Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Lol at liberals.

The bombs.....are faaaaake
So you think that it's funny that people are sending fake bombs around the US? :cuckoo:
Still trying to sell off all those "Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies.
Still no luck?
As usual you're on the wrong side of sanity.
The "people" are going to end up being radical LIBs who didn't have the fucking brains to even attach functioning detonating devices. Why? B/c they didn't want to blow themselves up!
"Just make up a bunch of 'made for TV bombs. We'll send them to everyone who hates Trump. By the time everyone figures out the obvious the midterms will be over and we will have won the midterms".
Have a link or just a load of fartsmoke?
When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

There are other types of "fuses". Altimeter, ones with a mercury switch that detonate when moved (neither apply here), switches that activate when manipulated, like when opening the package. If you think about switches instead of fuses, there are many more possibilities.

Having said that, I don't think they were ever intended to go off. I think they are a false flag operation.

On a pipe bomb? :doubt:
Well we know they weren’t switches rigged to go off when opened, since they were opened and didn’t go off. I did wonder about this possibility though. That would require someone who could almost be an electrical engineer. Also, not all that feasible using cardboard boxes, could be set off way too easy jostling around in transit. It’s not like the switch is being secured to something solid like plastic, or metal, a door, whatever, like what happens that staple or whatever is securing the switch gets loose? You’d also have to make sure they opened the correct end of the box, since you’d have to close and secure the one end with the trigger, and then arm from the other end, and close that up. It’s also much more dangerous to work with vs the other types of fuses, and again would require a lot of skill and knowledge that I doubt that someone would posses those traits, actually build it, but execute the rest of their plan this retardedly. Either way, a rigged switch was not the case.

It would seem the were created to be nothing more than what they have become... a media buzz. The real ones would have made landfall with body parts raining down on the neighborhoods.

Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
Republicans aren't the smartest bunch. They don't even have enough teeth to go around.
These fake look like bombs were sent by a democrap
Looks more like the work of some more dimwitted Russians.
Nah the ruskies bombs would work..... this is a democrap
Russia couldn't take all of Ukraine because their gear wouldn't go that far. :biggrin:
Yet their gear can reach every point in the USA

Wake up
Haven't ever seen that. Please try again.
I keep hearing that this is an attack against the free press. This seems to be because one of the bombs went to the CNN headquarters, addressed to John Brennan. But it's ridiculous to suggest that CNN was themselves being targeted. Every package has been addressed to an individual, and every individual is a prominent figure in liberal politics, or prominent voice of liberal ideology, who has been targeted for criticism by Donald.

To identify CNN as a target is grasping at straws. If the perpetrator wanted to target CNN they would have sent a device to an exec, or to a handful of CNN's on air personalities. The infinitely more plausible inference is that the perpetrator was aware Brennan has appeared on the network, possibly mistakenly thought he was a regular contributor for CNN, and couldn't figure out any better way to address a package to him. CNN's involvement in this is that of an unfortunate bystander.

But CNN and MSNBC are latching onto this in order to make a more sensational story. Doing this feeds into the "fake new" narrative that Donald loves to weave. It seems that nothing has been learned.
You're right, they need to stop trying to be like FOXNEWS and just give us the story straight.
I'm leaning towards someone way too young to vote as the perp
Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a foreigner involved either. With the spelling errors it would make sense if someone without a good English speaking background was involved
This supports the notion that the bombs were sent by the left to counter the negative blowback they've gotten from their calls for violence against Republicans.
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.

Until this week, I didn't even realize that Soros owned a place in New York.

Deport this character to his native Hungary.

I don't mean any ill will to Prime Minister Orban- who has done a tremendous job ruling Hungary, but Soros is really his problem not ours.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

I don’t agree with Trump openly skewering the media (even though it’s warranted) and correct me if I’m wrong, but not once has he advocated physical harm or death of media figures or liberal figures.

Has he done a Maxine Waters and I just missed the headlines?
Trump said of Gianforte,
“any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Trump's book, he had written about giving his music teacher a black eye.

At Iowa caucus feb 2016:
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise"

All sorts of other example of encouraging supporters to hit protestors. one exampe is John Franklin McGraw. Federal Judge David Hale had ruled in favor of victims of such incitement.

"Please don't be too nice" to suspects, Trump tells police
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.

Hey is that Tree Beard the the Ent? Love that avatar!
I keep hearing that this is an attack against the free press. This seems to be because one of the bombs went to the CNN headquarters, addressed to John Brennan. But it's ridiculous to suggest that CNN was themselves being targeted. Every package has been addressed to an individual, and every individual is a prominent figure in liberal politics, or prominent voice of liberal ideology, who has been targeted for criticism by Donald.

To identify CNN as a target is grasping at straws. If the perpetrator wanted to target CNN they would have sent a device to an exec, or to a handful of CNN's on air personalities. The infinitely more plausible inference is that the perpetrator was aware Brennan has appeared on the network, possibly mistakenly thought he was a regular contributor for CNN, and couldn't figure out any better way to address a package to him. CNN's involvement in this is that of an unfortunate bystander.

But CNN and MSNBC are latching onto this in order to make a more sensational story. Doing this feeds into the "fake new" narrative that Donald loves to weave. It seems that nothing has been learned.
You're right, they need to stop trying to be like FOXNEWS and just give us the story straight.
stupid!!! and sad. what a sad fk you are,
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Other than you not one other conservative on this board seems to agree with the gist of this post.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

I don’t agree with Trump openly skewering the media (even though it’s warranted) and correct me if I’m wrong, but not once has he advocated physical harm or death of media figures or liberal figures.

Has he done a Maxine Waters and I just missed the headlines?

Technically correct. It wasn't just "once".

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is".

"There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher. We've become weak. Beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, I promise".

""Any guy who can do a bodyslam, he's my kinda guy"

"I think you would have riots [if he loses]"

Yep. Not by any definition "once".
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.
I call bullshit. No links, no whites, no nothing except rwnj bullshit wet dreams.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
I whiz on your stereotypes daily.
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.
I call bullshit. No links, no whites, no nothing except rwnj bullshit wet dreams.
He certainly seems to have abandoned this thread, hasn't he?
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
this thread is a great example of someone pre-judging based off stereotypes. the "left" doesn't seem to like it. (ironic i know to use 'the left" like this) but you go back and do what they're doing and it just becomes a stupid circle of nothing.
Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a foreigner involved either. With the spelling errors it would make sense if someone without a good English speaking background was involved
Wouldn't be surprised if the perp is an older white, disgruntled and grieved white American-born citizen.

In fact, I'm almost willing to bet on it.
Cons defending terrorism. Or really, Cons not knowing the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is the spread of terror, fear and intimidation. This is what these devices accomplished and were meant to do.

Contards being contards seem confused that it matters not that whether these devices exploded or not, be it intentionally or by luck. but that it was the act itself which was terrorism.

If their minds were not so polluted with hate they would see this fact.
i'm your huckleberry...very conservative and do you see me doing that?

nope. but i did just take a whiz on your stupid stereotypes.
You may be the exception. I have one. Any other takers?
I whiz on your stereotypes daily.
Odd bathroom habits there, Bucky.

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