Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

I didn't know there were that many Democrats left.

You's strange...only in the states where Obama is winning are the Dems being overpolled. Somehow, they don't over-poll in Texas, Nebraska, Louisiana, Georgia.... In those states, the pollsters miraculously pick out just the right number of 50/50 Dems and Reps. Just in the states where Obama is winning.

The whole idea of oversampling by nearly EVERY POLLING ORGANIZATION is such shit that republicans should be ashamed of even bringing it up. Then there would have to be some shame left in party politics for that to happen.

You's strange...only in the states where Obama is winning are the Dems being overpolled.

I'm pretty sure all the polls that use the 2008 turnout models are overpolling Dems in every state.
I didn't know there were that many Democrats left.

You's strange...only in the states where Obama is winning are the Dems being overpolled. Somehow, they don't over-poll in Texas, Nebraska, Louisiana, Georgia.... In those states, the pollsters miraculously pick out just the right number of 50/50 Dems and Reps. Just in the states where Obama is winning.

The whole idea of oversampling by nearly EVERY POLLING ORGANIZATION is such shit that republicans should be ashamed of even bringing it up. Then there would have to be some shame left in party politics for that to happen.

They're over-polling Democrats in EVERY state, you really think it's that close in solidly Red states?

Go for it if that's what you want to believe... :D:cool:
Why you're right.. you took a week off before you resumed stalking... your therapist is very proud of you.

Like most leftists, you can't handle disagreement. It oppresses you. You want the freedom to say what you like with no repercussions.

Grow up, boy.
Timestamped: 09-22-2012, 08:46 AM
There are no reprecussions, other than you sadly following me around because no one else pays attention to you anymore....
Timestamped: Today, 03:39 PM

8 and a half days later -- and I'M following YOU around.

What a pussy. :lmao:
Why you're right.. you took a week off before you resumed stalking... your therapist is very proud of you.

Like most leftists, you can't handle disagreement. It oppresses you. You want the freedom to say what you like with no repercussions.

Grow up, boy.
Timestamped: 09-22-2012, 08:46 AM
There are no reprecussions, other than you sadly following me around because no one else pays attention to you anymore....
Timestamped: Today, 03:39 PM

8 and a half days later -- and I'M following YOU around.

What a pussy. :lmao:

Well, I actually have a life outside of here, unlike yourself...

And I knew I could bait you pretty easily.

Dance, my OCD puppet... Dance.
Democraps control the media and pollsters.

They believe if you tell enough lies through the media then rig polls to fool Joe Schmoe that it is really the truth, then they will vote against Romney/the GOP on election day.

It is the mob mentality, that we see in the muslim world today....someone says it's true then it must be let's go vote or riot!

They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!

Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

The funny part is, the have no idea how much damage they are doing to Obama by claiming a huge victory for him every day.

All that is doing is making what little voting base Obama has left feel comfortable that their job is done, while it's motivating the hundreds of millions of Americans who HATE Obama to get up off their couch and vote his ass out.

This is going to be a landslide loss for Obama that rivals the one Carter experienced (appropriate considering that Obama has followed the Jimmy Carter blueprint for failure to the letter - complete with allowing embassy's to be over run while showing fear of those responsible).

Good post.
Democraps control the media and pollsters.

They believe if you tell enough lies through the media then rig polls to fool Joe Schmoe that it is really the truth, then they will vote against Romney/the GOP on election day.

It is the mob mentality, that we see in the muslim world today....someone says it's true then it must be let's go vote or riot!

They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!


The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:
Democraps control the media and pollsters.

They believe if you tell enough lies through the media then rig polls to fool Joe Schmoe that it is really the truth, then they will vote against Romney/the GOP on election day.

It is the mob mentality, that we see in the muslim world today....someone says it's true then it must be let's go vote or riot!

They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!


The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!


The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
I think all politicians lie, Candy. But my reference is to the media lying for the president, that is where the rubber meets the road. That ISN'T their job, their job is to vet what is stated and report that. Not happening.
Democraps control the media and pollsters.

They believe if you tell enough lies through the media then rig polls to fool Joe Schmoe that it is really the truth, then they will vote against Romney/the GOP on election day.

It is the mob mentality, that we see in the muslim world today....someone says it's true then it must be let's go vote or riot!

They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!



I guess it was either this or "Bridgegate"


Life: Get one today
The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
I think all politicians lie, Candy. But my reference is to the media lying for the president, that is where the rubber meets the road. That ISN'T their job, their job is to vet what is stated and report that. Not happening.

And the Romney campaign had what, $700,000,000 to get their message out? Puh-leeze.

The two men's agendas were held up against one another and Romney was judged unsuitable. During the 99% protests, you guys nominated basically the posterboy for the 1%--a horse in the Olympics and a car elevator at his house...That is why you lost.

Ask yourself, is there anything about Romney you didn't know? Is there anything about Obama you didn't know? Okay then.
Obama's convention bounce seems to have evaporated. Rasmussen today has Romney up 3 points. Today's Gallup tracking poll had Obama up 5, a loss of 2 points over two days. Gallup uses a 7 day rolling average, so expect this number to continue to come down over the next several days. Undaunted, the media are trumpeting new polls with show Obama with 3 point lead nationally and significant leads in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Virginia. As is becoming routine, these new polls again oversample Democrats.

I realize oversampling Democrats is simply part of an effort to create an air of inevitability for Obama's reelection. Its a narrative the media is desperate to foster.

Surprise! Oversampling Dems Puts Obama in Lead

Surprise! :D
You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
I think all politicians lie, Candy. But my reference is to the media lying for the president, that is where the rubber meets the road. That ISN'T their job, their job is to vet what is stated and report that. Not happening.

And the Romney campaign had what, $700,000,000 to get their message out? Puh-leeze.

The two men's agendas were held up against one another and Romney was judged unsuitable. During the 99% protests, you guys nominated basically the posterboy for the 1%--a horse in the Olympics and a car elevator at his house...That is why you lost.

Ask yourself, is there anything about Romney you didn't know? Is there anything about Obama you didn't know? Okay then.

Are you not reading what I'm stating, or are you just deflecting (as you always do)?
I'm saying the media should vet what is stated and report what they find, and they aren't doing that.

My prior post was short and ( I thought ) very clear on my position. You come back with this? Tough night on the couch last night with the bottle of Thunderbird?
Democraps control the media and pollsters.

They believe if you tell enough lies through the media then rig polls to fool Joe Schmoe that it is really the truth, then they will vote against Romney/the GOP on election day.

It is the mob mentality, that we see in the muslim world today....someone says it's true then it must be let's go vote or riot!

They also control the Presidency....LOL

332-206 BABY!!!!


The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

Still crying about who the American people chose for President in 2012?
The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
I think all politicians lie, Candy. But my reference is to the media lying for the president, that is where the rubber meets the road. That ISN'T their job, their job is to vet what is stated and report that. Not happening.

You'll notice their was no denying the lies. Just shallow justifications.
The end does justify the means with you despite if lies are told.
That is some integrity you have going for yourself, candy. :eusa_eh:

You're going to sit there and state that Romney told no lies or half truths during the campaign? Really?

Keep in mind, for the overwhelming majority of Americans, they will never be in the exchanges.

If you're upset at Obama lying, fine. But you're not being totally honest yourself if you think Romney was totally without his red herrings. Did it swing 5,000,000+ votes? Puh-leeze.
I think all politicians lie, Candy. But my reference is to the media lying for the president, that is where the rubber meets the road. That ISN'T their job, their job is to vet what is stated and report that. Not happening.

Awwww........Bullshit. The media wants readers, subscribers, ratings and advertisers. They will go where the money is and it doesn't matter what fucking party anyone is a member of.

How many nutters use this as an excuse for the fact that they cannot find national candidates who are not greatly flawed?

McCain? Palin? Romney? Ryan?

Come my ass.

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