"Swatting" the ATF

You are the sad one there "scrampart" for actually believing this FASCIST government who is arming all their agents with AR-15s who wont hesitate to blow your fucking (small amount) brains out. The only reason why are you still alive is because of the 2nd amendment that protects dumbasses like you from the rogue government that is the United Soviet Socialist States of America.

I repeat the chart tells it all.

Biden voter.jpg
why yes. and "swatting" should carry a capital sentence if it results in death, as this incident could have.

federal agents would be happy to cooperate with locals if the locals could be trusted.
You know, that was what the Germans thought back when Adolf adopted his jack booted thugs to be his enforcers.

You know, that was what the Germans thought back when Adolf adopted his jack booted thugs to be his enforcers.

in this story, the "jack booted thugs" are the guys you are cheering. note, the other guys hands are in the air.
in this story, the "jack booted thugs" are the guys you are cheering. note, the other guys hands are in the air.
As i said before, if the Jack Booted ARMED (with AR-15s) show up at my door, illegally, which we know they are doing now, i will just call the local police force and tell them ISIS armed and dangerous is trying to get in my house. Bring a SWAT team because they look crazy enough to shoot at the SWAT team.
Scrampart did you see the article that was shown by me about the 20 IRS agents, Armed with AR-15s illegally absconding with documents of Law Abiding Citizens, that the IRS were not allowed to take, yet they took them anyway? That should scare the shit out of you, but since you are a slave to the Marxists, i guess you just want to play along until you no longer are useful to them. Once that happens, the great purge will come, and you will be just another statistic.

As i said before, if the Jack Booted ARMED (with AR-15s) show up at my door, illegally, which we know they are doing now, i will just call the local police force and tell them ISIS armed and dangerous is trying to get in my house. Bring a SWAT team because they look crazy enough to shoot at the SWAT team.

that will be the felony of false police report. if anyone dies during the felony, who is the murderer?
So if a team of IRS agents carrying AR-15s show up at your door, what are you going to do?

In an unprecedented move, 20 IRS agents armed with AR-15 rifles along with ATF agents carried out a raid on a gun store in Great Falls, Montana, seizing all of the store’s Form 4473s. These are the forms that everyone fills out when purchasing a firearm and they contain personal information about the buyers.

20 heavily armed IRS agents raid large online gun store ... - Substack

This event was totally against the law, yet for the store owner to sue, would take him thousands of dollars in legal fees to bring these fuckers to justice. Just call the local police tell them ISIS is at your door heavily armed and bring the SWAT team...
This government needs a hard reset.
those cops need to be arrested for brutality and whoever did the call is definitely a violent criminal using local law enforcement as a deadly weapon.

this clip , and everyone who thinks this is "cool" turn my stomach.
All the cops did was to follow procedure. The ATF agent refused to cooperate. When you do that, you get subdued and cuffed for EVERYONE'S protection. This kind of arrogance seems to be epidemic among federal LEOs.
this clip , and everyone who thinks this is "cool" turn my stomach.
Does it equally "turn your stomach" when the FBI sends a fully armed team into the home of a 70-year-old man with no history of any violence? They've become firkin' NAZIs and they deserve whatever comes their way.
the law enforcement officer knew that he was there, on duty, holding a warrant above his head.

the local cops were yelling at him like he is holed up indoors holding hostages.

shameful. you bet. i'm ashamed of all of you.
That's because you're a tool and no one cares what fags think

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