Suskind's Confidence Men Raises Questions About Obama's Credibility


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Since the GOP has nothing better to offer, I will continue to support Obama - but this article highlights some of the reasons he has disappointed me...and many others:

By Dan Froomkin

Barack Obama is heading back onto the campaign trail, running as a champion of the middle class and even hoping to harness the Occupy movement's public anger at Wall Street.

But the higher he soars with his populist rhetoric, the more he calls attention to the enormous gap between the promise of hope and change that he campaigned on in 2008 and the actions he has taken as president -- especially regarding the economy, which is still stagnating, and Wall Street, which remains unpunished and unbowed even after causing the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

As a result, voters will inevitably be asking themselves: Who is this guy, really? Does he mean what he says? Will he do what he says? And would a second-term Obama be different?

Consider what progressive hero Elizabeth Warren told Suskind in a September 2009 interview:

"You can't run a policy based on a misdirection, on a fiction," she said. "I don't know what the president is thinking. I don't see the president. He meets with bankers. He doesn't meet with me. But if he's involved in this at all, he's got to know that his angry words at Wall Street, at their recklessness and dangerous incentives in compensation, about how they do their business in ways utterly divorced from what's actually good for the economy -- that he can't just say that sort of thing, and then dump money in their laps and be credible."​

MUCH More: Dan Froomkin: Suskind's Confidence Men Raises Questions About Obama's Credibility
'The Obama Deception.' Check it out. It's very interesting & enlightening. You don't have to believe everything in it but there is a lot of truth in it. Obama and Bush work for the same Bosses.

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