as an avatar.....Has claimed he's in his thirties.

Something tells me the above has never been laid.:eusa_whistle:
OK..let's take a look at your proof, shall we?

unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 7.8% - real measure of success. Most eceonomists figure that the "real" unemployment numbers hover at nearly 12% nationwide.

The stock market has no more to do with our economy than bus schedules at a greyhound bus station. Mony changers are making billions, trillions off GLOBAL markets and, in spite of the American economy. WallStreet would PREFER that we have a robust economy, but until then? They will make money in markets where there is money to be made. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Home sales are the highest in nearly 2.5 years because there is virtually NOTHING left to foreclose on and home buyers, as well as speculators are BUYING, not SELLING. A one-sided market. The GDP this month was ZERO. That has never happened in the US. ZERO. Nothing grew. Obama expected a 4 % growth and got ZERO. Unbelievable.

Obama did indeed, pass the most sweeping healthcare fiasco in our nation's history and business after business and union after union (not to mention the very President and Congress that forced that crap down OUR collective throats) are looking for ways to NOT HAVE TO COMPLY with that same law. It's good enough for us, the peasants, but not for the president, the House, the Senate, The AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the IBEW, The SEIU and any other union that SCREAMED for passage of said bill - hell, PROTESTED for passage in the streets!

Now, suddenly, after we have "passed the bill and found out what is in it" these same thugs want nothing to do with it.

Yeah, great accomplishments from a man who promised 128 times that "no family, making less than 250k would not see their taxes go up one penny". OK. How does that account for the 21 tax increases in Obamacare??? Hmmmmm?

Again, when a liberal holds this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals", then I'll buy into what you are spewing. Until then, take a hike.

By claiming 60% of the country is not holding "this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals"", are you admitting 60% of the country is Liberal? -- Good on you for recognizing a left-center-left country when you see one.

Ha! No! I will admit, however, that 20% TOPS is liberal and the other 40% are just plain stupid......:cuckoo:

Honestly, though, that poll is a typical poll. I don't believe for a minute that it is an objective poll. Polls can be rigged to give any result the pollster wants - whether he be republican or democrat. Elections are based on polls these days. I come from a time when there was no Internet, 3 television networks and MAYBE one newspaper in town.

In those days, folks thought for themselves. We didn't need some clown TELLING us how to feel.....That's the downfall of the electorate today. Go to work, come home, turn on your favorite cable television channel and let THEM tell you what you're suppose to think and feel. God help us all.
God help the citizens of Egypt, after Obama's inept ass just agreed to supply their "government" with advanced fighters, weapons, and 1.5 billion dollars in military aide.

Obama's a fuckin' idiot, and this brilliant move will no doubt blow up in his face......Christ, it has all the markings of another Syria in the making.
Actually Rasmussen has him at 54% which is down from a high of 56% last month and the beginning of this month. What is surging is the number who totallly DISAPPROVE of his performance which is up to 45% up from 41% low last month. This gives him a Presidential approval rating of -4, down from from a +3 from the end of last month.

Gallup has him at 52% down from a high of 57% last month and down from 69%, his highest rate, in Jan 2009 and up from a low of 38% on Oct 2011, running an average approval rating during his entire presidency at a 49%.

CBS News, Pravda West, has him at 51% down 6 points from Dec last year, when his disapproval rating was only 41% and is now at 45%.

Now let me explain for you mentally challenged liberals here. When you say surge, it means a forward movement, to rise. When numbers go DOWN, that is not a surge.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.

Yup. Wait till the ACA kicks in big time and folks realize what the ACA is really going to cost them.

The only winners will be those subsidized by our tax dollars and those without who we will all be paying for.

And of course it will all still be Bush's fault. Of course the current fuck in the WH doesn't need anyones vote again so I'm sure he could care less.
I, too, am surprised. He accomplishes nothing and gets credit for everything. The job market is as stagnant as the day he became president and he has now canned his BS "jobs council" that he met with twice in four years and has accomplished zero, with the exception of watching as his buddy Immelt (president of GE) ships thousands more jobs to China.

Our taxes have gone up - and it has only just began - after lying his ass off about not raising taxes on anyone making less tha 250K per year - yet his "cult" isn't bothered by his lying antics in the least. There are 4 more tax increases this year BEFORE the tax hikes (21 of them) kick in for Obamacare. The majority of the Unions (who screamed at the top of their collective lungs) in support of his ridiculous "healthcare overhaul" are now demanding that they be allowed to "opt out" due to the expense of this crap.

And the left continues to blame Bush. Stupidity at it's height.
I am certainly not surprised. Unemployment has been falling for nearly two years. The stock market is approaching an all time high, home sales are the highest in 2 and half years, and he has passed the most sweeping healthcare bill since Medicare. And most importantly, he has won a second term. I'm surprised it isn't higher.

OK..let's take a look at your proof, shall we?

unemployment has fallen from 9.8% to 7.8% - real measure of success. Most eceonomists figure that the "real" unemployment numbers hover at nearly 12% nationwide.

The stock market has no more to do with our economy than bus schedules at a greyhound bus station. Mony changers are making billions, trillions off GLOBAL markets and, in spite of the American economy. WallStreet would PREFER that we have a robust economy, but until then? They will make money in markets where there is money to be made. Welcome to the 21st Century.

Home sales are the highest in nearly 2.5 years because there is virtually NOTHING left to foreclose on and home buyers, as well as speculators are BUYING, not SELLING. A one-sided market. The GDP this month was ZERO. That has never happened in the US. ZERO. Nothing grew. Obama expected a 4 % growth and got ZERO. Unbelievable.

Obama did indeed, pass the most sweeping healthcare fiasco in our nation's history and business after business and union after union (not to mention the very President and Congress that forced that crap down OUR collective throats) are looking for ways to NOT HAVE TO COMPLY with that same law. It's good enough for us, the peasants, but not for the president, the House, the Senate, The AFL-CIO, The Teamsters, the IBEW, The SEIU and any other union that SCREAMED for passage of said bill - hell, PROTESTED for passage in the streets!

Now, suddenly, after we have "passed the bill and found out what is in it" these same thugs want nothing to do with it.

Yeah, great accomplishments from a man who promised 128 times that "no family, making less than 250k would not see their taxes go up one penny". OK. How does that account for the 21 tax increases in Obamacare??? Hmmmmm?

Again, when a liberal holds this clown to the SAME STANDARDS that they expect from "mere mortals", then I'll buy into what you are spewing. Until then, take a hike.

Great post and I couldn't agree more.

At some point those idiots who re-elected this asshole are gonna wake up and smell the coffee and regret that vote big time.
At some point those idiots who re-elected this asshole are gonna wake up and smell the coffee and regret that vote big time.

LOL. That might be your wet dream, but we knew what we were voting for the 2nd time around.

You know how "conservatives" here freaked out over his inauguration speech? Most Americans didn't and actually liked it. Step outta the bubble every once in a while.

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