Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
It is only Contards that dispute that these bombs were not real.

Real bombs just not in a working condition that none of them---- NOT A ONE OF THEM--- actually exploded, all sent to high profile people and places (not one of them running for anything) with the highest security around them in ways that got them easily noticed and intercepted just to stir the ire of the Left to try to get their fat asses out to the voting booths to save the blue drip.

You mean like Trump said the caravan coming to the US was the work of the Democrats. Like that??

It is. Do you see one democrat concerned much less opposed to and fighting to stop it? Nope.

So they wanted to set a fire under the Republicans to get them to get to the polls and vote?? That is why the Democrats started the Caravans?? To get the Republicans riled up? Gee, I must be missing something.

You are always missing something. ;)
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual

These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement

The facts Bird Brain, have been uttered by him for two years. No "Dems/Left/Progs" have ever offered such toxic rhetoric as has trump; not only as President, but he used the same deplorable tactics to win the nomination, attacking the character, appearance of intelligence of all others seeking to be the standard bearer for the GOP.

I can be an asshole, especially when some punk like you tries to bully me, but I'm not a fool who believes in conspiracy theories.

Post one video of something as toxic as you claim HRC, Biden or other Democratic leader expressed, and I'll post a dozen examples of Trump's calls for violence.
I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rump was declaring the election "rigged" and threatening "riots" if he didn't win it -- before the election. Not to mention suggesting his minions should shoot Hillary, encouraging them to beat people up, continually dissing Mexicans, immigrants, women, veterans, Muslims, the people of Iowa and his own competitors, and continually drawing an 'us and them' bullshit dichotomy.

So spare us the selective memory, K?

yeah spare us the selective memory, K???

My point was SINCE the election when & where it makes more of an impact. What happens BEFORE the election happens and has for many elections. Shit throws at it's finest. But once the election is called it's time to come together whether you like or agree with the results or not. Somehow half the country has forgotten that part.

Oh poster pleeze. Your point was you want to cherrypick. There ain't no reason SINCE an election "makes more impact" but if you insist on resetting the setting, sure we can certainly move on to "shitholes" and "fire the sumbitches" and "very fine people" and "Pocahontas" and any guy who body slams a reporter is "my kinda guy" and "the press is the enemy". Sure you wanna dig a second hole here?
I'm almost sorry I started this thread. It's looking like there will be several who have no idea what we're talking about. Others who are proud to illustrate my point.

That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do
I didn’t see any challenge to the 2016 election
Dems can’t impeach Trump, only Republicans can do that

Who led the chant ....Lock her up.....Lock her up
Mike Flynn

It is Flynn headed for jail
That you are a Drama Queen? Yup. You've made your point.

View attachment 224637

Realistically, when you have a "president" who calls the Media the "Enemy of the People", calls to "lock up" his political opponents, you shouldn't be surprised when some nut takes this too seriously.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rump was declaring the election "rigged" and threatening "riots" if he didn't win it -- before the election. Not to mention suggesting his minions should shoot Hillary, encouraging them to beat people up, continually dissing Mexicans, immigrants, women, veterans, Muslims, the people of Iowa and his own competitors, and continually drawing an 'us and them' bullshit dichotomy.

So spare us the selective memory, K?
It was Trump declaring the election fixed after the election....NOT HIllary

Something about 3 million illegals voting for HIllary with no proof
Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is usually the most likely. That means the bomber (and he is a bomber) is most likely a crazy Trumper.

If you're going to reach...then a "leftist" bomber is possible but much less likely.

These bombs are a MESSAGE. They obviously were trying to say something but what?

I think the Russians would have more to gain from an attack like this than anyone.

That would get us all blaming each other and that has been their goal from the beginning

IF it were Russia, they'd have been much more professional and made sure they did go off. IF Russia hated the States as much as you & yours claim....all the recipients would have died and therefore start a war within.

This had nothing to do with that...….it had everything to do with playing the game of manipulation
There wouldn't of been a war with Russia, the rest of US normal people would be sending Putin a big thank you.

I like Macca but ion this IO think they're a bit fuzzy. I see their point; I just don't see how thinking/believing the "other side" are dolts POLITICALLY leads to pipe bombs. I takes a particular type of psycho to go from thinking the other side are wankers to murder. The "we are all to blame" thing just doesn't cut the mustard. SOMEONE IS A CRIMINAL; we don't ALL share that.

I'm not saying that we're like them. I'm saying that this stuff is hurting all of us in the big picture and that we enable their behavior when we refuse to hold our own side accountable.

I think that you're missing the fact that you're a part of it too.

The last sentence in your post shows it.

There should be no sides. We're all Americans. We all should be on the one and only side.

The American side.

None of this is going to stop until we unite and stop seeing our fellow Americans as being on another side.

There's a lot of truth in "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

This is true......but it was the left that had started it by not accepting the results of the election, by calling for impeachment, telling their supporters to attack Trump supporters, etc

They (Left/Dems) are the ones that need to call for peace and actually show they're serious. There won't be any until they do

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rump was declaring the election "rigged" and threatening "riots" if he didn't win it -- before the election. Not to mention suggesting his minions should shoot Hillary, encouraging them to beat people up, continually dissing Mexicans, immigrants, women, veterans, Muslims, the people of Iowa and his own competitors, and continually drawing an 'us and them' bullshit dichotomy.

So spare us the selective memory, K?
It was Trump declaring the election fixed after the election....NOT HIllary

Something about 3 million illegals voting for HIllary with no proof

Point well taken.
I stand augmented --- Rump called the election rigged both before and after the election.

Now that I think of it he was doing the same thing four years earlier. Then he deleted those twits when he found out he was WRONG.
I don’t find it surprising to see you in full blown support of terrorism.
In 8 years in office Barak Obama financed, supplied, armed, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and even dragged the united States into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists...and snowflakes never rebuked, condemned, or even expressed concern over Obama's actions.

Barak Obama helped oust allied Egypt's President and for the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over, joined forces with Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help murder the President of Libya and hand the government/country over to them, and invaded the sovereign country of Syria in an attempt to help ISIS overthrow al-Assad. Again, snowflakes did not bat an eyelash.

Hell, one of Barry's buddies - the man in whose home he announced his intention to run for President - was none other than un-repentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the POS liberal who bombed his own country killing 1st responders, who said his only regret was not committing more bombings....and Democrats completely ignored / played down the whole thing - 'Nothing to see here'

Hillary Clinton's team was caught paying a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters during the 2016 election - they were caught on video and snowflakes remain in denial / defend her today.

Democratic party violent rhetoric got so bad that they incited one of their base to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians, gunning R-Scalise down on a ball field. When rebuked for their actions Democrats vowed to stop the rhetoric. That - as you probably will remember but will no doubt deny - lasted all of approx. 12 hours before engaging in it again.

Maxine Waters has openly called for the criminal harassment of GOP / Conservatives...
- Snowflakes praise / back her....

Hillary Clinton openly called for an end to what she calls 'Democratic Party civility' (Yeah, gunning down Scalice was really 'civil'), for MORE violence, and violent intolerance. In response to that call a GOP office was vandalized, a GOP candidate was physically assaulted by a man vandalizing her office, and a peaceful Pro-Life protestor was physically attacked by violent snowflake.
- Snowflakes lie, deny, and condemnation.

Democrats and Snowflakes demand that the country live in the moment and forget everything that happened in the past, before RIGHT NOW, which includes all of that just now mentioned in more.

So thank you for that FAILED daily dose of Liberal / snowflake 'SSDD - Democrats continue to try to accuse others of what THEY have done / are doing and of who THER are'!
I don’t find it surprising to see you in full blown support of terrorism.
In 8 years in office Barak Obama financed, supplied, armed, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and even dragged the united States into 2 Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists...and snowflakes never rebuked, condemned, or even expressed concern over Obama's actions.

Barak Obama helped oust allied Egypt's President and for the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over, joined forces with Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to help murder the President of Libya and hand the government/country over to them, and invaded the sovereign country of Syria in an attempt to help ISIS overthrow al-Assad. Again, snowflakes did not bat an eyelash.

Hell, one of Barry's buddies - the man in whose home he announced his intention to run for President - was none other than un-repentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the POS liberal who bombed his own country killing 1st responders, who said his only regret was not committing more bombings....and Democrats completely ignored / played down the whole thing - 'Nothing to see here'

Hillary Clinton's team was caught paying a group to send thugs over to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters during the 2016 election - they were caught on video and snowflakes remain in denial / defend her today.

Democratic party violent rhetoric got so bad that they incited one of their base to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians, gunning R-Scalise down on a ball field. When rebuked for their actions Democrats vowed to stop the rhetoric. That - as you probably will remember but will no doubt deny - lasted all of approx. 12 hours before engaging in it again.

Maxine Waters has openly called for the criminal harassment of GOP / Conservatives...
- Snowflakes praise / back her....

Hillary Clinton openly called for an end to what she calls 'Democratic Party civility' (Yeah, gunning down Scalice was really 'civil'), for MORE violence, and violent intolerance. In response to that call a GOP office was vandalized, a GOP candidate was physically assaulted by a man vandalizing her office, and a peaceful Pro-Life protestor was physically attacked by violent snowflake.
- Snowflakes lie, deny, and condemnation.

Democrats and Snowflakes demand that the country live in the moment and forget everything that happened in the past, before RIGHT NOW, which includes all of that just now mentioned in more.

So thank you for that FAILED daily dose of Liberal / snowflake 'SSDD - Democrats continue to try to accuse others of what THEY have done / are doing and of who THER are'!
You Goofy

Mickey went up to Walt and told him he wanted a divorce from Minnie. Walt said: and you want the divorce because she is crazy? Mickey: No, I said because she was fuckin goofy.
Did the Liberal Media ever write and publish a short story about the assassination of Barak Obama? If anyone in the media would have done so, can you imagine the backlash / massive outcry against that media?

New York Times Publishes Trump Assassination Fantasy After Asking Fiction Writers To Imagine End To Mueller Investigation

Liberals claim to see nothing insightful, no violent rhetoric in printing such a despicable story.


And f*ing snowflakes wonder why violence is at an all time high right now, wondering why anyone would want to target them in some sort of an attack......

The NY Times would never have published such a story about Barak Obama but have no problem doing so about President Trump in an attempt to make such violent disrespect / intolerance / disdain for a REPUBLICAN President seem to be the new NORM and 'acceptable'.

Here's a 'fantasy story' that would make a fine ending to THEIR story - in response to reading the despicable Anti-Obama hate-piece some deranged lunatic firebombs the NY Times, burning it to the ground.
--- Here is the point where the snowflakes on the board go triggered / bat-shit crazy at the 'shocking' comment yet at the same time see no problem with what the NY Times published. LOL!
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual

These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement

The facts Bird Brain, have been uttered by him for two years. No "Dems/Left/Progs" have ever offered such toxic rhetoric as has trump; not only as President, but he used the same deplorable tactics to win the nomination, attacking the character, appearance of intelligence of all others seeking to be the standard bearer for the GOP.

I can be an asshole, especially when some punk like you tries to bully me, but I'm not a fool who believes in conspiracy theories.

Post one video of something as toxic as you claim HRC, Biden or other Democratic leader expressed, and I'll post a dozen examples of Trump's calls for violence.

Hmmm, how about these?

Get in their faces, scream at them
Harrass them in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores
Put your fingers in their food, throw it out the door
don't be civil until we are in charge again
impeach, impeach, impeach
rape their kids
don't let them speak
attack them on the streets

the violent rhetoric and action is primarily a product of the dems and libs. and most likely this fake bomb thing was created by some faction of the dem party. We will know pretty soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow.
Good grief, do you even think anything you've posted is factual or even credible? Are you a trained bomb maker or bomb expert? Real experts are still investigating all ten of the devices, which in FACT have created fear, which is the foundation of all terrorism.

Are you in denial? Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years?

Yes or No?

Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement

The facts Bird Brain, have been uttered by him for two years. No "Dems/Left/Progs" have ever offered such toxic rhetoric as has trump; not only as President, but he used the same deplorable tactics to win the nomination, attacking the character, appearance of intelligence of all others seeking to be the standard bearer for the GOP.

I can be an asshole, especially when some punk like you tries to bully me, but I'm not a fool who believes in conspiracy theories.

Post one video of something as toxic as you claim HRC, Biden or other Democratic leader expressed, and I'll post a dozen examples of Trump's calls for violence.

Hmmm, how about these?

Get in their faces, scream at them
Harrass them in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores
Put your fingers in their food, throw it out the door
don't be civil until we are in charge again
impeach, impeach, impeach
rape their kids
don't let them speak
attack them on the streets

the violent rhetoric and action is primarily a product of the dems and libs. and most likely this fake bomb thing was created by some faction of the dem party. We will know pretty soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Hmmm, how about these?

"Break their windows -- break them NOW"
"If ballots don't work, bullets will"
Birferism (and birferism revisited)
"Jews will not replace us"
Tiki Torch / Dodge Challenger festival
David Duke / Richard The Dick Spencer
Harassing/assaulting suspected 'immigrants'
Assaulting rally protesters
Suggesting one's opponent should be shot
Suggesting one's opponent should be in jail
Suggesting one's opponent's father killed JFK
Suggesting one's opponent has a face "nobody would vote for" -- with own face painted orange
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Easiest post today.
Trump didn't do this...….are you having TDS again? :aargh:

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement

The facts Bird Brain, have been uttered by him for two years. No "Dems/Left/Progs" have ever offered such toxic rhetoric as has trump; not only as President, but he used the same deplorable tactics to win the nomination, attacking the character, appearance of intelligence of all others seeking to be the standard bearer for the GOP.

I can be an asshole, especially when some punk like you tries to bully me, but I'm not a fool who believes in conspiracy theories.

Post one video of something as toxic as you claim HRC, Biden or other Democratic leader expressed, and I'll post a dozen examples of Trump's calls for violence.

Hmmm, how about these?

Get in their faces, scream at them
Harrass them in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores
Put your fingers in their food, throw it out the door
don't be civil until we are in charge again
impeach, impeach, impeach
rape their kids
don't let them speak
attack them on the streets

the violent rhetoric and action is primarily a product of the dems and libs. and most likely this fake bomb thing was created by some faction of the dem party. We will know pretty soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Hmmm, how about these?

"Break their windows -- break them NOW"
"If ballots don't work, bullets will"
Birferism (and birferism revisited)
"Jews will not replace us"
Tiki Torch / Dodge Challenger festival
David Duke / Richard The Dick Spencer
Harassing/assaulting suspected 'immigrants'
Assaulting rally protesters
Suggesting one's opponent should be shot
Suggesting one's opponent should be in jail
Suggesting one's opponent's father killed JFK
Suggesting one's opponent has a face "nobody would vote for" -- with own face painted orange
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Easiest post today.

You guys ride the Charlottesville thing as hard as you can. Weren't the tiki torch guys the night before the rally. Talk about a made for media moment, it almost sounds scripted. Doesn't matter, you idiots took 200 losers the night before to bash all protesters and make excuses for your antifa thugs.
Obama lied about keeping your doctor, therefore the fake bombs were mailed by the Elders of Zion.


Dat's how logic works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeeeel!


The best part is that this will go so far over their heads it will prove itself. Hence forth this post shall be known as the Axiom of the Elders of Zion.
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

I DIDN'T WRITE, SAY OR THINK TRUMP MAILED THE PACKAGES! Suggesting I i did is a damn lie, echoed by fools and assholes. Which one are you?

Do you know the meaning of the word culpable? It simply means DESERVING BLAME. Trump has the bully pulpit, and his words have consequences. The consequences of this, his constant hate and fear mongering have been played out this week. He incited terrorist(s) to send maybe fake, maybe real bombs with the intent to terrorize the nation.

Why, we'll know when he is arrested, unless he's another one who seeks suicide by cop.

No you didn't and I didn't say you did...…… which one are you? I'd say both a fool & an asshole

From your very own words.....

Yes or No has Trump used hate and fear over and over for over two years

Yes or No has the Dems/Left/Progs used hate and fear over and over for over two years???

Too bad you can't wait for facts before claiming Trumps involvement

The facts Bird Brain, have been uttered by him for two years. No "Dems/Left/Progs" have ever offered such toxic rhetoric as has trump; not only as President, but he used the same deplorable tactics to win the nomination, attacking the character, appearance of intelligence of all others seeking to be the standard bearer for the GOP.

I can be an asshole, especially when some punk like you tries to bully me, but I'm not a fool who believes in conspiracy theories.

Post one video of something as toxic as you claim HRC, Biden or other Democratic leader expressed, and I'll post a dozen examples of Trump's calls for violence.

Hmmm, how about these?

Get in their faces, scream at them
Harrass them in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores
Put your fingers in their food, throw it out the door
don't be civil until we are in charge again
impeach, impeach, impeach
rape their kids
don't let them speak
attack them on the streets

the violent rhetoric and action is primarily a product of the dems and libs. and most likely this fake bomb thing was created by some faction of the dem party. We will know pretty soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Hmmm, how about these?

"Break their windows -- break them NOW"
"If ballots don't work, bullets will"
Birferism (and birferism revisited)
"Jews will not replace us"
Tiki Torch / Dodge Challenger festival
David Duke / Richard The Dick Spencer
Harassing/assaulting suspected 'immigrants'
Assaulting rally protesters
Suggesting one's opponent should be shot
Suggesting one's opponent should be in jail
Suggesting one's opponent's father killed JFK
Suggesting one's opponent has a face "nobody would vote for" -- with own face painted orange
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Easiest post today.

You guys ride the Charlottesville thing as hard as you can. Weren't the tiki torch guys the night before the rally. Talk about a made for media moment, it almost sounds scripted. Doesn't matter, you idiots took 200 losers the night before to bash all protesters and make excuses for your antifa thugs.

I believe the Tiki Torchers were on Friday night, while the four-man beating with poles, the pistol shooting and the car ramming were all on Saturday in the daylight, all part of the same rally. "Unite the right" wasn't it called? But then that's why I put them on the same line, isn't it.
Let's say they find the person(s) who actually sent these devices.

If it's a person known to be right wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Trump or the Republican's just a sick INDIVIDUAL

If it's a person known to be Left wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Democrats...again, it's possibly just a sick INDIVIDUAL.

UNLESS or UNTIL.......

That INDIVIDUAL is directly and undeniably tied to a larger backing sponsored by one of the groups.

Either way, if it turns out to be an INDIVIDUAL acting alone and on their own, it should not affect the elections at all, except for REALLY ignorant people

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