SURPRISE! Totalitarian Liberals Want to Make it MANDATORY TO VOTE

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!

Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!


That would trigger an alert.

Just like these totalitarian countries.

22 countries where voting is mandatory

Which of them do you hate the most, Step?

Looks like a nice list of socialist states and dictatorships.

That's a nice white supremacist in your avatar.

Are you referring to me? If you are, hang up and dial again. You have a wrong number!

What wrong number?

John Wayne was a white supremacist and proud of it.

You have the wrong number. Not buying your uninformed bullshit!

Stop getting your info from racist websites and maybe you will learn.

In an interview with Playboy he said this:

"With a lot of blacks, there's quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

5 Historic Icons Who Had A Reputation For Being Racist

By the way? I appreciate that sort of honesty.
Australia also has compulsory voting. The libertarian CATO Institute ranks Australia as the fourth most free country on Earth, ahead of the US!

CATO puts us at number 7.

While that may be, several factors go into making the determination and I imagine that compulsory voting is not enough to swing things that much.

Australia also has very strict gun control, and had a compulsory gun seizure buyback program, and they are STILL ranked ahead of the US by CATO.

Frankly, I'm surprised we are ranked as high as 7
^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!

Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!


That would trigger an alert.
Looks like a nice list of socialist states and dictatorships.

That's a nice white supremacist in your avatar.

Are you referring to me? If you are, hang up and dial again. You have a wrong number!

What wrong number?

John Wayne was a white supremacist and proud of it.

You have the wrong number. Not buying your uninformed bullshit!

Stop getting your info from racist websites and maybe you will learn.

In an interview with Playboy he said this:

"With a lot of blacks, there's quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

5 Historic Icons Who Had A Reputation For Being Racist

By the way? I appreciate that sort of honesty.

Honesty? You apparently don't have any. That quote was in response to a question regarding Angela Davis in 1971!

Angela Davis claims that those who would revoke her teaching credentials on ideological grounds are actually discriminating against her because she's black. Do you think there's any truth in that?

The red text just blows your entire idiotic line of thinking, if anyone would call your post "thinking". Context means a lot.
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

I haven't seen anybody contend that voting is not a right.


We've had to convince quite a few Voter ID proponents it is.

A recent example:

The COTUS doesn't give citizens the right to vote?

No, it doesn't.

How could you be on this forum all this time and not notice a lot of Voter ID tards don't believe voting is a right?

I have often said some of the people on this forum have a memory like that of a goldfish, and I wasn't kidding.

And you have a sentence fragment to prove you right. Talk about the mind of a gold fish, you don't have to look far. Just look inward
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

I haven't seen anybody contend that voting is not a right.


We've had to convince quite a few Voter ID proponents it is.

A recent example:

The COTUS doesn't give citizens the right to vote?

No, it doesn't.

How could you be on this forum all this time and not notice a lot of Voter ID tards don't believe voting is a right?

I have often said some of the people on this forum have a memory like that of a goldfish, and I wasn't kidding.

And you have a sentence fragment to prove you right.


The left argue you can't check ID for voting because it's a Constitutional right, which it actually isn't, but you can to buy guns even though it actually is a Constitutional right

Actually Holmes, there isn't a "right to vote"

Nowhere does it say you have a right to vote

Yes, the 14th doesn't give people a right to vote, it only says voting can not be restricted for certain reasons. Nowhere does the Constitution say it's a right to vote.

The Constitution is an enumerated document, and it does not mention a right to vote.

And so forth.
Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!

Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!

You mean commit a crime and hope you don't get caught? How come my car can go 120 MPH? No speed limit allows it. Why aren't there governors on cars to keep them going 120 MPH?
Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!

This post right here is how we know Voter ID proponents are retards.

They think voting as a dead person is going to swing an election and therefore is worth risking jail time.

Meanwhile, everyone else has figured out it isn't going to swing an election, which is why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

So you go right ahead, hot shot.
Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!

This post right here is how we know Voter ID proponents are retards.

They think voting as a dead person is going to swing an election and therefore is worth risking jail time.

Meanwhile, everyone else has figured out it isn't going to swing an election, which is why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

So you go right ahead, hot shot.

Exactly! There simply IS NO PAYOFF. If you rob a bank, you're risking jail time for SOMETHING. A single in person voter is risking everything for ZERO payoff. (Which is why in person voter fraud is more rare than painite)
Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!

This post right here is how we know Voter ID proponents are retards.

They think voting as a dead person is going to swing an election and therefore is worth risking jail time.

Meanwhile, everyone else has figured out it isn't going to swing an election, which is why in-person voter fraud is extremely rare.

So you go right ahead, hot shot.

Exactly! There simply IS NO PAYOFF. If you rob a bank, you're risking jail time for SOMETHING. A single in person voter is risking everything for ZERO payoff. (Which is why in person voter fraud is more rare than painite)

One person? How do you know it is just one person? They also do not have any chance of getting caught, so what is the penalty?
I'm down, as long as we can do write-ins. I wonder what they'd do if "suck on this" actually won an election?
Is the way it would work:

You must show up at the voting place, but you DO NOT have to vote for anyone, if you don't feel like it?
^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!

Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!


That would trigger an alert.
Looks like a nice list of socialist states and dictatorships.

That's a nice white supremacist in your avatar.

Are you referring to me? If you are, hang up and dial again. You have a wrong number!

What wrong number?

John Wayne was a white supremacist and proud of it.

You have the wrong number. Not buying your uninformed bullshit!

Stop getting your info from racist websites and maybe you will learn.

In an interview with Playboy he said this:

"With a lot of blacks, there's quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

5 Historic Icons Who Had A Reputation For Being Racist

By the way? I appreciate that sort of honesty.
Some people will believe anything, like gun control works....
Remember the old days when the RWnuts would say that if you didn't vote you had no right to complain?
Imagine how stupid that would sound if this country forced its citizens to vote, sounds socialist to me...
CHIOCE is only good to a so called: progressive/lib/socialdemocrat when it comes to the killing of the unborn. other than that you WILL do as they say OR ELSE. Progressive stands for FASCIST

it is not "totalitarian", nutty steffie....

there are many countries where people are fined if they don't vote.

i know you hate the idea that you're part of a teeny tiny wackjob minority.

you should probably get over it and go back to collecting your government checks.
Just because someone else does it doesn't make it something else..

except it isn't totalitarian. totalitarian would be if they make you vote a certain way.
That post explains a lot..

what? that i know what totalitarianism is?

you can't just throw around words... they have meaning. and not liking something doesn't make it naziism, totalitarianism, slavery or any of the other words the right likes to toss around with impunity.

sometimes it is far more appropriate to say "i don't agree".

without going all loony like the wacky o/p

"Words have meaning"



how about forcing everyone to pay back their share of the national debt? what is it now? 100,000 per american?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!

Want to commit voter fraud in a state where they don't check IDs? Check the obituaries a few days before the election. Call in to verify a dead person's polling location. Show up and vote as the deceased. Hopefully, no one will show up claiming to be the dead person unless they are another fraudulent voter too!


That would trigger an alert.
That's a nice white supremacist in your avatar.

Are you referring to me? If you are, hang up and dial again. You have a wrong number!

What wrong number?

John Wayne was a white supremacist and proud of it.

You have the wrong number. Not buying your uninformed bullshit!

Stop getting your info from racist websites and maybe you will learn.

In an interview with Playboy he said this:

"With a lot of blacks, there's quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can't all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

5 Historic Icons Who Had A Reputation For Being Racist

By the way? I appreciate that sort of honesty.
Some people will believe anything, like gun control works....

Believe what? That John Wayne was a racist asshole?

It's in the historical record.

Oh and he also outed "Communists" during the McCarthy hearings.

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