Swalwell suggests Trump is guilty for taking the Fifth

He played politics in 2016. Now the shoe was on the other foot and he realized, after six years of a full-court press, that sometimes cases against people aren't cut and dried.

It's particularly bad advice to testify if they are trying to look for any "inaccuracy" to charge you with providing false testimony etc.

It's why I question his "tough on crime" mantra. He doesn't need to throw that red meat to his supporters, he would be wiser to be more measured in his opinion. At least be balanced throughout "we need to be tough but fair with criminal allegations. Make sure REAL career criminals are targeted and not create criminals and chase rabbits for political or other reasons. Justice must be justice".

I have first hand experiences of police abuses in Canada and the lack of justice. It's destructive to our nation and even those nations we point to as being human right abusers have a legitimate argument in calling us hypocrites.
Trump had his weaknesses even though he did more good for America in three short years than any President of my now very long lifetime.

He was accustomed to 'thinking out loud' when working out a decision or how to solve something and didn't realize how unscrupulous politicians and media would twist that and use it against him as his literal intentions.

He has a propensity to be petulant at times and that often didn't play well in Peoria. He needs to know how to 'insult' with a bit more class.

He tended to trust recommendations from people he shouldn't have trusted to make those recommendations, especially in appointing people to serious positions.

And where this topic came in, he was extremely naive about the integrity of the justice system and thought if he played fair and square with everybody they would play fair and square with him. He had no clue how much politics can throw all that out the window.

So yes, I think he was sincere when he said only guilty people take the Fifth.

I think he knows better now.
Mr. Fang Fang says what?


Nice chi-com spy you got there asshole.
The 5th Amendment is the Legal 'Fuck You' Response to lying, perjurius, corrupt, criminal, power-hungry, elitist tyrants - aka Democrats - who want to screw those who oppose them while they violate Constitution and Rule of Law.

Subpoena me?
- Ok. I'll show up.

Question Me?
- F* You. I'll exercise my Constitutional Right to plead the 5th, and YOU can kiss my ass.
Question: Without hatred, racism and bigotry, what do these chumps have?

Answer: Nuthin!
Question: Without smears, recriminations, belittling, defaming, and character assassination, what do you assholes have?

Answer: Less than nothing.
While we're on the subject of Eric Swalwell, he quoted Trump today that "Only guilty people take the Fifth' as President Trump took the Fifth rather than answer the N.Y. attorney general's questions.

I don't know. Does that make DJT a hypocrite?

Or is Trump now wiser and understands that people are justified in taking the fifth when they're under siege and persecution by a weaponized DOJ & unscrupulous House members determined to find something, anything they can pretend is heinous enough to destroy somebody? That is especially true in the case of Donald J. Trump. That's how afraid they are he might win the Presidency again.

People who are innocent would do well better to take the 5th than anybody who is guilty because by the time you get to that point they are gonna find something to charge you with. "Why first you said it was big and now you say it is large. You have committed PERJURY!!!!!!!"
People who are innocent would do well better to take the 5th than anybody who is guilty because by the time you get to that point they are gonna find something to charge you with. "Why first you said it was big and now you say it is large. You have committed PERJURY!!!!!!!"
That's the gospel truth. If you forget something you said or the exact sequence it happened or forget that you met somebody at a party or any number of things that normal people forget all the time, an unscrupulous prosecution with call that perjury.

I run across posts on message boards, tweets that I've made, Facebook posts that I have absolutely no recollection of having made. If anybody asked me about those before I saw them again I would shrug and say I don't think so or I do remember saying that. And that would be the truth. So far I haven't caught myself saying something I wished I hadn't in any of those. :)
On tape, Nixon told ex-Attorney General John Mitchell, "I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else, if it'll save it--save the plan."
On tape, Nixon told ex-Attorney General John Mitchell, "I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else, if it'll save it--save the plan."
And that has to do with Donald J. Trump what?
I have been at professional gatherings and had my photo snapped with people I couldn't tell you their names an hour later, much less days, weeks, months, years later. But an unscrupulous media, prosecutor, politician, or hyperpartisan people on a message board or other social media would post that picture as proof I was friendly with or in cahoots with that person. Honesty, integrity, ethics just aren't part of the process any more.

If I knew I had half of Congress or unscrupulous deep state operatives motivated to take me down, you can bet I would take the Fifth before I would risk a deposition with one of these vindictive people.

At the same time I am a pretty transparent person who is not ashamed of any beliefs or convictions I hold and I don't mind sharing them when it is appropriate to do so.

Do you know who the most transparent, accessible, open, and accommodating President has been in my lifetime? The one who gave more press conferences, stayed longer, fielded more questions, didn't dodge any questions, and didn't avoid the press? Donald J. Trump.

His enemies in the media, Congress etc., and their number is legion, of course took things he said out of context, ignored anything positive he offered but magnified and exploited ANY misspeak He had higher approval ratings than Biden with 98% unfavorable, even hostile press. Biden enjoys well over 90% friendly press even now.

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