Swalwell suggests Trump is guilty for taking the Fifth

We are presumed innocent in a court of law and it is up to the government to produce evidence of guilt, not the person being tried.
And the 5th amendment keeps them from having to provide evidence of their own guilt. Safe to say, you don't plead the 5th, if you think that evidence does not exist. In the court of public opinion, that matters.
Trump was dumb for suggesting anyone that takes the 5th is guilty. The 5th is a Constitutional right used to protect we Americans from tyranny. We are presumed innocent in a court of law and it is up to the government to produce evidence of guilt, not the person being tried. So, why should a person that is presumed innocent be forced to give any information that may be used against them later in a case.
The 5th amendment only applies to criminal cases. Trump was being deposed in a civil case, where the 5th amendment doesn't apply.

nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,
And the 5th amendment keeps them from having to provide evidence of their own guilt. Safe to say, you don't plead the 5th, if you think that evidence does not exist. In the court of public opinion, that matters.
In a criminal case the court of public opinion doesn’t count, it is what a judge and jury conclude and in most criminal trials, the accused rarely testify, guilty or not. Public opinion will not make you spend a day in prison.
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Another slick move by democrat operatives to deflect from the fallout over the incredible search warrant.
Another slick move by democrat operatives to deflect from the fallout over the incredible search warrant.
Actually it may not matter. Ivanka and Jarred already gave depositions about Trumps business practices.

I guess the Trump deposition was just a way to get Trump on the record taking the 5th, which in a civil case, has an inference of guilt. And in a civil case, you only have to be guilty by a preponderance of the evidence. Not beyond a reasonable doubt.
The sordid NY State AG was angling this entire time to get Trump to invoke the 5th. Why? For justice? To further her alleged case against him?


No way.

She is a cheap politician. Her goal was always to get him to take the 5th just so other politicians could use it against him. And she is likely to receive appropriate political considerations from other cheap-ass Democrat Parody hacks, in the future, for her selfish devotion to abusing the legal system.
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And the 5th amendment keeps them from having to provide evidence of their own guilt. Safe to say, you don't plead the 5th, if you think that evidence does not exist. In the court of public opinion, that matters.

That's utterly false. As we have seen, the FBI can always manufacture the evidence
Actually it may not matter. Ivanka and Jarred already gave depositions about Trumps business practices.

I guess the Trump deposition was just a way to get Trump on the record taking the 5th, which in a civil case, has an inference of guilt. And in a civil case, you only have to be guilty by a preponderance of the evidence. Not beyond a reasonable doubt.
What about his business practices?
The 5th amendment only applies to criminal cases. Trump was being deposed in a civil case, where the 5th amendment doesn't apply.

nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,

You're wrong. A defendant can plead the fifth in a civil case
While we're on the subject of Eric Swalwell, he quoted Trump today that "Only guilty people take the Fifth' as President Trump took the Fifth rather than answer the N.Y. attorney general's questions.

I don't know. Does that make DJT a hypocrite?

Or is Trump now wiser and understands that people are justified in taking the fifth when they're under siege and persecution by a weaponized DOJ & unscrupulous House members determined to find something, anything they can pretend is heinous enough to destroy somebody? That is especially true in the case of Donald J. Trump. That's how afraid they are he might win the Presidency again.
To them pleading the 5th doesn't prove guilt.
No President before Trump is alleged to have committed sedition and is under investigation by both Congress and the DOJ.
In a strange conundrum never seen before in American politics, as grassroots Republicans cheer Trump on, top Republicans who have spent months trying to dissuade Donald Trump from announcing another Presidential campaign before the midterms have changed their minds.

They think this is a great time for Donald Trump to announce his candidacy for President -- over two years ahead of time.

CNN explains, "Trump has received a fresh wave of encouragement to jump start his next presidential campaign in the 24 hours since his primary residence became the target of an FBI search warrant."

That is just plain nuts, but it is obvious what the Republican Party is trying to do. They want to change a highly provocative negative into a positive. That is silly. It is like a bank robber's lawyer arguing the guy was just making a harmless withdrawal of funds that he needed.

It gets worse for Republicans.

This morning, Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth.

ABC reports, "Donald Trump on Wednesday invoked his Fifth Amendment protection against testifying against himself during an hours-long deposition as part of the New York attorney general's civil investigation into his family real estate business.

"The former president was seen arriving at the attorney general's office in New York City around 9 a.m. local time and left about six hours later.

"A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to ABC News that Trump declined to answer questions from investigators in the deposition.

"Under the advice of my counsel ... I decline to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution," Trump said.

The real conundrum is this.

Why is it that Congressional Republicans and grassroots Republicans want a crook and a traitor for President?

Yes, true, a person is innocent until proven guilty, but that is only true in a court of law. It is not true in the court of public opinion or the voters' booth.

The Jan. 6 committee has disclosed an enormous amount of evidence of Trump's guilt, and an innocent man does not plead the Fifth.

Who said that about the Fifth? Donald Trump, during the 2016 Presidential campaign.
I've already said that if I was the target of the Democrat's politically motivated or otherwise malicious prosecution and was called in by one of their prosecutors or attorneys for a deposition, I would take the Fifth. And I would not be in any way guilty. After what they did to Rick Gates, General Flynn, George Papadopoulos, etc. anybody who did any differently, given what they're capable of, would be nuts.
I've already said that if I was the target of a politically motivated or otherwise malicious prosecution and was called in by one of their prosecutors or attorneys for a deposition, I would take the Fifth. And I would not be in any way guilty. Anybody who did any differently, given what they're capable of, would be nuts.

Innocent people do not need to take the fifth---telling the truth cannot incriminate an innocent person.
Redfish thinks you'd be guilty if you took the fifth... Of course that was before your God did it. Now...it's okay.
While we're on the subject of Eric Swalwell, he quoted Trump today that "Only guilty people take the Fifth' as President Trump took the Fifth rather than answer the N.Y. attorney general's questions.

I don't know. Does that make DJT a hypocrite?

Or is Trump now wiser and understands that people are justified in taking the fifth when they're under siege and persecution by a weaponized DOJ & unscrupulous House members determined to find something, anything they can pretend is heinous enough to destroy somebody? That is especially true in the case of Donald J. Trump. That's how afraid they are he might win the Presidency again.

Then there was this:

Any public servant receiving their wages from the tax payer should sign a statement before going to work that all his/her duties and product will be open to full scrutiny and transparency in all aspects which effectively waives the right to take the 'fifth' in regards to the people's work. Taking the 'fifth' should be grounds for immediate dismissal and forfeiture of all compensation and benefits.
I'm sure the song will have changed dramatically now that your God is the one pleading the fifth. It must suck to have zero principles. How do you live with yourself?

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