'Survival' Takes Second Place

you cant win a war against ideology ...

sooner or later all the dumbass RW's will figure that out

And yet one more hand-wringing, history-challenged Liberal checks in!

Did you know that MacArthur forced the Japanese to alter their religion?
"MacArthur orders end of Shinto as Japanese state religion"
MacArthur orders end of Shinto as Japanese state religion - Dec 15, 1945 - HISTORY.com

Add it to that infinite list of things you didn't know.

And yet one more hand-wringing, history-challenged Liberal checks in!

where did you dream that up?

psssssst .. I'm not the one with a yellow streak running down my back whining about Muslims ... you are.

You're the fool who I just proved is a hand-wringing, history-challenged Liberal...

...and I provided the link to prove it.
2. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
Any 'liberal'that cannot understand that Marxism is antithetical to classic liberalism, is not a liberal, but only a Marxist that poses as a liberal.
you cant win a war against ideology ...

sooner or later all the dumbass RW's will figure that out
Tell it to the Monarchists, you fucking Nazi

well, you're a dumbass RW, apparently you have no idea what ideology amounts to.

Don't you hate it when your posts turn into boomerangs?

if you're a Baptist you beleve in an ideology ... theres 15 Baptists in the crowd ... YOU find them

What is the rationale for electing leaders who don't admit, recognize, prepare for this sort of attack on their citizens????

Could it be that Obama's can't imagine that he could have it wrong???

Watch this:

3. "The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers." Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI

And this....

4. "BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.

....he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."
Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

There is no survival instinct in electing megalomaniacs such as this one.
you cant win a war against ideology ...

sooner or later all the dumbass RW's will figure that out
Tell it to the Monarchists, you fucking Nazi

well, you're a dumbass RW, apparently you have no idea what ideology amounts to.

Don't you hate it when your posts turn into boomerangs?

if you're a Baptist you beleve in an ideology ... theres 15 Baptists in the crowd ... YOU find them


You're a slow-learner, aren't you....

Did you know that MacArthur forced the Japanese to alter their religion?
"MacArthur orders end of Shinto as Japanese state religion"
MacArthur orders end of Shinto as Japanese state religion - Dec 15, 1945 - HISTORY.com

Just as MacArthur did, the Islamo-Fascists must be made to follow Marcus Aurelius' dictum:

"Stand erect, or be made to stand erect."
you cant win a war against ideology ...

sooner or later all the dumbass RW's will figure that out
Tell it to the Monarchists, you fucking Nazi

well, you're a dumbass RW, apparently you have no idea what ideology amounts to.

Don't you hate it when your posts turn into boomerangs?

if you're a Baptist you beleve in an ideology ... theres 15 Baptists in the crowd ... YOU find them
Only idiots and libtards think you can simply spot a terrorist by looking at a picture of a crowd.

Terrorism is the subject, fool.

Thanks for assplaining so much about libtard retardedness
psssssst .. I'm not the one with a yellow streak running down my back whining about Muslims ... you are.
So do you think that the innocent people are cowards too who run from terrorists as they commit their terrorism ?
The fucking dipshit does not know it is the brown stink muslims that are killing anyone who does not adhere to their ideology.

He will now say....

But but but Christians!


The crusades!

What the world should be learning (and it isn't ) is there was an actual reason the crusades happened and it was not to convert the world to Christianity by force.

Just an example of a false teaching taught by false teachers who love to rewrite history in order to shape christianity as evil.
1. PC
2. Racial Loyalty
3. Party Loyalty
4. Survival
5. National Loyalty (Patriotism)


you cant win a war against ideology ...
sooner or later all the dumbass RW's will figure that out

Then why are we even trying?! We should just lay down our weapons, invite ISIS into the country, kneel down, and wait to be beheaded, burned at the stake, hung, drowned, and generally slaughtered.

'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam...'
yes but if you speak out against mass immigration you lose your income, your freedom and our family.

survival of the self

There is survival and there is survival.

I hope you're not making excuses for the mentally ill who support Obama and Bill's wife....

Once again, are you now or have you ever been a member of the John Birch Society?

Answer the question PC, for once tell the truth. I also wonder if you are a member of any right wing group, neo nazi organization or other antisocial gang, set or mob?

I readily admit to being a registered Democrat, a Navy Vet, a CAL Grad and liberal / progressive on the issue of equal rights, and seek sane gun control laws and fiscally responsible elected officials.

You call others who disagree with you names (idiot, moron, fool are your favorites) and the rest of your schtick is, "ain't (Obama, Clinton (both), Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, Democrats) awful", punctuated with perfidious carp and the RED SCARE.
psssssst .. I'm not the one with a yellow streak running down my back whining about Muslims ... you are.
So do you think that the innocent people are cowards too who run from terrorists as they commit their terrorism ?
The fucking dipshit does not know it is the brown stink muslims that are killing anyone who does not adhere to their ideology.

He will now say....

But but but Christians!


The crusades!

What the world should be learning (and it isn't ) is there was an actual reason the crusades happened and it was not to convert the world to Christianity by force.

Just an example of a false teaching taught by false teachers who love to rewrite history in order to shape christianity as evil.

Please post quotes in context of all those who love to rewrite history, especially those who claim Christianity is evil - some Christians are, BTW, but they are not followers of Christ.
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Please posts quotes in context of all those who love to rewrite history, especially those who claim Christianity is evil - some Christians are, BTW, but they are not followers of Christ?
Oh, good Gawd, half the libtard that post here claim Christianity is evil every damned day, like TommyTainant, Syriously, edthecynic and RDean.
psssssst .. I'm not the one with a yellow streak running down my back whining about Muslims ... you are.
So do you think that the innocent people are cowards too who run from terrorists as they commit their terrorism ?
The fucking dipshit does not know it is the brown stink muslims that are killing anyone who does not adhere to their ideology.

He will now say....

But but but Christians!


The crusades!

What the world should be learning (and it isn't ) is there was an actual reason the crusades happened and it was not to convert the world to Christianity by force.

Just an example of a false teaching taught by false teachers who love to rewrite history in order to shape christianity as evil.

Please posts quotes in context of all those who love to rewrite history, especially those who claim Christianity is evil - some Christians are, BTW, but they are not followers of Christ?

I agree they are not followers of Christ. Hence, my agreement. However, do not even pretend that the pathetic left does not love to blame Christians or obfuscate to accuse Christians of doing the same type of thing that the brown skin colored stink bombs on behalf of their pathetic false religion.

BTW, are there are bigger bunch of pussies in the world? What types of people think it is honorable to celebrate to attack and kill people who are vulnerable and unarmed?

Biggest of bunch of fucking pussies on the planet. It is literally sucker punching people and taking delight in it. The fact that they even think it is honorable, tells me all I would ever need to know about any of them. Especially about their false prophet.
psssssst .. I'm not the one with a yellow streak running down my back whining about Muslims ... you are.
So do you think that the innocent people are cowards too who run from terrorists as they commit their terrorism ?
The fucking dipshit does not know it is the brown stink muslims that are killing anyone who does not adhere to their ideology.

He will now say....

But but but Christians!


The crusades!

What the world should be learning (and it isn't ) is there was an actual reason the crusades happened and it was not to convert the world to Christianity by force.

Just an example of a false teaching taught by false teachers who love to rewrite history in order to shape christianity as evil.

Please posts quotes in context of all those who love to rewrite history, especially those who claim Christianity is evil - some Christians are, BTW, but they are not followers of Christ?

I agree they are not followers of Christ. Hence, my agreement. However, do not even pretend that the pathetic left does not love to blame Christians or obfuscate to accuse Christians of doing the same type of thing that the brown skin colored stink bombs on behalf of their pathetic false religion.

BTW, are there are bigger bunch of pussies in the world? What types of people think it is honorable to celebrate to attack and kill people who are vulnerable and unarmed?

Biggest of bunch of fucking pussies on the planet. It is literally sucker punching people and taking delight in it. The fact that they even think it is honorable, tells me all I would ever need to know about any of them. Especially about their false prophet.
You mean like when George Custer would attack and kill all the villagers when the warriors were gone....?

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