Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I'm leaning towards someone way too young to vote as the perp
Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a foreigner involved either. With the spelling errors it would make sense if someone without a good English speaking background was involved
Nah, we have plenty of bad spellers here who have never spoken anything but English. Einstein couldn't spell, either, but this Mad Bomber does not appear to have been an Einstein, for a lot of reasons.
Look what I found on Occupy Democrats Facebook page (Trump, bomb related)

Look what I found right here on this forum posted just before a pipe bomb was put in Soros's mailbox:

If Trump openly declared and in depth investigstion into soros and his organization and everyone linked to it. Go over every action perpetrated by that scumbag and everyone linked to him.

If he declared after the investigation that high treason has been established and there will be executions (all democrats and half of republicans) that, would be an automatic victory.
'Bombs' delivered to Liberals...missing the blasting caps (reportedly), meaning they could not be detonated. The delivery of so many to so many different locations 'simultaneously' me almost believing that this could be a coordinated ploy by the Democrats to counter Hillary ' F* Up of publicly calling for increased violence and an end to civility until Democrats get power back.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
this thread is a great example of someone pre-judging based off stereotypes. the "left" doesn't seem to like it. (ironic i know to use 'the left" like this) but you go back and do what they're doing and it just becomes a stupid circle of nothing.
they double down.
Why are we now just hearing dems coming out denouncing violence? Just a tad hypocritical, dont ya think? Maybe just maybe thesse heinous acts will cause a ratcheting down of the rhetoric on both sides.... nah doubtful.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
I whiz on your stereotypes daily.
Odd bathroom habits there, Bucky.
you don't whiz? hmmm now that is odd.
Soros is a convicted Felon- I don't know why they even let him into this country. But it explains the circles he runs in, and how he was able to hook up with guys with bomb making abilities.
I keep hearing that this is an attack against the free press. This seems to be because one of the bombs went to the CNN headquarters, addressed to John Brennan. But it's ridiculous to suggest that CNN was themselves being targeted. Every package has been addressed to an individual, and every individual is a prominent figure in liberal politics, or prominent voice of liberal ideology, who has been targeted for criticism by Donald.

To identify CNN as a target is grasping at straws. If the perpetrator wanted to target CNN they would have sent a device to an exec, or to a handful of CNN's on air personalities. The infinitely more plausible inference is that the perpetrator was aware Brennan has appeared on the network, possibly mistakenly thought he was a regular contributor for CNN, and couldn't figure out any better way to address a package to him. CNN's involvement in this is that of an unfortunate bystander.

But CNN and MSNBC are latching onto this in order to make a more sensational story. Doing this feeds into the "fake new" narrative that Donald loves to weave. It seems that nothing has been learned.
Brennan doesn't even work for cnn. Why would they sent it to him there?
These fake look like bombs were sent by a democrap
Looks more like the work of some more dimwitted Russians.
Nah the ruskies bombs would work..... this is a democrap
Russia couldn't take all of Ukraine because their gear wouldn't go that far. :biggrin:
Yet their gear can reach every point in the USA

Wake up
Haven't ever seen that. Please try again.
So you admit that you are so dumb that you do not know of Russian missiles

We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target.

Why couldn't they be set up to be detonated by a local cell phone, i.e. an agent with a burner phone has a local assignment which he then triggers at the proper time, while other local agents trigger theirs. You seem to be assuming this is one single guy.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

Can't argue with that.

Could be a collaborative effort among many co-conspirators, but the more involved in any conspiracy, then the more likely they will get busted. You know the saying- 2 people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

Am I the only one who has considered that this was a political stunt before the election to gain sympathy for democrats? So many attempts, and they all fail miserable. It could easily be argued that the perp was sending a message and wasn’t intent on harming, all the targets were high profile? It just doesn’t add up....?

You're not the only one, no. The Echobubble is frantically pushing that scenario already.

Know why they're doing that?

Same reason they were all over this board trying to make excuses for James Fields and before him Jeremy Christian and before them the rally protest assaulters. Same reason they're out here desperately trying to put Hitler on the "left" ---- because they live on Composition Fallacies and have yet to figure out that that IS a fallacy. They dug their own hole and willingly jumped into it.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
this thread is a great example of someone pre-judging based off stereotypes. the "left" doesn't seem to like it. (ironic i know to use 'the left" like this) but you go back and do what they're doing and it just becomes a stupid circle of nothing.
I agree. The stereotyping need to stop. My initial post was indeed an overgeneralization. I added "some" to my post.
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It is only Contards that dispute that these bombs were not real.
Not only that, but arguing they weren't really terrorist attacks.

I know we don't know who did this yet.......but when someone tries to diminish the seriousness of these bombs being sent, it does make one go hmmmmmmm. (On another note: IF this is found to be some moron on the Left, will those diminishing the seriousness of these bombs continue to do so?)
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
this thread is a great example of someone pre-judging based off stereotypes. the "left" doesn't seem to like it. (ironic i know to use 'the left" like this) but you go back and do what they're doing and it just becomes a stupid circle of nothing.
I agree. The stereotyping need to stop. My initial post was overgeneralization.
so let me ask you then, are all trump supporters deplorable?
This morning I read from a troll in a conservative message board (not USMB) that the bombs sent yesterday to several political figures could not have exploded because they "didn't have a blasting cap".

Bomb technicians who are not anonymous nicknames in message boards contradict this fake news:
Multiple senior bomb technicians briefed on the case said that the aspiring bomber had all the components necessary to set off a successful explosion.
Pipe bombs mailed to political figures have matching characteristics
I heard the same thing - thank you for the clarification / true info.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
I whiz on your stereotypes daily.
Odd bathroom habits there, Bucky.
you don't whiz? hmmm now that is odd.
I don't "whiz" on stereotypes. I use a toilet.
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.
Not without a trigger or blasting cap to generate the heat.

This us why you failed in school and ended up on welfare
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

You can set off pyrotechic powder (aka black powder for your information) with a match.

Jesus why do you morons think you are experts on everything even when you don't know diddly shit?

The bombs had no igniter, so dont be stupid no one is going to throw a fake pipe bomb into a fire.

I assume u can read
1 AA battery and the tungsten filiment from a small light bulb is all it would take. It has batteries and you wouldn't be able to see the filiment through the casing on that x-ray.

Now stop talking outta yer ass and wait for the experts to report.
Look doofus it doesn't matter what it would take, what matters is what the fake bombs had, and they had no igniter.

Wake up
You don't know what they had and didn't have. Now stop making things up and let's wait for the report.

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