Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is usually the most likely. That means the bomber (and he is a bomber) is most likely a crazy Trumper.

If you're going to reach...then a "leftist" bomber is possible but much less likely.

These bombs are a MESSAGE. They obviously were trying to say something but what?

I think the Russians would have more to gain from an attack like this than anyone.

That would get us all blaming each other and that has been their goal from the beginning
I guess it's some lefty trying to provide "proof" that Conservatives are violent killers.
Key word: Guess.

You are HOPING it's a "lefty".

It is.

If a Conservative had done it, they would have worked.

Also, if a Conservative had done it, why weren't our traitorous scumbag #nevertrumpers targeted as well?? Just high-profile, always in the news, dimocrap scumbags?

We hate the turncoats FAR more than we hate dimocrap scum.

You're just stupid, the turncoat RINO's are back-stabbing scumbags.

Your lefty terrorist may think of that later on and send one or two to douchebags like Corker or Flakey Flake or Collins or any number of other turncoats.

dimocrap scum are totally incapable of independent thought.

It's why they're dimocraps in the first place.

This is so obviously a False Flag operation, it isn't even funny.

Of course, dimocrap scum are too stupid and/or too dishonest to see it.

They're gonna catch the dirtbag. Soon. Real soon. He/Xe/It left too many trails
I don’t agree with Trump openly skewering the media (even though it’s warranted) and correct me if I’m wrong, but not once has he advocated physical harm or death of media figures or liberal figures.

Has he done a Maxine Waters and I just missed the headlines?
Trump said of Gianforte,
“any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Trump's book, he had written about giving his music teacher a black eye.

At Iowa caucus feb 2016:
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise"

All sorts of other example of encouraging supporters to hit protestors. one exampe is John Franklin McGraw. Federal Judge David Hale had ruled in favor of victims of such incitement.

"Please don't be too nice" to suspects, Trump tells police

Uh-huh. When did he advocate for the physical harm or death of a CNN reporter or any of the others who received suspicious packages?
Trump's attacks on media raise threat of violence against reporters, UN experts warn.
Shouldnt be any surprise this sort of stuff is happening. considering our leadership lacks moral compass.
Trump is responsible for the descent into thuggery

I don’t gobble up propaganda.

Uh-huh... You’re not doing yourself any favors posting this tweet. You’re making assumptions about me that just aren’t true. You best move along bc I can assure you you won’t win this argument.
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.

Closed. No source

I guess it's some lefty trying to provide "proof" that Conservatives are violent killers.
Key word: Guess.

You are HOPING it's a "lefty".

It is.

If a Conservative had done it, they would have worked.

Also, if a Conservative had done it, why weren't our traitorous scumbag #nevertrumpers targeted as well?? Just high-profile, always in the news, dimocrap scumbags?

We hate the turncoats FAR more than we hate dimocrap scum.

You're just stupid, the turncoat RINO's are back-stabbing scumbags.

Your lefty terrorist may think of that later on and send one or two to douchebags like Corker or Flakey Flake or Collins or any number of other turncoats.

dimocrap scum are totally incapable of independent thought.

It's why they're dimocraps in the first place.

This is so obviously a False Flag operation, it isn't even funny.

Of course, dimocrap scum are too stupid and/or too dishonest to see it.

They're gonna catch the dirtbag. Soon. Real soon. He/Xe/It left too many trails
So many ASSumptions. You are hilarious.
These were NOT fake bombs. They were very real and that should be remembered.
Divining the perps using Occam's Razor (or psychics) is really an oversimplification. Thankfully the FBI looks for the real perps, here's hoping they nail them soon with actual irrefutable evidence.
It is only Contards that dispute that these bombs were not real.
Real bombs just not in a working condition that none of them---- NOT A ONE OF THEM--- actually exploded, all sent to high profile people and places (not one of them running for anything) with the highest security around them in ways that got them easily noticed and intercepted just to stir the ire of the Left to try to get their fat asses out to the voting booths to save the blue drip.
You mean like Trump said the caravan coming to the US was the work of the Democrats. Like that??
It is. Do you see one democrat concerned much less opposed to and fighting to stop it? Nope.

I'm sure a lot of them are, esp Warren, but the PO knows to intercept packages and Democrats know enough not to open any packages, just in case the bomber changes his mode.

Then there really is no point in sending them, is there? I mean if you REALLY are hoping to hurt someone?
If a right wing kook is behind it, he's just hurting his own cause.
If a left wing kook is behind it, he's helping his cause.

Therefore, they will never find out (or at least publicly reveal) who the actual source was before the elections.
So many ASSumptions. You are hilarious.

It's called 'presumptive evidence'

But I am quite certain that is too advanced for your limited thought processes. Stick to watching Rosy or The View.

More your IQ level
Democrats used to get away with this stuff way back when they used to completely control the media but Americans ain't falling for the propaganda in the age of information. The whole scenario is too convenient. It seems that the CNN "bomb" was a fake and probably the rest of them. The packages looked so suspicious that they might have been labeled "BOMB". The question is whether the FBI was in on the hoax as part of it's attempted political coup.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

I don’t agree with Trump openly skewering the media (even though it’s warranted) and correct me if I’m wrong, but not once has he advocated physical harm or death of media figures or liberal figures.

Has he done a Maxine Waters and I just missed the headlines?
Trump said of Gianforte,
“any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Trump's book, he had written about giving his music teacher a black eye.

At Iowa caucus feb 2016:
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise"

All sorts of other example of encouraging supporters to hit protestors. one exampe is John Franklin McGraw. Federal Judge David Hale had ruled in favor of victims of such incitement.

"Please don't be too nice" to suspects, Trump tells police

If anyone desires to see what anyone is all about, just look to their history; their past.

What does Trump's past tell US about Trump, the person?

It tells US that inside of Trump there is a nefarious, malevolent, sinister personality.

This is the person that was on television yesterday telling US all we need to reconcile & put aside our differences.

Then, this morning Trump is right back to his same old self blaming the press for the situation in this nation.

Trump's own ego will NEVER allow his to take responsibility FOR ANYTHING.

Trump has never taken responsibility for anything during his entire life.

WHY in Hell would Trump change now?

He won't.
When are the democrat mouthpieces going to report instead of spout democrat propaganda?
Every bit of my post is true & correct, and you know that it is.

That is why you come up with the lame drivel BS you respond with.

A person's history is not exclusive to politics, though you imply it is.

You are an extremely ignorant individual.
The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.
"Making bombs isn't as easy as the NRA jerks would have you think."
The NRA doesn't make bombs. Unless you mean IRA?
Anyway, the Soros device was made with black powder, all that needed was a firecracker type fuse (or a blasting cap) and it would have gone "booom".
The arguments against gun control often include "if people didn't have guns they would use bombs." That is what I meant.

On another thread, someone is claiming what it missed was the timer on the clock. I don't think anyone has enough factual information to be putting two and two together here about the bombs' construction.

It was just one of these...


...with a piece of cannon fuse sticking out of it.

They obviously forgot to light the fuse.
I don’t agree with Trump openly skewering the media (even though it’s warranted) and correct me if I’m wrong, but not once has he advocated physical harm or death of media figures or liberal figures.

Has he done a Maxine Waters and I just missed the headlines?
Trump said of Gianforte,
“any guy who can do a body slam, he is my type!”

In Trump's book, he had written about giving his music teacher a black eye.

At Iowa caucus feb 2016:
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise"

All sorts of other example of encouraging supporters to hit protestors. one exampe is John Franklin McGraw. Federal Judge David Hale had ruled in favor of victims of such incitement.

"Please don't be too nice" to suspects, Trump tells police

If anyone desires to see what anyone is all about, just look to their history; their past.

What does Trump's past tell US about Trump, the person?

It tells US that inside of Trump there is a nefarious, malevolent, sinister personality.

This is the person that was on television yesterday telling US all we need to reconcile & put aside our differences.

Then, this morning Trump is right back to his same old self blaming the press for the situation in this nation.

Trump's own ego will NEVER allow his to take responsibility FOR ANYTHING.

Trump has never taken responsibility for anything during his entire life.

WHY in Hell would Trump change now?

He won't.
When are the democrat mouthpieces going to report instead of spout democrat propaganda?
Every bit of my post is true & correct, and you know that it is.

That is why you come up with the lame drivel BS you respond with.

A person's history is not exclusive to politics, though you imply it is.

You are an extremely ignorant individual.
The job of the free press is to report on policy and current events, not be a party propaganda mouthpiece. That's what you have a hard time with. You're the ignorant one here, ding dong.

The function of the press is to be a check on unrestrained power.

God, you are ******* ignorant.
With the resistance movement failing, the Mueller Investigation turning into a joke, mob action on the part of democrats turning public opinion sour and the president on the verge of holding both houses of Congress, what could possibly happen to save the democrats? How about bombs sent to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, George Soros and Robert Di Nero? Boy, that would do it; and just before election too when it was needed most.

This terrorist act appears to have come just in the nick of time to counter growing public sentiment against democrats in the wake of poll numbers reflecting voter disgust at accosting public figures in restaurants and other public settings at the behest of democratic operatives like Maxine Waters.

The problem here is the timing. Why would a Trump supporter, riled by rhetoric at a Trump rally, launch a bomb attack with bombs that don’t explode just before the mid-term elections when many voters are on the fence? The desperation of the marginalized opposition is at a fever pitch and the apparent Reichstag aspect of this act is a chilling reminder that there are probably no lengths political outliers won’t go to regain and maintain power.

Out of all those bombs not one of them has detonated or harmed a hair on the head of a single democrat. That’s because those bombs were likely never deigned to explode; they were crafted to swing a close election.

Package bombs are extremely difficult to trace which is why it took years to track down Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski who was living in an isolated shack, traveling great distances to mail his bombs and leaving no fingerprints. Yes, technology, including DNA identifying processes and cameras has improved by leaps and bounds but the perpetrator or perpetrators only need to remain unidentified for a matter of days before the election takes place to achieve the maximum effect of turning crucial votes.

Most of us cherish our democracy and believe that sinister operations like this could never happen here but what is at stake appears to have thrown the opposition to the current administration into an almost crazed state of the end justifying the means. Many democrats seem to feel that they are on mission to save the world from a people controlling their government instead of the other way around as it is in the rest of the world.

I thought about making a thread about this, but why would someone let their vote be impacted by one nut job or a group of nut jobs? The timing says a lot, including whoever is doing it thinks Americans will let the bombs affect their vote. Really I have no idea who’s responsible, but unless it can be trailed back to a true political elite I don’t know why anyone would let it impact who they voted for.
This morning I read from a troll in a conservative message board (not USMB) that the bombs sent yesterday to several political figures could not have exploded because they "didn't have a blasting cap".

Bomb technicians who are not anonymous nicknames in message boards contradict this fake news:
Multiple senior bomb technicians briefed on the case said that the aspiring bomber had all the components necessary to set off a successful explosion.
Pipe bombs mailed to political figures have matching characteristics
If these 'bomb experts' are not anonymous why haven't they come forward???????????
They didn't inspect the 'bombs' personally. They only know what any cable TV viewer knows.
NONE of the 'made for TV' bombs had ANY detonating devices! NONE!!!!!!!

What type of detonation device was needed in your opinion?

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