Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I'd like to see Mad Maxine just once without that phony hairstyle.

You mean wig?
I'm almost sorry I started this thread. It's looking like there will be several who have no idea what we're talking about. Others who are proud to illustrate my point.

That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."
Of course that's it should be.

That's not how it is.
The simple fact that none exploded says that the triggering device wasn't very good. Also, the pipe was PVC and not steel, that says that the device was more of a big firecracker than a grenade. I wouldn't want to be near it when it went off, but it doesn't sound like a serious attempt to kill someone. They are getting a lot of publicity and TV time, curious who the perps are, hope they nail them soon.

Simple device. Black powder with a striking mechanism that runs the length of the pipe at both ends with a small hole to insure oxygen is available for it to ignite. You tear open the package pulling the wire that rubs the strike plate and boom. Black powder detonates very easily with minimal amount of heat spark. Throw in a few 1 inch roofing nails and it’s a very effective device at close range.
Patriotism went through the roof after 9/11 because Bush did a good job of handling public fear and the immediate crisis.

Gun sales went through the roof when Obama was elected, people thought he was going to take them away.

Hate speech went through the roof when Trump was elected, and he's continued to fuel it with his rallies, even subliminally last night in Wisconsin where he seemed to mock the bomb mailings and then blamed the press this morning on Twitter.

It's from both sides, but a 10-second soundbite of Maxine Waters just does not compare to Trump's DAILY platform: Twitter, press gaggles, bi-weekly rallies.

No comparison. None.

And he's not going to change.
Why? Because he fucking loves it.

We've all heard and read about how he likes to stir people up within his own admin and get them going at each other, i.e. John Kelly grabbing Lewandowski by the shirt, and John Kelly getting into a shouting match with John Bolton.

Trump is playing the same game with the country. Purposefully dividing people and pitting them against each other.

He does the same thing within his own companies. Years ago I read an interview with some people who worked for him and they referred to him as "The Donald" and everyone who worked for him either fought with each other or quit their jobs.

Just like in the White House now.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

Guess you missed the Hildebeast talking out of both sides of her mouth over the last couple of weeks.

Why are Republicans so fucking obsessed with her?
OH, right. Because Trump wants you to be.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

Guess you missed the Hildebeast talking out of both sides of her mouth over the last couple of weeks.

not only her....:mad:


Again, 10-second soundbites are not the same daily, sometimes hourly, platform that Trump has.

He's the POTUS. He needs to set the tone.

He sets a bad one.

The people in your meme are responding after three years of Trump's hate speech and dog whistles.

I think it's very much related to politics and Trump started the division and he wants unity now, no way.
Trump has been calling the Democrats evil and blasting the Democrats every chance he got, he even said the caravan is paid for by the Democrats. They were hollering "Lock her up" in Wi at his rally.

Your right, who did it is not known to the public.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.
I think it's very much related to politics and Trump started the division and he wants unity now, no way.
Trump has been calling the Democrats evil and blasting the Democrats every chance he got, he even said the caravan is paid for by the Democrats. They were hollering "Lock her up" in Wi at his rally.

Your right, who did it is not known to the public.
Trump started this? In the last two years?

You're serious?

Okay. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that. Thanks.

Well its the truth, he started ragging on the Democrats and Hillary before the election like he started with Obama. He is disgusting, and there is no making up for it now, he has to go, no matter who sent those warning pipe bombs.

So if Bernie Sanders had won, should he have stepped down when one of his supporters shot the Republicans at their baseball game?

COMPLETE non sequitur Peach. The fact that somebody (allegedly, from message boards in lieu of evidence) supports some politician in no way makes that politician responsible for that person's actions. That's patently absurd. They're not even connected.

Now, if Bernie Sanders had ever advocated violence, say if he ran around screaming "beat the crap out of 'em", praising acts of assault and suggesting his minions should shoot his opponents ---- ALL of which Rump did ---- THEN he might have been partially culpable as an instigator of violence that resulted.

But he didn't, did he.
I'm almost sorry I started this thread. It's looking like there will be several who have no idea what we're talking about. Others who are proud to illustrate my point.

That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual

These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.
I'm almost sorry I started this thread. It's looking like there will be several who have no idea what we're talking about. Others who are proud to illustrate my point.

That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rump was declaring the election "rigged" and threatening "riots" if he didn't win it -- before the election. Not to mention suggesting his minions should shoot Hillary, encouraging them to beat people up, continually dissing Mexicans, immigrants, women, veterans, Muslims, the people of Iowa and his own competitors, and continually drawing an 'us and them' bullshit dichotomy.

So spare us the selective memory, K?
That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rump was declaring the election "rigged" and threatening "riots" if he didn't win it -- before the election. Not to mention suggesting his minions should shoot Hillary, encouraging them to beat people up, continually dissing Mexicans, immigrants, women, veterans, Muslims, the people of Iowa and his own competitors, and continually drawing an 'us and them' bullshit dichotomy.

So spare us the selective memory, K?

yeah spare us the selective memory, K???

My point was SINCE the election when & where it makes more of an impact. What happens BEFORE the election happens and has for many elections. Shit throws at it's finest. But once the election is called it's time to come together whether you like or agree with the results or not. Somehow half the country has forgotten that part.
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual

These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump owns your mind

Idiot-gram, ^^^

You cannot or will not respond to a very simple question. I guess you are too dishonest (even to yourself) to give a truthful answer. That is pitiful.
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual

These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Agree 100%. Liberals went way to far on Kavanaugh and they know it. This is a Liberal last ditch effort to sway the sympathy vote.
How dare they try to keep a drunken groper off the Supreme Court. What will sway the votes is the crumbling economy.

Why did Dimms abandon Ford?

She just vanished as soon as Kavanaugh was confirmed.

They are continuing the investigation unilaterally, right? They care about her and want to get to the bottom of the issue.

The trouble is that Democrats have no power do continue the investigation because they are in the minority in the House and Senate. That is one of the reasons why I hope Democrats pick up the House and/or Senate. Some of the investigations will be unnecessary but some will be badly needed. It is better than what we have now. No oversight of Trump and his Administration.

About time you admitted Dems have no power......and what happens on the human psyche when they think they are stripped of power by an opponent??? They stoop to some pretty low levels of revenge to get it back.

and on the other hand...…….those who are in power, have no need to fight for what they already have.

LOL, 11-6-18 is scaring the crap out of them. How do I know, the crap posted by the right stinks. Sniff, sniff i gotta go .....uuuuuu
Let's see, bombs delivered to liberal heads right before the election. The culprit(s) is smart enough to build a bomb and locate an address, but somehow is too stupid to understand how the bombs detonate. Yeah exactly, something stinks. Who you figure is behind this?

Obama's daughters did it -- under direction from Obama and financed by Soros...
People forget that the reason Obama won the election is because he threatened a terrorist attack on this country and so as a deal, they rigged the elections for him so he wouldn't bomb America....

But CNN helped to cover up the story....Trump knows the truth so they are trying to take him out..

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