Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Rump calling for "civility" is like Michael Moore calling for "dieting".
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

Where do you see anything about any "Hillary" in that post?

You owe me a nickel. Pogo's Law continues to reap rewards.
Rump calling for "civility" is like Michael Moore calling for "dieting".
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

AGREED = Trump should STFU
Give us an example of Trump's 'unrestrained power". You're the one that claimed the press is looking into this so called "unrestrained power. Tell us. Go ahead.

You have already asked that question: Why are you repeating yourself? Having a medical emergency, or you just stu?
You haven't given me an answer. You said the job of the press is to investigate "unrestrained power". I asked for an example and you haven't given one. That means you're full of shit.
All this "Trump divides" and "Trump instigates" is a joke. Try watching the excitable entertainment on prime time tv and in action movies and in pop music and then come back at how "hateful" Trump's speaking style is. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Clinton and civility my arse.

Trump is our president. He should behave like a president instead of the reality show idiot that he is.
and obama should have done the same. instead he attacked FOX news and other media he didn't like, he chimed in on every social situation he could and he blamed the police for violence at every opportunity.

If you try to compare Trump to Obama in any way, you lose.
Clearly a fake dem ploy
Evidence, please. Other than the voices in your head.

Thank you.
The evidence is that no one is hurt by fake bombs

Go back to wanking

Logical fallacy, retard. You ASSume much. Not only do you have no evidence of who is doing it, you have no evidence their intention was to kill.

But I get it. When there is an information vacuum, I understand you tards need to fill all that airspace in your skulls with phantasms. Manufactured bullshit.

Your credulity and stupidity are the foundation upon which Fox News and all the other propagandists are built.
From the simpleton who voted for Hillary and told us that Trump cant win
Trump thinks he can continually demonize and demoralize his opponents with his hateful rethoric , but the truth is it's backfiring like everything else he does

he's fueling the blue wave

Trump is the one making threats.
Not Democrats.
Trump is the one telling everyone to attack Republicans.
Trump is the one holding up a severed head of himself.
Trump is the one staging assassinations of Trump.
Trump is the one making disgusting videos of Trump being executed.
Trump is the one telling Democrats to kick Republicans.
Trump is the one attacking him and calling for violence on CNN and MSNBC.
Trump is the one shooting at Republicans at baseball practice.
Trump is the one that killed 53 rednecks in Vegas.
Trump is the one calling Trump the biggest threat to the planet.
Rump calling for "civility" is like Michael Moore calling for "dieting".
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

AGREED = Trump should STFU
Give us an example of Trump's 'unrestrained power". You're the one that claimed the press is looking into this so called "unrestrained power. Tell us. Go ahead.

You have already asked that question: Why are you repeating yourself? Having a medical emergency, or you just stu?
You haven't given me an answer. You said the job of the press is to investigate "unrestrained power". I asked for an example and you haven't given one. That means you're full of shit.

It isn't my problem that you (obviously) failed Civics & History, both.
When are the democrat mouthpieces going to report instead of spout democrat propaganda?
Every bit of my post is true & correct, and you know that it is.

That is why you come up with the lame drivel BS you respond with.

A person's history is not exclusive to politics, though you imply it is.

You are an extremely ignorant individual.
The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.

The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power.

God, you are ******* ignorant.
Give me an example of Trump's "unrestrained power". Go ahead.

My quote, "The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power" applies to ALL of history in America.

The press was here LONG BEFORE Trump was a shit stain & the press will be here LONG AFTER Trump is placed into the dust bin of history.

EXPLANATION: My quote is not exclusive to Trump, even though he sure seems to be your fvcking hero.
So you're angry that Trump is the President. Fine. I get that. What you don't get is that your anger at Trump being elected President doesn't give you the right to use the press to insult and hound him 24/7.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.

Where did you read it was PyroTechnic Powder?

Or, as is typical of dimocraps, are you just making shit up?

I just love how stupid Russian trolls, who don’t keep up with breaking news, always think Democrats are lying. You know who thinks everyone else is lying? Liars, that’s who. People who routinely lie, think others do too.

Lying pieces of Russian shit.

You’re either insane or incredibly xenophobic of Russians.
By your definition, so are Bombs. And Napalm.

Only if you're an idiot.

Nerve agents are typically separated from Mustard gas, chlorine gas, CS etc.

You're right, they are. The class of chemical weapons has multiple subclasses: nerve agents, blister agents, choking agents, and blood agents.

Look, you may want to do some reading up on this.
Hillary is specifically NOT calling for civility. Quite the reverse.

All these motherfuckers need to shut their goddamn mouths and stop inflaming the public.

AGREED = Trump should STFU
Give us an example of Trump's 'unrestrained power". You're the one that claimed the press is looking into this so called "unrestrained power. Tell us. Go ahead.

You have already asked that question: Why are you repeating yourself? Having a medical emergency, or you just stu?
You haven't given me an answer. You said the job of the press is to investigate "unrestrained power". I asked for an example and you haven't given one. That means you're full of shit.

It isn't my problem that you (obviously) failed Civics & History, both.
You know I'm well educated in civics and History, but this is all you have. You have nothing but your hatred for Trump and your fellow Americans that disagree with you. You're an ignorant punk and you really should be banned from this site.
Every bit of my post is true & correct, and you know that it is.

That is why you come up with the lame drivel BS you respond with.

A person's history is not exclusive to politics, though you imply it is.

You are an extremely ignorant individual.
The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.

The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power.

God, you are ******* ignorant.
Give me an example of Trump's "unrestrained power". Go ahead.

My quote, "The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power" applies to ALL of history in America.

The press was here LONG BEFORE Trump was a shit stain & the press will be here LONG AFTER Trump is placed into the dust bin of history.

EXPLANATION: My quote is not exclusive to Trump, even though he sure seems to be your fvcking hero.
So you're angry that Trump is the President. Fine. I get that. What you don't get is that your anger at Trump being elected President doesn't give you the right to use the press to insult and hound him 24/7.

I can insult any SOB on this spinning rock without the use of the press, period.

I swear, the more you keep running your mouth the more ignorant you expose yourself to be.
By your definition, so are Bombs. And Napalm.

Only if you're an idiot.

Nerve agents are typically separated from Mustard gas, chlorine gas, CS etc.

You're right, they are. The class of chemical weapons has multiple subclasses: nerve agents, blister agents, choking agents, and blood agents.

Look, you may want to do some reading up on this.
Now who seems to know about SPECIFIC TOXIC AGENTS

All this "Trump divides" and "Trump instigates" is a joke. Try watching the excitable entertainment on prime time tv and in action movies and in pop music and then come back at how "hateful" Trump's speaking style is. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Clinton and civility my arse.

Trump is our president. He should behave like a president instead of the reality show idiot that he is.
and obama should have done the same. instead he attacked FOX news and other media he didn't like, he chimed in on every social situation he could and he blamed the police for violence at every opportunity.

If you try to compare Trump to Obama in any way, you lose.
i'm sure i do.

to anyone who can't be objective and spends their life pimping one side over the other regardless of the same tactics being used by both sides.
Democrats used to get away with this stuff way back when they used to completely control the media but Americans ain't falling for the propaganda in the age of information. The whole scenario is too convenient. It seems that the CNN "bomb" was a fake and probably the rest of them. The packages looked so suspicious that they might have been labeled "BOMB". The question is whether the FBI was in on the hoax as part of it's attempted political coup.

Cool Get Out of Jail Free card bruh.

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