Sweet Cakes by Melissa breaks record on crowdfunding site

Why would I be mad? I didn't get suckered. How much are you out? :lol:

You got suckered the day you were born, asshole. When the PC crowd has a judge so snookered he'll seize a person of faith's business and home, you better worry about what will be PC when we take this country back.
Oooo you're gonna take the country back. I'm a scareded :crybaby:

Did you forget 2014 that quickly? It was less than a year ago that the hard left got taken to the woodshed. The fascism out of that camp has only increased since then. Did you think the anger against that fascism somehow dropped off?
My new five year plan: open a business, discriminate against teh gheys, whine to Fox news, start crowd funding campaign, and watch the money fly out of gullible righties' wallets like so much stupid from their mouths. Cha-ching. Instant retirement account.

You mad bro ?
Why would I be mad? I didn't get suckered. How much are you out? :lol:

a lib saying this after voting for barry- the irony.
a lib saying this after voting for barry- the irony.
Not really. And stop calling people in the middle "libs". We are not. Just because we reject a lack of affordable healthcare, jobs, living wages and we reject carbon energy's dominance doesn't mean we embrace ass-sex. There are more intellectual positions on issues than the two extreme cardboard cutout bookends that are nothing short of a religion on either end.

A flexible mind changes according to new information. And Barry O. was my choice between two evils. He was the lesser of the two. McCain and Caribou Barbie were not an option. Neither was "ship-jobs-overseas" Romney. Maybe the choice of Obama was a reflection of how little there was to choose from. I keep my fingers crossed for 2016 but I can already see that Fox News is honing down the "favorites" to a team of empty-shirted dumbasess of whom will take orders from the Kingmakers behind the scenes at Fox.

Rove and the gang, essentially. And the country will suffer their greedy politics for another 8 years. Thanks for taking over my party, cult of ass-sex!
Bravo ! :clap2:

PORTLAND, Ore. - The Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple is breaking records with its crowdfunding campaign.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa was kicked off GoFundMe earlier this year, but has since raised more than $350,000 on the crowdfunding site Continue to Give. The growing total, which far exceeds the couple's $150,000 goal, is the largest individual campaign in the history of the three-year-old site, the Washington Times reported. The couple previously netted more than $60,000 from Go Fund Me before that campaign was taken down.

The founder of Continue to Give, Jesse Wellhoefer, said he refused to remove the Sweet Cakes campaign despite "lots and lots" of complaints, according to the Washington Times.

The bakery owners, Aaron and Melissa Klein, were ordered to pay the couple $135,000 in damages, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled July 2.

Aaron Klein said he has no plans to stop the Continue to Give campaign and there is no end date set.

"The future is unknown," said Klein, who hasn't been working at his job as a garbage collector since he injured his arm. "I don't know what taxes are owed on this."

Melissa Klein is also out of work, except for baking for family and friends.

Klein said he plans to appeal BOLI's decision and if there is extra money when the legal battle is over, he might donate it to charity.

BOLI rules in favor of couple

Following a two-year investigation into whether the bakery violated Oregon's anti-discrimination laws, BOLI ruled July 2 that the Kleins must pay Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer $135,000 for refusing to bake them a wedding cake because of their sexual orientation.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage. It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal," BOLI said in its final ruling. "Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

The Bowman-Cryers said they were happy with the decision following a difficult two years that included attacks on social media and even death threats.

"This has been a horrible ordeal for our entire family," the couple said in a statement. "We never imagined finding ourselves caught up in a fight for social justice. We knew it was on us to set an example for our two kids - to stand up for what is right."

Aaron Klein said he will file an appeal with the Oregon Court of Appeal.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa breaks record on crowdfunding site
I'm glad there are other go crowdfunding sites besides go fund me. That site should be taken off-line and put out of business for not allowing people to fund causes that we prefer. Go fund me go to hell
I have always maintained that it is always a good thing when a conservative is separated from his money, even to another conservative. Far better that they prey on each other than on us liberals.
Liberals tend not to give to charities anyway. So big deal if you don't go to crowdfunding sites.
Bravo ! :clap2:

PORTLAND, Ore. - The Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple is breaking records with its crowdfunding campaign.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa was kicked off GoFundMe earlier this year, but has since raised more than $350,000 on the crowdfunding site Continue to Give. The growing total, which far exceeds the couple's $150,000 goal, is the largest individual campaign in the history of the three-year-old site, the Washington Times reported. The couple previously netted more than $60,000 from Go Fund Me before that campaign was taken down.

The founder of Continue to Give, Jesse Wellhoefer, said he refused to remove the Sweet Cakes campaign despite "lots and lots" of complaints, according to the Washington Times.

The bakery owners, Aaron and Melissa Klein, were ordered to pay the couple $135,000 in damages, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled July 2.

Aaron Klein said he has no plans to stop the Continue to Give campaign and there is no end date set.

"The future is unknown," said Klein, who hasn't been working at his job as a garbage collector since he injured his arm. "I don't know what taxes are owed on this."

Melissa Klein is also out of work, except for baking for family and friends.

Klein said he plans to appeal BOLI's decision and if there is extra money when the legal battle is over, he might donate it to charity.

BOLI rules in favor of couple

Following a two-year investigation into whether the bakery violated Oregon's anti-discrimination laws, BOLI ruled July 2 that the Kleins must pay Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer $135,000 for refusing to bake them a wedding cake because of their sexual orientation.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage. It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal," BOLI said in its final ruling. "Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

The Bowman-Cryers said they were happy with the decision following a difficult two years that included attacks on social media and even death threats.

"This has been a horrible ordeal for our entire family," the couple said in a statement. "We never imagined finding ourselves caught up in a fight for social justice. We knew it was on us to set an example for our two kids - to stand up for what is right."

Aaron Klein said he will file an appeal with the Oregon Court of Appeal.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa breaks record on crowdfunding site
I'm glad there are other go crowdfunding sites besides go fund me. That site should be taken off-line and put out of business for not allowing people to fund causes that we prefer. Go fund me go to hell
Thought you were a big believer in businesses doing whatever the fuck they wanted and letting the market decide? No so much eh?
Bullshit, you're butthurt that this family is getting help with their draconian fine.

Not only are these folks getting help, but the people donating get the opportunity to fight back at the bullies and the government that has decided create an imbalance of rights.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.


Which "people" won here, other than the owners who made off like bandits?
Good......I hope they make a million off of it.................Best dang cakes money can buy I heard.......


I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money. If sending it to strangers on the internet just because they don't like teh gheys is what floats your boat, so be it.

It's just funny to hear you guys talk about it as if it's some "victory" for your side.
As usual the leftistsare mischaracterizing the Klines which means they have lost the argument .
Bravo ! :clap2:

PORTLAND, Ore. - The Gresham bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple is breaking records with its crowdfunding campaign.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa was kicked off GoFundMe earlier this year, but has since raised more than $350,000 on the crowdfunding site Continue to Give. The growing total, which far exceeds the couple's $150,000 goal, is the largest individual campaign in the history of the three-year-old site, the Washington Times reported. The couple previously netted more than $60,000 from Go Fund Me before that campaign was taken down.

The founder of Continue to Give, Jesse Wellhoefer, said he refused to remove the Sweet Cakes campaign despite "lots and lots" of complaints, according to the Washington Times.

The bakery owners, Aaron and Melissa Klein, were ordered to pay the couple $135,000 in damages, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled July 2.

Aaron Klein said he has no plans to stop the Continue to Give campaign and there is no end date set.

"The future is unknown," said Klein, who hasn't been working at his job as a garbage collector since he injured his arm. "I don't know what taxes are owed on this."

Melissa Klein is also out of work, except for baking for family and friends.

Klein said he plans to appeal BOLI's decision and if there is extra money when the legal battle is over, he might donate it to charity.

BOLI rules in favor of couple

Following a two-year investigation into whether the bakery violated Oregon's anti-discrimination laws, BOLI ruled July 2 that the Kleins must pay Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer $135,000 for refusing to bake them a wedding cake because of their sexual orientation.

"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage. It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal," BOLI said in its final ruling. "Within Oregon's public accommodations law is the basic principle of human decency that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the freedom to fully participate in society. The ability to enter public places, to shop, to dine, to move about unfettered by bigotry."

The Bowman-Cryers said they were happy with the decision following a difficult two years that included attacks on social media and even death threats.

"This has been a horrible ordeal for our entire family," the couple said in a statement. "We never imagined finding ourselves caught up in a fight for social justice. We knew it was on us to set an example for our two kids - to stand up for what is right."

Aaron Klein said he will file an appeal with the Oregon Court of Appeal.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa breaks record on crowdfunding site
I'm glad there are other go crowdfunding sites besides go fund me. That site should be taken off-line and put out of business for not allowing people to fund causes that we prefer. Go fund me go to hell
Thought you were a big believer in businesses doing whatever the fuck they wanted and letting the market decide? No so much eh?
An eye for an eye. When it comes to businesses that suck up to liberal causes, I'm in favor of putting them out of business even if it's the government doing It.
Still trying to convince yourself that your donation was money well spent?

The people won.


Which "people" won here, other than the owners who made off like bandits?
Good......I hope they make a million off of it.................Best dang cakes money can buy I heard.......


I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money. If sending it to strangers on the internet just because they don't like teh gheys is what floats your boat, so be it.

It's just funny to hear you guys talk about it as if it's some "victory" for your side.
As usual the leftistsare mischaracterizing the Klines which means they have lost the argument .
The Kleins, spell their damn name right, broke the law but you approve so there you go.
The people won.


Which "people" won here, other than the owners who made off like bandits?
Good......I hope they make a million off of it.................Best dang cakes money can buy I heard.......


I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money. If sending it to strangers on the internet just because they don't like teh gheys is what floats your boat, so be it.

It's just funny to hear you guys talk about it as if it's some "victory" for your side.
As usual the leftistsare mischaracterizing the Klines which means they have lost the argument .
The Kleins, spell their damn name right, broke the law but you approve so there you go.
Their Religious beliefs need not apply.

Which "people" won here, other than the owners who made off like bandits?
Good......I hope they make a million off of it.................Best dang cakes money can buy I heard.......


I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money. If sending it to strangers on the internet just because they don't like teh gheys is what floats your boat, so be it.

It's just funny to hear you guys talk about it as if it's some "victory" for your side.
As usual the leftistsare mischaracterizing the Klines which means they have lost the argument .
The Kleins, spell their damn name right, broke the law but you approve so there you go.
Their Religious beliefs need not apply.

I guess that American society is lucky that the Klein's religious beliefs are not to throw gays off of the tops of buildings.
My new five year plan: open a business, discriminate against teh gheys, whine to Fox news, start crowd funding campaign, and watch the money fly out of gullible righties' wallets like so much stupid from their mouths. Cha-ching. Instant retirement account.

Hey you can come to NYC,claim to sprain your ankle and sue the city for $5 million like Al Sharpton's daughter.
I guess that American society is lucky that the Klein's religious beliefs are not to throw gays off of the tops of buildings.

You're right. There's an ocean of difference between passively refusing to participate in homosexual "weddings" to keep it as a culture from spreading, vs throwing individual gay people to their death off of tall buildings.

I'm so glad you can see the subtle differences between the two.. :cuckoo:
I guess that American society is lucky that the Klein's religious beliefs are not to throw gays off of the tops of buildings.

You're right. There's an ocean of difference between passively refusing to participate in homosexual "weddings" to keep it as a culture from spreading, vs throwing individual gay people to their death off of tall buildings.

I'm so glad you can see the subtle differences between the two.. :cuckoo:

Not really. Both the Kleins who discriminate against gays and the people who throw gays off roofs are doing it for exactly the same reason. God told them to.
I guess America is not that far gone after all. I hope they get a million and give some of it to The Family Research Council for fun to stick it to all the Liberals out there :p

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Not really. Both the Kleins who discriminate against gays and the people who throw gays off roofs are doing it for exactly the same reason. God told them to.

Yes, passively refusing to participate in the gay culture is EXACTLY the same as throwing individual gay people off of a roof. EXACTLY. How could anyone disagree? It really is all or nothing with you people. Each and every single person must be assimilated by the church of LGBT OR ELSE...they willl be thrown off a roof...eventually. For now y'all are stepping softly as you tight the noose around everyone's necks..

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