Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation

You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

You are a hack.

You are nothing but a hack. Every word you post here is from the democratic party. Soros has his hand up your ass to the elbow and controls your every thought.

You are an agent of the Nazi democrat party. You started this exchange with a demand that others prove a negative, then you lied about it.

You fool no one, hack. We are not your Jr. College students. You are a creature of the party, nothing more.

STILL unable to produce any quote, any link, any screenshot, any anything that has my name on it, Pothead?

You got busted too. And yet you'll be back trying the same shit again and end up whimpering in the corner when it's called out, wondering where it all went wrong.


Poor Pothead.

Such a stupid little lying fuck. :lmao:

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false.
^^^^^cockbreath demanding we prove a negative.

Poor Nazi Sluggo - busted lying yet AGAIN...

That's not a "negative", diarrhea mouth. Do I really need to spell this out with stick-figure diagrams for the retarded?

The OP says, and I quote, "Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusations".

That's TWO ass-sertions he just made --- I put 'em in bold so maybe even you can find 'em ---- that he can't prove.

And you can't either.

Just as you can't find those quotes of mine you've been looking for all day but can't find because they don't exist.


So here's yet another chance Pothead.

PROVE ME WRONG. Demonstrate to the class how Swetnick "lied under oath" and "made [a] false rape accusation".

Go ahead. Clock's ticking. Oh and the OP ran away because he got called on it. Yet here you are trying to white-knight.


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