Sweden's "Creative Destruction"


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
They just never seem to get the message. Muslims will never integrate into any society. It's against the most basic tenets of the Koran.

The result is that Sweden has become a shattered society. There are many immigrants searching for an identity, but there is no longer any cultural cohesion. What is being created are communities without any history. In Fosie and Rosengård, for example, demographic changes have been so radical and so fast, that the population has not yet had the time or opportunity to create a common historical or cultural context. One might well ask why there should be one, or if eventually one will naturally form. So many societies, however, especially in the Middle East and parts of Europe, have only seemed to grow more fragmented.

Sweden is not the only country to face this. It's happening throughout Europe, France being a perfect example. And, with the Obama administration allowing – no, pushing – the entry of large numbers of “asylum seekers” who are Muslim to enter the USA, the same thing is happening here. When will people – especially politicians – wake up to this?

Read the article @ http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6122/sweden-creative-destruction

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