Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Actually I forgot Obama already got it too




View attachment 224434
Republicans sending bombs to people, yeah, that’s always a “distraction”.

Or demoquacks creating false flags right before an election...entirely more plausible
You don’t believe Donald Trump is a white nationalist? He just told us in public on TV.

Post the actual quote, not the spin from your fax machine.
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

so no republican. gotcha. looks one way to me then.
This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

so no republican. gotcha. looks one way to me then.

Bone Spur
Mango Mussolini
Orange Menace
Orange Julius
Tangerines Tart
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican

if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

so no republican. gotcha. looks one way to me then.

Bone Spur
Mango Mussolini
Orange Menace
Orange Julius
Tangerines Tart
I never knew that was republican. hmmmmmm

post their voting records.
if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

so no republican. gotcha. looks one way to me then.

Bone Spur
Mango Mussolini
Orange Menace
Orange Julius
Tangerines Tart
I never knew that was republican. hmmmmmm

post their voting records.

The captain of your rudderless ship!
I don't know if this has been posted yet but what is really interesting is that there are so damn many devices and so well coordinated yet nothing actually blew. That makes me think that this action did not actually have any intent on harming anyone directly. The fact that they were made obvious just adds to that. It looks like this was done more so to make a statement.

And there is no question that one was made.
if you meant Trump say, Trump. I now of no one named Rump.

so no republican. gotcha. looks one way to me then.

Bone Spur
Mango Mussolini
Orange Menace
Orange Julius
Tangerines Tart
I never knew that was republican. hmmmmmm

post their voting records.

The captain of your rudderless ship!
don't have a ship.
With the resistance movement failing, the Mueller Investigation turning into a joke, mob action on the part of democrats turning public opinion sour and the president on the verge of holding both houses of Congress, what could possibly happen to save the democrats? How about bombs sent to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, George Soros and Robert Di Nero? Boy, that would do it; and just before election too when it was needed most.

This terrorist act appears to have come just in the nick of time to counter growing public sentiment against democrats in the wake of poll numbers reflecting voter disgust at accosting public figures in restaurants and other public settings at the behest of democratic operatives like Maxine Waters.

The problem here is the timing. Why would a Trump supporter, riled by rhetoric at a Trump rally, launch a bomb attack with bombs that don’t explode just before the mid-term elections when many voters are on the fence? The desperation of the marginalized opposition is at a fever pitch and the apparent Reichstag aspect of this act is a chilling reminder that there are probably no lengths political outliers won’t go to regain and maintain power.

Out of all those bombs not one of them has detonated or harmed a hair on the head of a single democrat. That’s because those bombs were likely never deigned to explode; they were crafted to swing a close election.

Package bombs are extremely difficult to trace which is why it took years to track down Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski who was living in an isolated shack, traveling great distances to mail his bombs and leaving no fingerprints. Yes, technology, including DNA identifying processes and cameras has improved by leaps and bounds but the perpetrator or perpetrators only need to remain unidentified for a matter of days before the election takes place to achieve the maximum effect of turning crucial votes.

Most of us cherish our democracy and believe that sinister operations like this could never happen here but what is at stake appears to have thrown the opposition to the current administration into an almost crazed state of the end justifying the means. Many democrats seem to feel that they are on mission to save the world from a people controlling their government instead of the other way around as it is in the rest of the world.
^ so pathetic. No doubt you’re just sad they didn’t murder their targets.
I sure am sad. Why aren’t you?

...but only in your head.
Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is usually the most likely. That means the bomber (and he is a bomber) is most likely a crazy Trumper.

If you're going to reach...then a "leftist" bomber is possible but much less likely.

These bombs are a MESSAGE. They obviously were trying to say something but what?

I think the Russians would have more to gain from an attack like this than anyone.

That would get us all blaming each other and that has been their goal from the beginning

IF it were Russia, they'd have been much more professional and made sure they did go off. IF Russia hated the States as much as you & yours claim....all the recipients would have died and therefore start a war within.

This had nothing to do with that...….it had everything to do with playing the game of manipulation
There wouldn't of been a war with Russia, the rest of US normal people would be sending Putin a big thank you.


If this is the Russians they get the best of both worlds

They send bombs not meant to explode (leaving plenty of false clues that look planted.

They get Dems feeling like targets and get Trumpers pointing to the "incompetence" and blatant nature of the clues.

Everyone pointing at each other.

They win
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
So I ask for who on the right? I have heard this all day. I can name demolosers I want you to name the reps on the right!


Each asked for getting in people’s face, now name me a republican
when did he call for uncivil behavior after the elections?

fk dude, he said he'd let hitlery go and even invited her to the party inauguration night. He extended the olive branch. name one time any she has?
First Soros, then the Clintons, now this....I smell the foul stench of false flag.

I absolutely agree with you! :thup:..............It walks quacks and looks like a false flag! what is it?'s a false flag!

The foul stench is that of a false flag too!


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