Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation

Kavanaugh sent message to Swetnick, indicating that he wanted to see her again. "Every time he texts me, i just feel nauseous. it makes me want to vomit" Swetnick erupted

Oh kewl, so Swetnick can produce these texts and a quick data forensics will prove Kavanaugh sent them. No doubt that will be today, right?
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.

Oh I did huh.









Sen. Chris Coons, Delaware Democrat, drew double-takes on the right Monday after insisting that the burden of proof lies with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence.

Mr. Coons said that Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez “have nothing to gain” and have put themselves “at legal risk” by accusing Mr. Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in his teen years.}

Democrat Coons: Burden of proof lies with Brett Kavanaugh to prove his innocence

You are one DUMB motherfucker. Dishonest and unethical, sure - but you're flat out stupid to boot.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.

the WH cut the investigation short it was a selective investigation -

that all canges if the dems win back the house .....

Give me a fucking break. Nothing would satisfy you.
Kavanaugh sent message to Swetnick, indicating that he wanted to see her again. "Every time he texts me, i just feel nauseous. it makes me want to vomit" Swetnick erupted

Oh kewl, so Swetnick can produce these texts and a quick data forensics will prove Kavanaugh sent them. No doubt that will be today, right?

Well looky there Pothead --- he's got exactly the same level of evidence that you do for these hallucinated posts of mine. The ones you can't find. The ones you can't show. The ones you pulled out of your ass because you're a fucking retard. Imagine that.

Oh I did huh.









Sen. Chris Coons, Delaware Democrat, drew double-takes on the right Monday after insisting that the burden of proof lies with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence.

Mr. Coons said that Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez “have nothing to gain” and have put themselves “at legal risk” by accusing Mr. Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in his teen years.}

Democrat Coons: Burden of proof lies with Brett Kavanaugh to prove his innocence

You are one DUMB motherfucker. Dishonest and unethical, sure - but you're flat out stupid to boot.

You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?
lying under oath gets you appointed to the supreme court, havent you heard.

Launching Nazi Pogroms can cost you the House of Representatives Comrade, haven't you heard?

if the dems win back the house kavanaugh will get tossed just like bill clinton did for lying to congress under oath ... hear that sparky.

Of course Comrade Nazi.

Should your Reich hold 217 seats you will dispatch Storm Troopers to drag a supreme court justice out into the square and finish the lynching you started..

Yep, you're fully rational.


Prior to this witch hunt, you Nazis would have taken the house.

Not now though. All democrats need to prevail is for good men to do nothing. You evil fucks have awakened the good men and women of this nation.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.


Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker" post you posted aimed at a liberal poster.

The same thing you said here, but to a liberal...that evidence is required, the allegation isn't enough.

That stating something as fact, without any evidence to back up the allegation makes one a dense motherfucker...to a liberal poster.

Can I make that any more clear?
You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

You are a hack.

You are nothing but a hack. Every word you post here is from the democratic party. Soros has his hand up your ass to the elbow and controls your every thought.

You are an agent of the Nazi democrat party. You started this exchange with a demand that others prove a negative, then you lied about it.

You fool no one, hack. We are not your Jr. College students. You are a creature of the party, nothing more.

Oh I did huh.









Sen. Chris Coons, Delaware Democrat, drew double-takes on the right Monday after insisting that the burden of proof lies with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence.

Mr. Coons said that Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez “have nothing to gain” and have put themselves “at legal risk” by accusing Mr. Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in his teen years.}

Democrat Coons: Burden of proof lies with Brett Kavanaugh to prove his innocence

You are one DUMB motherfucker. Dishonest and unethical, sure - but you're flat out stupid to boot.

You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

Nope we know that you are a clueless hack who likes to play word games. Kavanaugh is being seated because there was zero "proof" to stop it.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.

Exactly, thank you. And that's what the OP just did here.

Thing is he's been called on it over and over and here he is trotting it out yet again expecting different results.

Agreed. But again Kavanaugh will be seated because there is nothing to corroborate anything she accused him of.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.


Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker" post you posted aimed at a liberal poster.

The same thing you said here, but to a liberal...that evidence is required, the allegation isn't enough.

That stating something as fact, without any evidence to back up the allegation makes one a dense motherfucker...to a liberal poster.

Can I make that any more clear?

Need a hankie?

Thanks for translation. My posts are not hidden. You're welcome to peruse where I've noted the burden of proof hundreds of times to various entities. Since you're hung up on stuffing people into boxes you can also feel free to stuff whatever you find there into "liberal" boxes though I doubt you have any clue what that means. But by all means knock yourself out.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

This shit is just getting started. EVERYTHING that has come out about Kavenaugh has amply demonstrated his total unfitness for a positition on the Supreme Court. The drinking, the partisanship, the temper. This man is simply not SC material and the majority of the electorate agrees with that assessment. The problem is that Kavenaugh was appointed by a President who lost the popular vote, and his confirmation will be passed by senators who represent the minority of the voters. That's some fucked up system you have there.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.

Exactly, thank you. And that's what the OP just did here.

Thing is he's been called on it over and over and here he is trotting it out yet again expecting different results.

Agreed. But again Kavanaugh will be seated because there is nothing to corroborate anything she accused him of.

Agreed. But again neither Swetnick, nor Rump, nor anyone else, is going to be "charged with a felony" for making accusations for which they cannot offer evidence. Not even Rump where his accusees have DNA evidence to the contrary. Because such charges cannot be levied unless they have evidence that the accusation was fabricated and not sincere.

See if you can hammer that into the OP's head. Oops --- he ran away. Wonder why.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.

Exactly, thank you. And that's what the OP just did here.

Thing is he's been called on it over and over and here he is trotting it out yet again expecting different results.

Agreed. But again Kavanaugh will be seated because there is nothing to corroborate anything she accused him of.

Agreed. But again neither Swetnick, nor Rump, nor anyone else, is going to be "charged with a felony" for making accusations for which they cannot offer evidence. Not even Rump where his accusees have DNA evidence to the contrary. Because they can't do that unless they have evidence that the accusation was fabricated and not sincere.

See if you can hammer that into the OP's head. Oops --- he ran away. Wonder why.

After today we'll be on to the next scandal.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.


Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker" post you posted aimed at a liberal poster.

The same thing you said here, but to a liberal...that evidence is required, the allegation isn't enough.

That stating something as fact, without any evidence to back up the allegation makes one a dense motherfucker...to a liberal poster.

Can I make that any more clear?

Need a hankie?

Thanks for translation. My posts are not hidden. You're welcome to peruse where I've noted the burden of proof hundreds of times to various entities. Since you're hung up on stuffing people into boxes you can also feel free to stuff whatever you find there into "liberal" boxes though I doubt you have any clue what that means. But by all means knock yourself out.

No need to soil your hankie...the trifling little leftist piece of shit that was vexing me has been appropriately deal with...thanks anyway.
How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.

Exactly, thank you. And that's what the OP just did here.

Thing is he's been called on it over and over and here he is trotting it out yet again expecting different results.

Agreed. But again Kavanaugh will be seated because there is nothing to corroborate anything she accused him of.

Agreed. But again neither Swetnick, nor Rump, nor anyone else, is going to be "charged with a felony" for making accusations for which they cannot offer evidence. Not even Rump where his accusees have DNA evidence to the contrary. Because they can't do that unless they have evidence that the accusation was fabricated and not sincere.

See if you can hammer that into the OP's head. Oops --- he ran away. Wonder why.

After today we'll be on to the next scandal.

Zackly. Lather, rinse, repeat.
How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.


Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker" post you posted aimed at a liberal poster.

The same thing you said here, but to a liberal...that evidence is required, the allegation isn't enough.

That stating something as fact, without any evidence to back up the allegation makes one a dense motherfucker...to a liberal poster.

Can I make that any more clear?

Need a hankie?

Thanks for translation. My posts are not hidden. You're welcome to peruse where I've noted the burden of proof hundreds of times to various entities. Since you're hung up on stuffing people into boxes you can also feel free to stuff whatever you find there into "liberal" boxes though I doubt you have any clue what that means. But by all means knock yourself out.

No need to soil your hankie...the trifling little leftist piece of shit that was vexing me has been appropriately deal with...thanks anyway.

How wonderful for you. Oh happy day.

Meanwhile you've been schooled. You try to hang bullshit on my name, it WILL be called out wid a quickness as it was here. Learn that and live it.
You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

You are a hack.

You are nothing but a hack. Every word you post here is from the democratic party. Soros has his hand up your ass to the elbow and controls your every thought.

You are an agent of the Nazi democrat party. You started this exchange with a demand that others prove a negative, then you lied about it.

You fool no one, hack. We are not your Jr. College students. You are a creature of the party, nothing more.

STILL unable to produce any quote, any link, any screenshot, any anything that has my name on it, Pothead?

You got busted too. And yet you'll be back trying the same shit again and end up whimpering in the corner when it's called out, wondering where it all went wrong.


Poor Pothead.

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