Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.

So if Bernie Sanders had won, should he have stepped down when one of his supporters shot the Republicans at their baseball game?

Actually Sanders didn't obstruct justice and conspire with a foreign adversary, did he??
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.

So if Bernie Sanders had won, should he have stepped down when one of his supporters shot the Republicans at their baseball game?

Actually Sanders didn't obstruct justice and conspire with a foreign adversary, did he??

No proof Trump has either.
You already have him condemned with no evidence, just theories and assumptions.

My point was, a supporter of Sanders or Trump who did these things are their own fault by their actions, not Trump or Sanders.
The bombs di'int detonate! The bombs di'int detonate! The bombs di'int detonate!

Obviously, Wile E. Coyote is behind this.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Does your head ever ache from trying to come up with crazy conspiracy theories. This was not a disgruntled Democrat. This was someone who was influenced by the incendiary language used by Trump and his supporters.

Maybe it was just an asshole.

If it was sent to only Pubs, would you blame Maxine and Hillary?

Hillary Clinton does not use the incendiary language that Trump uses on a daily basis. A few hours after CNN received the package, Trump was vilifying the news media. It is hardly surprising that a right wing fanatic who is not all there sees it as a dog whistle to shoot up a newsroom or send a package to a news organization.

The package was for John Brennan, who works for CNN, not CNN itself, you libtard!
The only thing I know about this bombing incident, outside the reported facts, is that it's happening close to a major election. Who's behind it is unknown, least ways to the general public. Given the uncivil tenor of our political system, anything is possible. It could be unrelated to politics, for example; yesterday the Dow erases gains for the year, tumbling more than 600 points as stocks fall. I'm not going to worry about it.....yet. Point being, I deal with facts.

I think it's very much related to politics and Trump started the division and he wants unity now, no way.
Trump has been calling the Democrats evil and blasting the Democrats every chance he got, he even said the caravan is paid for by the Democrats. They were hollering "Lock her up" in Wi at his rally.

Your right, who did it is not known to the public.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

So calling half of America bitter clings, irredeemable and deplorable was just sweet talk and had nothing to do with it? Wanna buy a bridge?
I'd like to see Mad Maxine just once without that phony hairstyle.
Here you go:

Let's consid
IT is coming out know that the "bombs" could not have detonated and many many people are starting to look at the democrats, including media outlets. IMO, and I hope I am wrong, no one will be caught.

CNN ratings are rocking right now.

Let's consider motive. For instance, the progressive base has proved EXTREMELY desperate for three primary reasons:

1. They had their asses handed to them with the Kavanaugh situation, and they exposed themselves as trash.

2. You cannot objectively criticize Trump for anything outside his big mouth. He's a proven success and that's bad news for Democrats, never mind some of the DC establishment. Democrats have proved unhinged since Trump's election. The more they talk the deeper their grave.

3. The more the left baits racism, this ism and that, the more people recognize it's they who are the problem.

An option missed might be the doing of another country, terrorist group etc. etc.. Progressives would love if it were the Russians. Could be any country that takes our demise in interest. But I seriously doubt the Russians are that stupid. An unstable USA is a greater threat to Russia than a stable one.
Couldn't agree more. Democrats know it's very easy for Republicans to paint them as the "mob" and "violent" party simply by playing back their actions of the last 2 years. No doubt these bombs are being sent by someone on the Democrat side in a pathetic attempt to even public perception. Bombs that don't actually work to the exact address of key Democrats less than 2 weeks before the midterms? Please, this reeks of a Liberal hit job.
Sure does. With everything from the Obama/Sharpton race hustlers setting up the race riots, to the Kavanaugh circus, to the caravan, to this, Democrats have more schemes and scams than Charles Ponzi.
CNN could be on to something. Random scares from places like: Florids....that must have come from one of our additional 7 states that were annexed under O. EX: Mynnisota, Yoming, Git er done in farsi, spanish, russian etc. Just a ratings bonanza jackpot.
Let's consid
IT is coming out know that the "bombs" could not have detonated and many many people are starting to look at the democrats, including media outlets. IMO, and I hope I am wrong, no one will be caught.

CNN ratings are rocking right now.

Let's consider motive. For instance, the progressive base has proved EXTREMELY desperate for three primary reasons:

1. They had their asses handed to them with the Kavanaugh situation, and they exposed themselves as trash.

2. You cannot objectively criticize Trump for anything outside his big mouth. He's a proven success and that's bad news for Democrats, never mind some of the DC establishment.

3. The more the left baits racism, this ism and that, the more people recognize it's they who are the problem.

An option missed might be the doing of another country, terrorist group etc. etc.. Progressives would love if it were the Russians. Could be any country that takes our demise in interest. But I seriously doubt the Russians are that stupid. An unstable USA is a threat to Russia.

You become your enemy in order to out think your enemy.
The only thing I know about this bombing incident, outside the reported facts, is that it's happening close to a major election. Who's behind it is unknown, least ways to the general public. Given the uncivil tenor of our political system, anything is possible. It could be unrelated to politics, for example; yesterday the Dow erases gains for the year, tumbling more than 600 points as stocks fall. I'm not going to worry about it.....yet. Point being, I deal with facts.

I think it's very much related to politics and Trump started the division and he wants unity now, no way.
Trump has been calling the Democrats evil and blasting the Democrats every chance he got, he even said the caravan is paid for by the Democrats. They were hollering "Lock her up" in Wi at his rally.

Your right, who did it is not known to the public.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

So calling half of America bitter clings, irredeemable and deplorable was just sweet talk and had nothing to do with it? Wanna buy a bridge?
You should offer to sell her a brain instead.
I find it interesting that most of the Democrats who have engaged in financing, spreading, fanning the flames of, and calling for division, intolerance, and violence - who have done their best to make this the new accepted NORM (when Democrats do it) - are the ones have been targeted, as if someone is saying 'enough of them getting away with this, enough of them doing this, ENOUGH is ENOUGH'.

After having spewed hatred and division, after their violent rhetoric incited liberal-funded violence from Baltimore to Ferguson to Charlottesville, after their violent remarks inspired an attempted assassination of GOP members, after Hillary openly called for an end of civility and an increase in violence, Democrats do not have a proverbial leg to stand on to point fingers at the GOP in regards to this pipe bomb incident.

They asked for increased violence - they got it.


there are not enough ratings on this board to express just how right you are!
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Does your head ever ache from trying to come up with crazy conspiracy theories. This was not a disgruntled Democrat. This was someone who was influenced by the incendiary language used by Trump and his supporters.

Maybe it was just an asshole.

If it was sent to only Pubs, would you blame Maxine and Hillary?

Hillary Clinton does not use the incendiary language that Trump uses on a daily basis. A few hours after CNN received the package, Trump was vilifying the news media. It is hardly surprising that a right wing fanatic who is not all there sees it as a dog whistle to shoot up a newsroom or send a package to a news organization.

The package was for John Brennan, who works for CNN, not CNN itself, you libtard!
Brennan does not actually work for cnn
The bombs di'int detonate! The bombs di'int detonate! The bombs di'int detonate!

Obviously, Wile E. Coyote is behind this.

DNC Dirty Tricks Department. The same shitheads that came up with that fake Christine Ford story. The scum of America.
Duh Demrats are dum. To dum too make a bombe work rite. thesoros bombe didnt asplod so it must bee a demrat.

Im just connecting the dots here.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Does your head ever ache from trying to come up with crazy conspiracy theories. This was not a disgruntled Democrat. This was someone who was influenced by the incendiary language used by Trump and his supporters.

Maybe it was just an asshole.

If it was sent to only Pubs, would you blame Maxine and Hillary?

Hillary Clinton does not use the incendiary language that Trump uses on a daily basis. A few hours after CNN received the package, Trump was vilifying the news media. It is hardly surprising that a right wing fanatic who is not all there sees it as a dog whistle to shoot up a newsroom or send a package to a news organization.

The package was for John Brennan, who works for CNN, not CNN itself, you libtard!
Brennan does not actually work for cnn

Very true! My mistake. He works for PMSNBC.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.

So if Bernie Sanders had won, should he have stepped down when one of his supporters shot the Republicans at their baseball game?

Actually Sanders didn't obstruct justice and conspire with a foreign adversary, did he??

No, but apparently Hillary Clinton did!
Let's consid
IT is coming out know that the "bombs" could not have detonated and many many people are starting to look at the democrats, including media outlets. IMO, and I hope I am wrong, no one will be caught.

CNN ratings are rocking right now.

Let's consider motive. For instance, the progressive base has proved EXTREMELY desperate for three primary reasons:

1. They had their asses handed to them with the Kavanaugh situation, and they exposed themselves as trash.

2. You cannot objectively criticize Trump for anything outside his big mouth. He's a proven success and that's bad news for Democrats, never mind some of the DC establishment.

3. The more the left baits racism, this ism and that, the more people recognize it's they who are the problem.

An option missed might be the doing of another country, terrorist group etc. etc.. Progressives would love if it were the Russians. Could be any country that takes our demise in interest. But I seriously doubt the Russians are that stupid. An unstable USA is a threat to Russia.

You become your enemy in order to out think your enemy.
Here is the reason the scientists working on bomb evidence will not succeed.

So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican
Let's see, bombs delivered to liberal heads right before the election. The culprit(s) is smart enough to build a bomb and locate an address, but somehow is too stupid to understand how the bombs detonate. Yeah exactly, something stinks. Who you figure is behind this?
We’re not FBI.

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