Sweet Cakes by Melissa breaks record on crowdfunding site

Bullshit, you're butthurt that this family is getting help with their draconian fine.

Not only are these folks getting help, but the people donating get the opportunity to fight back at the bullies and the government that has decided create an imbalance of rights.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.


Which "people" won here, other than the owners who made off like bandits?
Good......I hope they make a million off of it.................Best dang cakes money can buy I heard.......


I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money. If sending it to strangers on the internet just because they don't like teh gheys is what floats your boat, so be it.

It's just funny to hear you guys talk about it as if it's some "victory" for your side.

Your concern is touching.
These are tears of laughter; not pain. Now go run to the mailbox for your govt check, kosherleech

Bullshit, you're butthurt that this family is getting help with their draconian fine.

Not only are these folks getting help, but the people donating get the opportunity to fight back at the bullies and the government that has decided create an imbalance of rights.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.

Well, since your money is going to end up in the pockets of a couple of lesbians, I guess that I have to agree.....

That's okay, I'm happy to be able to play a small part in paying the extortion.
Every night when the lesbo's turn out the light and the room get's quiet as they lay in bed, they'll be alone with their thoughts and sooner or later they'll realize what they've done.

They won the right to marry. They won, you lost. :thup:
Bullshit, you're butthurt that this family is getting help with their draconian fine.

Not only are these folks getting help, but the people donating get the opportunity to fight back at the bullies and the government that has decided create an imbalance of rights.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.

Well, since your money is going to end up in the pockets of a couple of lesbians, I guess that I have to agree.....

That's okay, I'm happy to be able to play a small part in paying the extortion.
Every night when the lesbo's turn out the light and the room get's quiet as they lay in bed, they'll be alone with their thoughts and sooner or later they'll realize what they've done.

They won the right to marry. They won, you lost. :thup:

Separate issue pal, this is about the draconian fine forced on them.
Good for them. As this shows you the American people don't take kindly to BULLIES and frivolous lawsuits all over a freaking CAKE

you will see more of this as the people are sick and tired of this homosexual mafia who seeks out businesses who stands on their Principles. but they won't SUE a Muslim bakery

wake up people

These are tears of laughter; not pain. Now go run to the mailbox for your govt check, kosherleech

Bullshit, you're butthurt that this family is getting help with their draconian fine.

Not only are these folks getting help, but the people donating get the opportunity to fight back at the bullies and the government that has decided create an imbalance of rights.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.

Well, since your money is going to end up in the pockets of a couple of lesbians, I guess that I have to agree.....

That's okay, I'm happy to be able to play a small part in paying the extortion.
Every night when the lesbo's turn out the light and the room get's quiet as they lay in bed, they'll be alone with their thoughts and sooner or later they'll realize what they've done.

Come on! Your pulling my leg, right?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.

Well, since your money is going to end up in the pockets of a couple of lesbians, I guess that I have to agree.....

That's okay, I'm happy to be able to play a small part in paying the extortion.
Every night when the lesbo's turn out the light and the room get's quiet as they lay in bed, they'll be alone with their thoughts and sooner or later they'll realize what they've done.

They won the right to marry. They won, you lost. :thup:

Separate issue pal, this is about the draconian fine forced on them.

Well, that was for their publishing the name and address of the lesbian couple. Doesn't sound like a religious issue to me....
My new five year plan: open a business, discriminate against teh gheys, whine to Fox news, start crowd funding campaign, and watch the money fly out of gullible righties' wallets like so much stupid from their mouths. Cha-ching. Instant retirement account.
If you had been bright enough to think of it you would have done the same thing jackass.
I don't think there is wisdom in their continued persistence in trying to destroy the lives of those they disagree with.

Reminds me of that pizza parlor article.

You are seeing a conspiracy where none exists.

There is no "they".

Sweet Cakes by Melissa was sued by someone who felt insulted and hurt from the discrimination, and took it to the court. The pizza place thing caught fire on the internet and blew up.

Are you saying there isn't a group(s) of people who try to destroy the lives of those who don't agree with them about homosexuality?

What do you mean by 'The pizza place thing caught fire on the internet and blew up'?

There are plenty of people who feel very strongly about it.

They are not in any sense organized into a "group", anymore than the people who spend their time complaining about it and sending them money are.
So you deny that Christian business owners are being targeted? Do you know how the pizza parlor was found? A left wing reporter went "shopping for bigots."

I think you're defending the wrong people.

No, a reporter went looking for someone who disagreed with the ruling for a comment, and found one.

And lots of people didn't like her comments.

That's what happened. Everything else is just trim that you've added to bolster your self-esteem.
Now you're just playing silly semantic word games. She went door to door trying to find a business who wouldn't cater a gay wedding. See how far you'll go to hide the truth even from yourself?
My new five year plan: open a business, discriminate against teh gheys, whine to Fox news, start crowd funding campaign, and watch the money fly out of gullible righties' wallets like so much stupid from their mouths. Cha-ching. Instant retirement account.
If you had been bright enough to think of it you would have done the same thing jackass.
Nice to see the homosexual bigots and haters lose and normal traditional people WIN!

So, anyone who published your name and address on this message board would be a "normal, traditional, person?
What in the hell does that have to do with people helping this couple that was persecuted for their beliefs?

Again, Johnny Reb, their fine had nothing to do with their beliefs. Their fine was for publishing their names and addresses, after having been found guilty of discriminating against them. I am not aware of anything in the Bible requiring a christian to publish the names and addresses of people who have successfully sued them.
The people won.

Well, since your money is going to end up in the pockets of a couple of lesbians, I guess that I have to agree.....

That's okay, I'm happy to be able to play a small part in paying the extortion.
Every night when the lesbo's turn out the light and the room get's quiet as they lay in bed, they'll be alone with their thoughts and sooner or later they'll realize what they've done.

They won the right to marry. They won, you lost. :thup:

Separate issue pal, this is about the draconian fine forced on them.

Well, that was for their publishing the name and address of the lesbian couple. Doesn't sound like a religious issue to me....
The fine was specifically in accordance with Oregon's civil rights law and had nothing to do with publishing their names, which would have been public anyway since the bakery was ordered to pay them directly.

Why you think faggots should be able to target businesses publicly while preserving their own anonymity is beyond me.
Nice to see the homosexual bigots and haters lose and normal traditional people WIN!

So, anyone who published your name and address on this message board would be a "normal, traditional, person?
What in the hell does that have to do with people helping this couple that was persecuted for their beliefs?

Again, Johnny Reb, their fine had nothing to do with their beliefs. Their fine was for publishing their names and addresses, after having been found guilty of discriminating against them. I am not aware of anything in the Bible requiring a christian to publish the names and addresses of people who have successfully sued them.
Freedom of speech home slice. :) Faggots shouldn't have started this fight and they would just be 2 more mentally ill faggots walking around America. They picked a fight with a bull and are getting the horns. They STILL didn't get their cake from Sweet Cakes :D
Nice to see the homosexual bigots and haters lose and normal traditional people WIN!

So, anyone who published your name and address on this message board would be a "normal, traditional, person?
What in the hell does that have to do with people helping this couple that was persecuted for their beliefs?

Again, Johnny Reb, their fine had nothing to do with their beliefs. Their fine was for publishing their names and addresses, after having been found guilty of discriminating against them. I am not aware of anything in the Bible requiring a christian to publish the names and addresses of people who have successfully sued them.
Freedom of speech home slice. :) Faggots shouldn't have started this fight and they would just be 2 more mentally ill faggots walking around America. They picked a fight with a bull and are getting the horns. They STILL didn't get their cake from Sweet Cakes :D

I'm not even going to dignify this bigotry with an argument, Sparky......
Nice to see the homosexual bigots and haters lose and normal traditional people WIN!

So, anyone who published your name and address on this message board would be a "normal, traditional, person?
What in the hell does that have to do with people helping this couple that was persecuted for their beliefs?

Again, Johnny Reb, their fine had nothing to do with their beliefs. Their fine was for publishing their names and addresses, after having been found guilty of discriminating against them. I am not aware of anything in the Bible requiring a christian to publish the names and addresses of people who have successfully sued them.
Freedom of speech home slice. :) Faggots shouldn't have started this fight and they would just be 2 more mentally ill faggots walking around America. They picked a fight with a bull and are getting the horns. They STILL didn't get their cake from Sweet Cakes :D
All the better. They might have spent their honeymoon with explosive diarrhea after eating a cake where the baker took a massive dump in the batter. People don't like being forced and when they are, bad things happen.
Why would I be mad? I didn't get suckered. How much are you out? :lol:

You got suckered the day you were born, asshole. When the PC crowd has a judge so snookered he'll seize a person of faith's business and home, you better worry about what will be PC when we take this country back.
Why would I be mad? I didn't get suckered. How much are you out? :lol:

You got suckered the day you were born, asshole. When the PC crowd has a judge so snookered he'll seize a person of faith's business and home, you better worry about what will be PC when we take this country back.
Oooo you're gonna take the country back. I'm a scareded :crybaby:
Made Huffpost today:

Sweet Cakes By Melissa Raises Over $352,000 After Anti-Gay Discrimination Ruling

After Oregon bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein turned away a lesbian couple who sought a wedding cake, a judge ordered the couple to pay $135,000 for violating their state's anti-discrimination laws. The Kleins complained that the amount would ruin them financially.

Now, however, that may no longer be the case: Politico reports that a record-breaking $352,500 has been raised for the Sweet Cakes by Melissa owners via an online fundraising campaign. Jesse Wellhoefer, who is the founder of Continue to Give, which hosted the campaign for Sweet Cakes, told the Washington Times that the effort set a sitewide record for the highest amount raised by any single campaign in the crowdfunding website's three-year history.

Wellhoefer acknowledged that his site, which has served churches and missionaries as well as other non-profit organizations, had received numerous complaints about the nature of the Sweet Cakes by Melissa fundraising campaign. Still, his support for the beleaguered bakery was firm.

"Lots of people have been asking us to take it off," he told the publication. "Our response has been, 'Thank you for your concern, have a great day and God bless you.'"

This is the second fundraising effort created in support of the Kleins since an Oregon judge ruled in April that they must pay Rachel Bowman-Cryer $75,000 in damages, and another $60,000 to her wife, Laurel Bowman-Cryer, for rejecting their order for a cake in 2013. An earlier GoFundMe campaign raised $109,000 for the bakery, but was disabled because officials deemed that the couple had been "found to be in violation of Oregon state law concerning discriminatory acts." (The Kleins were allowed to keep the money, according to Politico.)

Meanwhile, the Kleins are expected to appeal the court's discrimination ruling, according to the Washington Times.

At the time of the 2013 incident, Aaron Klein argued that he and Melissa were simply living in accordance with their religious beliefs by rejecting the lesbian couple's request. Although theyshuttered their bakery storefront in September 2013 after the controversy made national news, the Kleins still take orders online.

"I believe that marriage is a religious institution ordained by God," Aaron Klein was quoted as saying at the time. "I'd rather have my kids see their dad stand up for what he believes in than to see him bow down because one person complained."

Sweet Cakes By Melissa Raises Over 352 000 After Anti-Gay Discrimination Ruling

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