Surprise! It's Americans!

Can't answer the question - or darn't answer?
Here's your answer....

Ah, shooting at unarmed old ladies is fine, as long as you can claim you were attacked first, even though not a single bullet hole was found in any of vehicles, and there was absolutely no evidence they were fired upon.
That's why they were convicted, and should be executed.

If they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy I dont have a problem with it.

Are they?
Nice claim, prove it.

By the way, name the US states that border Iraq.
What, they're half way around the world, and you attacked a country that didn't attack you?
Fuck - Your troops must be an invading force - so fair game if the fuckers get shot.
Personally, I'd like to see all US troops (that are part of invasion forces) killed or badly injured.
That way, there would be massive pressure on the US government to stop invading countries and murdering people.
You get away with it because your TV show cleaned up images of war, and there aren't enough dead Americans to force your governments to stop invading countries.

I say, kill every American soldier that is part of all your invasion forces, and watch the families pressure the white house to stop your mass murder.

That, by the way, is why your government is too scared to attack countries that can hit back.
China would destroy a few US cities, and that would bring you to the realities of war; something yor government can't allow.

STFU Sand Coon!!
Your word means nothing.

Actually, old chap, I'm a white English chap.
Sorry to disappoint.

A white English chap, eh? Well, I am glad you see the US justice system worked, unfortunately it took far too long and was a terribly atrocity. But, since you seem to be so involved in US affairs what say you about these war crimes, yet to be adjudicated?

Exclusive: Devastating dossier on 'abuse' by UK forces in Iraq goes to International Criminal Court

The damning dossier draws on cases of more than 400 Iraqis, representing "thousands of allegations of mistreatment amounting to war crimes of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".

Exclusive Devastating dossier on abuse by UK forces in Iraq goes to International Criminal Court - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

British politicians and generals targeted in Iraq abuse case Law

UK soldiers accused of gunning down Afghan boys drinking tea RT News

There are more...

Maybe you should focus on your side of the pond...

He's lying. He's already admitted many times that he's an Indonesian Mooooslem.

Look up Taquiyah, the sanctioning of lying to infidels to further the cause of Islam. In fact it's mandatory.
You think every American soldier there should be badly injured or killed, You are an enemy of the US and also mine

Tell me, if a foreign force invaded the US of Arse, would you want them dead?
If so, why do you object to American invaders and mercs being killed, as they surely deserve?

The NYC cop that got axed in the head by a Muslim savage was an invader?
Tell me, if a foreign force invaded the US of Arse....

Still going to lie about being anti-American, you dishonest little fucking insect? Well, bigmouth? You want to tap away about what you think soldiers "deserve," when you and everyone reading this knows you'd never have the balls to do a damn thing about it yourself? Instead, you sit on your cowardly, impotent ass and play cheerleader to soulless, barbaric fucking terrorists. That is the beginning and end of what your pathetic, meaningless little life has become. Congratulations, insect.
They got sick of following the retarded ROE.
Terrorist would fire on em from houses and then run. The people in those houses would deny everything and protect them. They got tired of it and I dont blame em one bit.

Ah, shooting at unarmed old ladies is fine, as long as you can claim you were attacked first, even though not a single bullet hole was found in any of vehicles, and there was absolutely no evidence they were fired upon.
That's why they were convicted, and should be executed.

If they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy I dont have a problem with it.

Are they?
Nice claim, prove it.

By the way, name the US states that border Iraq.
What, they're half way around the world, and you attacked a country that didn't attack you?
Fuck - Your troops must be an invading force - so fair game if the fuckers get shot.
Personally, I'd like to see all US troops (that are part of invasion forces) killed or badly injured.
That way, there would be massive pressure on the US government to stop invading countries and murdering people.
You get away with it because your TV show cleaned up images of war, and there aren't enough dead Americans to force your governments to stop invading countries.

I say, kill every American soldier that is part of all your invasion forces, and watch the families pressure the white house to stop your mass murder.

That, by the way, is why your government is too scared to attack countries that can hit back.
China would destroy a few US cities, and that would bring you to the realities of war; something yor government can't allow.

STFU Sand Coon!!
Your word means nothing.

Actually, old chap, I'm a white English chap.
Sorry to disappoint.
They got sick of following the retarded ROE.
Terrorist would fire on em from houses and then run. The people in those houses would deny everything and protect them. They got tired of it and I dont blame em one bit.

Ah, shooting at unarmed old ladies is fine, as long as you can claim you were attacked first, even though not a single bullet hole was found in any of vehicles, and there was absolutely no evidence they were fired upon.
That's why they were convicted, and should be executed.

If they're giving aid and comfort to the enemy I dont have a problem with it.

Are they?
Nice claim, prove it.

By the way, name the US states that border Iraq.
What, they're half way around the world, and you attacked a country that didn't attack you?
Fuck - Your troops must be an invading force - so fair game if the fuckers get shot.
Personally, I'd like to see all US troops (that are part of invasion forces) killed or badly injured.
That way, there would be massive pressure on the US government to stop invading countries and murdering people.
You get away with it because your TV show cleaned up images of war, and there aren't enough dead Americans to force your governments to stop invading countries.

I say, kill every American soldier that is part of all your invasion forces, and watch the families pressure the white house to stop your mass murder.

That, by the way, is why your government is too scared to attack countries that can hit back.
China would destroy a few US cities, and that would bring you to the realities of war; something yor government can't allow.

STFU Sand Coon!!
Your word means nothing.

Actually, old chap, I'm a white English chap.
Sorry to disappoint.

Well, there you go
Yes - every American soldier that forms part of an invading force deserves death.
The US starts wars, killing many people, but claims its dead are victims of terrorism.
Of course, this just isn't true - they're victims of your own stupid governments.

US soldiers went to Iraq and performed a police action, most of the Iraqi civilian deaths were caused by fuckers like you planting bombs in market places
because they are afraid to fight. Or Sunnis gunning down Shia women and children, torturing them ?

List of 300 Islamic Terror Attacks in last four Months by Peace Loving Moderate Muslims Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

A real invasion is what you have with the ISIS murderers who come from Chechnia, Syria, England, Pakistan, butchering civilizations like the Yazidis who have lived there for thousands of years. A real invasion is what Nazi Germany did, taking over everything by force, and is what you Muslim fuckers have been trying to emulate every since you had Hitler as your role model. Why dont you just go to Iraq now and join your Sunni Brothers?
You think every American soldier there should be badly injured or killed, You are an enemy of the US and also mine

Tell me, if a foreign force invaded the US of Arse, would you want them dead?
If so, why do you object to American invaders and mercs being killed, as they surely deserve?
You think every American soldier there should be badly injured or killed, You are an enemy of the US and also mine

Tell me, if a foreign force invaded the US of Arse, would you want them dead?
If so, why do you object to American invaders and mercs being killed, as they surely deserve?

We'll let you know when that happens. If it ever comes to the point that we need the outside help of a powerful country to overthrow a dictator, then maybe we wouldnt want them dead. At this point and for the forseeable future that doesnt look very likeley.

Of course I dont want American Soldiers dead, Asshole,.. Im an American too. The great majority of our soldiers were there to try to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. Whether the Politics of it was misguided is irrelevant. If you want to criticize US government policy its one thing, but if you want my brothers and sisters in uniform hurt or killed, and expect me to feel the same wayYou can go fuck yourself. Go die please
Still going to lie about being anti-American, you dishonest little fucking insect

But you still darn't answer the question.
You, as with many cowards and hypocrites, won't answer because you know I'm right.

So prove me wrong...

Would you want a Muslim force that invaded the mainland United states, dead?
The great majority of our soldiers were there to try to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. Whether the Politics of it was misguided is irrelevant.

No, they're there to enforce change of government, and brought far worse with them than they removed.
They're an invading force, so any casualties are tough shit.
He's lying. He's already admitted many times that he's an Indonesian Mooooslem.

Not at all, just that you're too stupid to read things properly.
I live in Indonesia, I am a Muslim, but I'm English.
Sadly, roudy is far too fucking brainless to understand simple facts.
The little blue pills are clearly not working for the cowardly, anti-American insect.
The great majority of our soldiers were there to try to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. Whether the Politics of it was misguided is irrelevant.

No, they're there to enforce change of government, and brought far worse with them than they removed.
They're an invading force, so any casualties are tough shit.

What did they bring with them ? Muslims? did they unleash crates full of muslims that are killing each other? before during and after the Iraq occupation US and western forces thats what you got. More than anyone else in the world its muslims killing other muslims or Christians, budhists,hindus etc. Islam is a religion of peace, so were still waiting for That. The minute The muslims stop Killing people, the peace all over the world will start and there will be no reason for anyone else to get involved. But wait, your still going to stone your own daughters to death on an accusation of infidelity..... No, you guys are going to always be miserable by your own doing
Who is shocked that the terrorist terror attack in Iraq turned out to be Americans? I was totally shocked.

America, where brain cells go to die.

US jury convicts Blackwater guards in 2007 killing of Iraqi civilians US news The Guardian

US jury convicts Blackwater guards in 2007 killing of Iraqi civilians
Security guards for private US contractor guilty of manslaughter for notorious 2007 incident that left 17 dead in Baghdad
Three security guards working for the private US contractor Blackwater have been found guilty of the manslaughter of a group of unarmed civilians at a crowded Baghdad traffic junction in one of the darkest incidents of the Iraq war.

A fourth, Nicholas Slatten, was found guilty of one charge of first-degree murder. All face the likelihood of lengthy prison sentences after unanimous verdicts on separate weapons charges related to the incident.

The Nisour Square massacre in 2007 left 17 people dead and 20 seriously injured after the guards working for the US State Department fired heavy machine guns and grenade launchers from their armoured convoy in the mistaken belief they were under attack by insurgents.

But attempts to prosecute the guards have previously foundered because of a series of legal mistakes by US officials, and the case had attracted widespread attention in Iraq as a symbol of apparent American immunity.

The terrorist US government tried to shield these murderers from court action, but justice finally had its day, seeing them found guilty of murdering unarmed civilians.

American terrorists finally convicted, in one of very few cases that actually made it to court.

And they were convicted by Americans in an American court system. Yet you use this as an excuse to attack all of America.

If these "terrorists" were Islamic, they'd be given high accolades within the Muslim community for murdering people.

Carry on, dipshit.
And they were convicted by Americans in an American court system. Yet you use this as an excuse to attack all of America.

Where did I attack America?
You may also notice, there were several attempts to stop this getting to court.
And they were convicted by Americans in an American court system. Yet you use this as an excuse to attack all of America.

Where did I attack America?
You may also notice, there were several attempts to stop this getting to court.

Do you really need to ask that question after ranting about how you want all the American invaders in Iraq to be killed?

I'd ask you to pull your head out of your own ass, but you are a follower of the pedophile false prophet, so we know that's a lost cause.

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