Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I have it all figured out:

Clock Boy made the fake bombs!

View attachment 224704
Check out my clock:

The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.

The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power.

God, you are ******* ignorant.
Give me an example of Trump's "unrestrained power". Go ahead.

My quote, "The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power" applies to ALL of history in America.

The press was here LONG BEFORE Trump was a shit stain & the press will be here LONG AFTER Trump is placed into the dust bin of history.

EXPLANATION: My quote is not exclusive to Trump, even though he sure seems to be your fvcking hero.
So you're angry that Trump is the President. Fine. I get that. What you don't get is that your anger at Trump being elected President doesn't give you the right to use the press to insult and hound him 24/7.

I can insult any SOB on this spinning rock without the use of the press, period.

I swear, the more you keep running your mouth the more ignorant you expose yourself to be.
Ooooo, you're so tough, huh. You probably live in your mom's basement and beat off to Michael Jackson songs.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.
Not without a trigger or blasting cap to generate the heat.

This us why you failed in school and ended up on welfare
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

You can set off pyrotechic powder (aka black powder for your information) with a match.

Jesus why do you morons think you are experts on everything even when you don't know diddly shit?

A match would be the “trigger” he spoke of, would it not?
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.
Not without a trigger or blasting cap to generate the heat.

This us why you failed in school and ended up on welfare
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

You can set off pyrotechic powder (aka black powder for your information) with a match.

Jesus why do you morons think you are experts on everything even when you don't know diddly shit?

A match would be the “trigger” he spoke of, would it not?
Nope because matches can not self lite
Bye the way the FBI does have a file with my name on it

Never mind. Clearly not a native English speaker.

Spelling smack, now?

You need a time out.

If all you got to do in here is run around correcting people's spelling and their grouping of Chemical agents, you need a break.

But, you ARE a dimocrap. Which means you're chronically stupid.

You got caught quibbling little Stormy. Sac-Up.

Nerve agents are separated from Chemical Agents.

By your own experience with USPS, what are the chances of multiple packages mailed through USPS with postage stamps all arriving at their destinations the same day?

Just curious.

yet, Soros got his a few days before anyone else...….seems rather telling, dontcha think?
You really don't know Jack about George Soros do you?The biggest problem with leftest such as yourself is that you think you know it all, yet you know very little.Emotionally guided Crusading Lemmings.Read up a bit on GS and his background and the things he's done before you dig your hole deeper. "IF" you have any sense at all that is.
I'll tell you what, I've lived quite well not know about Soros and shall remain thusly. However, if you want to write out a report on him, have to me by Saturday.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Agree 100%. Liberals went way to far on Kavanaugh and they know it. This is a Liberal last ditch effort to sway the sympathy vote.
Sad there are so many conservatives who have had lobotomies.

Sad there are so many progressive lefties that need lobotomies......
Look doofus it doesn't matter what it would take, what matters is what the fake bombs had, and they had no igniter.

Wake up
You don't know what they had and didn't have. Now stop making things up and let's wait for the report.
You dont know because u are not looking

Try reading before u babble
Lol, so this anonymous source you believe?

Same article says they are trying to disarm the devices. Why would they need to disarm a device that can't explode?
Dude neither CNN or the NY post is an anonymous source

So jerk on
"A source briefed on the..." .is an anonymous source.

The use of anonymous sources has become customary in present-day journalism.
And the liberals that he gives millions of dollars to? Duh?
I have no idea. You are interested in him. You tell me.

Come on, Windy...the guy finances everything from Antifa to the caravan from Honduras yet you seem to think he's just a figment of my imagination? Pretending George Soros isn't part of the equation tells me that you know very well he is a very LARGE part of the equation!
You really don't know Jack about George Soros do you?The biggest problem with leftest such as yourself is that you think you know it all, yet you know very little.Emotionally guided Crusading Lemmings.Read up a bit on GS and his background and the things he's done before you dig your hole deeper. "IF" you have any sense at all that is.
I'll tell you what, I've lived quite well not know about Soros and shall remain thusly. However, if you want to write out a report on him, have to me by Saturday.

How can you not know about George Soros? You're either one of the more oblivious people on the board then...or you're not being honest. Pick your poison...
Well, I tried to help USMB clean up their Political Forum, like they said they wanted to do in one of their own threads above, but instead they deleted my entire thread and the posts I had placed in the thread.......If they want to have a dozen threads about the 'Pipe bomb' story, who am I to here goes:

Suspicious package at address of Robert De Niro’s restaurant being investigated by NYPD

Suspicious package at address of Robert De Niro’s restaurant being investigated by NYPD


Billionaire election manipulator, Antifa/violent protest funder, Hillary/Obama donor, kicked out of his own country for meddling in elections

Called for lack of civility, violence, and violent intolerance until Dems get back power; hired thugs to beat up Trump supporters during the 2016 election

Divider and Chief, pro-terrorists/Russian, illegally spied on Americans/reporters/the media/US Senators/USSC Justices....

Called for criminal harassment against GOP

Violent Rhetoric

DNC Fake News Propaganda Pushers

Crazy Unca Joe? WHY HIM?

The face of crazy violent Trump-hating Hollywood Liberals
You really don't know Jack about George Soros do you?The biggest problem with leftest such as yourself is that you think you know it all, yet you know very little.Emotionally guided Crusading Lemmings.Read up a bit on GS and his background and the things he's done before you dig your hole deeper. "IF" you have any sense at all that is.
I'll tell you what, I've lived quite well not know about Soros and shall remain thusly. However, if you want to write out a report on him, have to me by Saturday.

How can you not know about George Soros? You're either one of the more oblivious people on the board then...or you're not being honest. Pick your poison...

Anyone with a working brain cell knows who and what Soros is.

Only the ignorant sheep refuse to know.

Thought she was smarter than ignorant sheep but I guess not.
It is a truth universally acknowledge that Prog Hacks always blame conservatives for the false flag and fake hate crime operations performed by the Left.

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