Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
With the resistance movement failing, the Mueller Investigation turning into a joke, mob action on the part of democrats turning public opinion sour and the president on the verge of holding both houses of Congress, what could possibly happen to save the democrats? How about bombs sent to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, George Soros and Robert Di Nero? Boy, that would do it; and just before election too when it was needed most.

This terrorist act appears to have come just in the nick of time to counter growing public sentiment against democrats in the wake of poll numbers reflecting voter disgust at accosting public figures in restaurants and other public settings at the behest of democratic operatives like Maxine Waters.

The problem here is the timing. Why would a Trump supporter, riled by rhetoric at a Trump rally, launch a bomb attack with bombs that don’t explode just before the mid-term elections when many voters are on the fence? The desperation of the marginalized opposition is at a fever pitch and the apparent Reichstag aspect of this act is a chilling reminder that there are probably no lengths political outliers won’t go to regain and maintain power.

Out of all those bombs not one of them has detonated or harmed a hair on the head of a single democrat. That’s because those bombs were likely never deigned to explode; they were crafted to swing a close election.

Package bombs are extremely difficult to trace which is why it took years to track down Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski who was living in an isolated shack, traveling great distances to mail his bombs and leaving no fingerprints. Yes, technology, including DNA identifying processes and cameras has improved by leaps and bounds but the perpetrator or perpetrators only need to remain unidentified for a matter of days before the election takes place to achieve the maximum effect of turning crucial votes.

Most of us cherish our democracy and believe that sinister operations like this could never happen here but what is at stake appears to have thrown the opposition to the current administration into an almost crazed state of the end justifying the means. Many democrats seem to feel that they are on mission to save the world from a people controlling their government instead of the other way around as it is in the rest of the world.
Not difficult to trace at all, they were all post marked and returned to sender addresses as Debbie Wasamansnitch. Now why would some conservative be angry with Debbie after what she did to Bernie? Seems that it is a Bernie supporter who was pissed at Debbie for taking the 2016 primary away from his/her/its candidate and gave it to LOSER, Hitlery Clinton(who is married to a rapist and abuser of women)…

IT'S SCIENCE. Why Democrat Women Tend To Be Butt Ugly
no they were not all postmarked. i've seen several pics where the stamps were still "clean".
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Fireworks don’t use blasting caps nitwit. This is why this wasn’t done by Democrats. Because if it was they would’ve worked.

Republicans don’t go enough another school to build a working bomb.

Except for Timothy McVeigh, and his was lucky enough to work way beyond all Republican expectations.
With the resistance movement failing, the Mueller Investigation turning into a joke, mob action on the part of democrats turning public opinion sour and the president on the verge of holding both houses of Congress, what could possibly happen to save the democrats? How about bombs sent to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, George Soros and Robert Di Nero? Boy, that would do it; and just before election too when it was needed most.

This terrorist act appears to have come just in the nick of time to counter growing public sentiment against democrats in the wake of poll numbers reflecting voter disgust at accosting public figures in restaurants and other public settings at the behest of democratic operatives like Maxine Waters.

The problem here is the timing. Why would a Trump supporter, riled by rhetoric at a Trump rally, launch a bomb attack with bombs that don’t explode just before the mid-term elections when many voters are on the fence? The desperation of the marginalized opposition is at a fever pitch and the apparent Reichstag aspect of this act is a chilling reminder that there are probably no lengths political outliers won’t go to regain and maintain power.

Out of all those bombs not one of them has detonated or harmed a hair on the head of a single democrat. That’s because those bombs were likely never deigned to explode; they were crafted to swing a close election.

Package bombs are extremely difficult to trace which is why it took years to track down Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski who was living in an isolated shack, traveling great distances to mail his bombs and leaving no fingerprints. Yes, technology, including DNA identifying processes and cameras has improved by leaps and bounds but the perpetrator or perpetrators only need to remain unidentified for a matter of days before the election takes place to achieve the maximum effect of turning crucial votes.

Most of us cherish our democracy and believe that sinister operations like this could never happen here but what is at stake appears to have thrown the opposition to the current administration into an almost crazed state of the end justifying the means. Many democrats seem to feel that they are on mission to save the world from a people controlling their government instead of the other way around as it is in the rest of the world.
Newsflash! Failed investigations don’t end up with more than a dozen felony convictions.
and which of these had to do with RUSSIA again???
Isn't it interesting how we supposedly have an accurate account on what the bombs did or did not if someone was privy to information the FBI and Secret Service has.....or else is completely making it up.

I guess Media has decent LE contacts.

The bomb squads examined them pretty quickly and then communicated they had no blasting caps.

It’s weird, the one package looked like the stamps had not been cancelled. That suggests it did not actually go through to the mail.

It seems to me this is just a hoax meant to cause a stir, not “real” bombs,

Let’s hope so.

Does anyone know what was so “suspicious” about the packages?
I have it all figured out:

Clock Boy made the fake bombs!

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Rump calling for "civility" is like Michael Moore calling for "dieting".
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

AGREED = Trump should STFU
Give us an example of Trump's 'unrestrained power". You're the one that claimed the press is looking into this so called "unrestrained power. Tell us. Go ahead.
If anyone desires to see what anyone is all about, just look to their history; their past.

What does Trump's past tell US about Trump, the person?

It tells US that inside of Trump there is a nefarious, malevolent, sinister personality.

This is the person that was on television yesterday telling US all we need to reconcile & put aside our differences.

Then, this morning Trump is right back to his same old self blaming the press for the situation in this nation.

Trump's own ego will NEVER allow his to take responsibility FOR ANYTHING.

Trump has never taken responsibility for anything during his entire life.

WHY in Hell would Trump change now?

He won't.
When are the democrat mouthpieces going to report instead of spout democrat propaganda?
Every bit of my post is true & correct, and you know that it is.

That is why you come up with the lame drivel BS you respond with.

A person's history is not exclusive to politics, though you imply it is.

You are an extremely ignorant individual.
The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.

The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power.

God, you are ******* ignorant.
Give me an example of Trump's "unrestrained power". Go ahead.

My quote, "The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power" applies to ALL of history in America.

The press was here LONG BEFORE Trump was a shit stain & the press will be here LONG AFTER Trump is placed into the dust bin of history.

EXPLANATION: My quote is not exclusive to Trump, even though he sure seems to be your fvcking hero.
All this "Trump divides" and "Trump instigates" is a joke. Try watching the excitable entertainment on prime time tv and in action movies and in pop music and then come back at how "hateful" Trump's speaking style is. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Clinton and civility my arse.

Trump is our president. He should behave like a president instead of the reality show idiot that he is.
and obama should have done the same. instead he attacked FOX news and other media he didn't like, he chimed in on every social situation he could and he blamed the police for violence at every opportunity.
It's hard to not see this bomb thing as not being a hoax and one with inside help. So far none of the packages show any marking that they went through the regular mail system. No bar codes, no scuff marks or dirt, the latest one to Biden had a hand written postage due taped to it. It's just not beleivable that so many packages could be sent through the mail, passing through different locations, and none of them have any markings from the post office.
Can you cite the source of all this information you're presenting?

Please and thanks.

2nd suspicious package addressed to Biden - CNN Video
Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at 11.29.50 AM.png
Nope Russian gear would have had chemical biological and or nerve agents.

Funny how you so often speak like an expert on Russian tactics. Do you know something we Americans don't?

Actually, maybe we should rethink the accusation that you're a Russian propaganda operative. Any intelligence operative would know that "chemical biological and or nerve agents" is redundant.

The point being that, if it were the Russians, they have ACCESS to those things. The average dimocrap scumbag does not. Just firecrackers; and Black Powder stolen from his Nephew's Gun Cabinet
The only people who care what the Soro's think and say is the far right.

That is EXACTLY correct. Those on the right seem to be so hung up on Soros; that's all we ever seem to hear from them.

Why are those on the right so hung up on certain things?

At least the Right knows who and what Soros is.

You lefty loons don't seem to know or care.

what is a lefty loon? Is that the male, or the female loon? I'm gonna guess the female loon.

Lefty loon.
Rump calling for "civility" is like Michael Moore calling for "dieting".
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

AGREED = Trump should STFU
Give us an example of Trump's 'unrestrained power". You're the one that claimed the press is looking into this so called "unrestrained power. Tell us. Go ahead.

You have already asked that question: Why are you repeating yourself? Having a medical emergency, or you just stu?
Nope Russian gear would have had chemical biological and or nerve agents.

Funny how you so often speak like an expert on Russian tactics. Do you know something we Americans don't?

Actually, maybe we should rethink the accusation that you're a Russian propaganda operative. Any intelligence operative would know that "chemical biological and or nerve agents" is redundant.
Retard alert. The Russians killed a brit with nerve agents anyone watching the news and not giving blow jobs in the bathroom stall like stormy the retard would know.

Bye the way the FBI does have a file with my name on it

So did you pay Donald's Bill's yet goofy
When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

B. The targets are pretty bizarre. Outside of Waters, non are actually in office. Soro’s, as I initially said, seems plausible for a crazy person. Obama, Hillary, I guess I could see but both are irrelevant and untouchable with security details. Wassermen-Schultz...WTF, who has thought of her in the past 2 years? Even when she was prominent she was a joke. Holder? Who the hell gives enough of a shit about holder? Bizzare, Soros is the only one I found believable, a then HRC and Obama were long shots. The rest...come on now.

C. The timing is suspicious. Couple weeks before election...after we’ve seen waves of leftist mobs and encouragement from prominent leftist leaders. Those haven’t played well at all in polling. The toothpaste is out of the tube for the leftist mobs, so the only thing left to do is make the right look just as bad. Tough to do when no leader is from the right is actively encouraging this behavior. So you manufacture it.

Things I’m curious and eager to learn about, and hopefully this information comes out.

A. Is law enforcement going to find any leads? If not that’s going to be curious. Someone was smart enough to not get any fingerprints left over on any part of all these devices. We’re smart to erase all trace of fingerprints or evidence on all of the internal workings, the external workings, the packaging, the stamps, etc...but weren’t at all smart enough to have even one successful attack? Weren’t smart enough to go after targets that actually mattered? Weren’t smart enough to go after easier targets? What about financial evidence? Did they cover their steps when purchasing the materials? We should be able to trace what post office these came from to narrow the search field a bit.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, but things do not add up here. It very well could’ve been a smart but still stupid crazy person, but I’m not leaning that way. This is all way too convienient...just like it was way to convienient when the other 2 kavanaigh accusers came out after Ford, as ridiculous as their claims were.
What’s up with the moderators over policing, and feeling the need to merge any topic remotely similar? My thread didn’t even address why they didn’t detonate. It partly addressed the fuse types, and how a using a timed fuse was the only method that’d work, but even then it’s quite the long shot. The other 2/3ds of my thread addressed entirely different issues besides this. If I wanted to post on this OP topic, I would’ve, and as a matter of fact I did. I wanted to address different issues, and creates a separate thread for that. @moderators, take a chill pill. Are we not allowed to have discussions involving nuances to complex matters like this? I try not to get bogged down in simplistic conversations like this OP that tend to draw a bunch of trolls and memes. I actually had some interesting challenges to my I’m having to wade the masses of shit posts, and reductionist arguments to find the few intelligent points and counter points.

@moderators, chill the fuck out, no one is going to die when there are two or more threads that happen to touch on 10% of similar material. This shit feels like that kid in elementary school who gets upset and whiny just because your desk isn’t organized like their desk, except in this case the teacher gave them the power to go in and rearrange everyone else’s desk. Ugh.

Is there a way to police moderators? There should be a veto option for these mergers, or threads that get moved (usually to random forums no one ever ventures too, even though relevant, and intelligent conversation is taking place). Moderators put in the order to move or merge...but there’s like a half hour time period for like 10 or so people to veto it.
Yes there is a very effective way to police them. However, telling you is protocol violation.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Fireworks don’t use blasting caps nitwit. This is why this wasn’t done by Democrats. Because if it was they would’ve worked.

Republicans don’t go enough another school to build a working bomb.

Except for Timothy McVeigh, and his was lucky enough to work way beyond all Republican expectations.

Jesus... so you went enough another school to come up with this gem?

What a moron.
They’re not fake bomb’s. This is overwhelming evidence that Republicans are just really crappy engineers. If they spent more time in school, they could build better bombs.

instructions to build pipe bombs is right there on THE GOOGLE - processing complex thought isnt their long suit, especially if reading those instructions are involved .....

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