Surprise! It's Americans!

Do you really need to ask that question after ranting about how you want all the American invaders in Iraq to be killed?

How is that anti American?
It is anti American foreign policy and anti murdering invasion force, but it isn't anti American.
He's lying. He's already admitted many times that he's an Indonesian Mooooslem.

Not at all, just that you're too stupid to read things properly.
I live in Indonesia, I am a Muslim, but I'm English.
Sadly, roudy is far too fucking brainless to understand simple facts.

Yeah right, you were born a Muslim Englishman. Islam is the official language of the Church of England and many Englishmen are born as Muslims. Ha ha ha.
Do you really need to ask that question after ranting about how you want all the American invaders in Iraq to be killed?

How is that anti American?
It is anti American foreign policy and anti murdering invasion force, but it isn't anti American.

So to recap you are a Muslim Indonesian who thinks he's English. If so, then why do you start eating your soiled underwear when people call you on regurgitating anti American anti Semitic crap on the Internet.

Oh wait, like we keep hearing, Islam is peaceful, and you guys really love America, as long as it submits to Islam, right?
The little blue pills are clearly not working for the cowardly, anti-American insect.

See, won't answer.

won't answer what? "would you want a foreign military
invading your country dead"???? is that the question?----
How does that question relate to the cowardly pig for islaaaam putting an axe in the head of a policeman in the USA?
And they were convicted by Americans in an American court system. Yet you use this as an excuse to attack all of America.

Where did I attack America?
You may also notice, there were several attempts to stop this getting to court.

Do you really need to ask that question after ranting about how you want all the American invaders in Iraq to be killed?

I'd ask you to pull your head out of your own ass, but you are a follower of the pedophile false prophet, so we know that's a lost cause.
Let's just go with that Freddie.

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