Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation

You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

You are a hack.

You are nothing but a hack. Every word you post here is from the democratic party. Soros has his hand up your ass to the elbow and controls your every thought.

You are an agent of the Nazi democrat party. You started this exchange with a demand that others prove a negative, then you lied about it.

You fool no one, hack. We are not your Jr. College students. You are a creature of the party, nothing more.

STILL unable to produce any quote, any link, any screenshot, any anything that has my name on it, Pothead?

You got busted too. And yet you'll be back trying the same shit again and end up whimpering in the corner when it's called out, wondering where it all went wrong.


Poor Pothead.

Oh, you want to get slapped around more, you lying little putz?

Again stupid fuck, despite your outright lies, I entered this thread upon you demanding that the allegations of the Nazicrats and their paid witnesses be proven false. YOU and your fellow Nazi scum are who must prove the allegations you have brought. The testimony of Christine Ford is false and unsubstantiated until evidence proves it is not.

Try again scumbag, you've been humiliated, whether you grasp the fact or not.
People who demand that a negative be proven are simply stalling because they've lost.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.

Nobody was "identified as having (or being in place to have) a first hand account" other than Kavanaugh and Judge. The other people were identified as being present at the party (not in the room). And none of those co-inhabitants "denied" the claim; no one can do that. You can't "deny" what happened in a room in which you were not present. The laws of physics don't allow for it.

This of course was deliberately misrepresented by Kavanaugh in the hearing as "they all said it didn't happen", which they absolutely did not say. Weasel words. "They did not say it happened" is a wholly different sentence from "they say it didn't happen".

Judge and Kavanaugh have denied the claim along with all the people Ford lists as being at the party denied being at any such event. Ford claims her friend wouldn't remember the gathering since nothing significant happened to her, well except Ford would have left her 13 year old friend alone with 4 boys who where 17 at the time, pretty sure that would be an significant event her friend would remember.

Just face it Ford knowingly lied about the entire thing. I'm sure she was pressured, so maybe she'll flip.
That's what they are known for now.....

If someone knowingly falsely accused you of rape, would you believe them?
I would IMMEDIATELY demand an investigation by the authorities. Like Blackout Brett did......not.

So.....is being rejected by men your whole life the reason you turned into a bull dyke?
Just curious.
How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.

Nobody was "identified as having (or being in place to have) a first hand account" other than Kavanaugh and Judge. The other people were identified as being present at the party (not in the room). And none of those co-inhabitants "denied" the claim; no one can do that. You can't "deny" what happened in a room in which you were not present. The laws of physics don't allow for it.

This of course was deliberately misrepresented by Kavanaugh in the hearing as "they all said it didn't happen", which they absolutely did not say. Weasel words. "They did not say it happened" is a wholly different sentence from "they say it didn't happen".

Judge and Kavanaugh have denied the claim along with all the people Ford lists as being at the party denied being at any such event. Ford claims her friend wouldn't remember the gathering since nothing significant happened to her, well except Ford would have left her 13 year old friend alone with 4 boys who where 17 at the time, pretty sure that would be an significant event her friend would remember.

She might, if she had been 13. In the event she was 15. Doesn't look like you're paying close attention. Nor did Ford say the friend had had any responsibility for "bringing" her there, hence there would be no "leaving her alone" with "4 boys" which was actually 2 boys who according to the description shoved her off when her only purpose was to go to the bathroom so again, her whereabouts at that moment would not have been known outside the bedroom. And again, the friend was just one of the attendees in the house, not present in the bedroom, so she would have had no knowledge of what went down in there. It would appear you weren't paying close attention to details at all.

Just face it Ford knowingly lied about the entire thing. I'm sure she was pressured, so maybe she'll flip.

Once AGAIN you have ZERO evidence for that, nor do I. No more evidence than there is against Brett Kavanaugh. How come one automatically "lied" and the other is automatically "innocent" with no evidence for either? You can't "face" something that does not exist.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless.
People who demand that a negative be proven are simply stalling because they've lost.

You can't "prove" a negative. When I demand that someone prove their negative ass-sertion I'm demonstrating that they can't do it.
As soon as the LYING Drunk Rapist Kavanaugh arrested for Perjury. He lied his ass off.
Pogo Here is your chance...let him have it. :lol:

Kavanaugh did lie in the hearing. That's proven. I don't know that he was drunk at the time, although by his descriptions there hardly exists a time when he isn't, but that's neither here nor there.

"They all said it didn't happen" is a blatant lie. And somehow he wasn't called on it in the hearing.
The one thing that cannot be explained away by saying nothing happened to the friend so she wouldn't remember, the friend said she had never met Kavanaugh and neither had Ford. That's memorable.
The one thing that cannot be explained away by saying nothing happened to the friend so she wouldn't remember, the friend said she had never met Kavanaugh and neither had Ford. That's memorable.

Actually her lawyer said that. But apparently that part isn't as "memorable".
You actually think I'm "Chris Coons"? And I post here while I'm in Senate hearings?

Are you snorting Marvel Mystery Oil or what? What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? I asked for evidence of YOUR claims of what I posted and you come back with ----------------- "Chris Coons"?

You are a hack.

You are nothing but a hack. Every word you post here is from the democratic party. Soros has his hand up your ass to the elbow and controls your every thought.

You are an agent of the Nazi democrat party. You started this exchange with a demand that others prove a negative, then you lied about it.

You fool no one, hack. We are not your Jr. College students. You are a creature of the party, nothing more.

STILL unable to produce any quote, any link, any screenshot, any anything that has my name on it, Pothead?

You got busted too. And yet you'll be back trying the same shit again and end up whimpering in the corner when it's called out, wondering where it all went wrong.


Poor Pothead.

Such a stupid little lying fuck. :lmao:

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false.
^^^^^cockbreath demanding we prove a negative.

Poor Nazi Sluggo - busted lying yet AGAIN...
Last edited:
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

Show me what this dump of a post looks like in English and we'll talk turkey.


Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker" post you posted aimed at a liberal poster.

The same thing you said here, but to a liberal...that evidence is required, the allegation isn't enough.

That stating something as fact, without any evidence to back up the allegation makes one a dense motherfucker...to a liberal poster.

Can I make that any more clear?

Need a hankie?

Thanks for translation. My posts are not hidden. You're welcome to peruse where I've noted the burden of proof hundreds of times to various entities. Since you're hung up on stuffing people into boxes you can also feel free to stuff whatever you find there into "liberal" boxes though I doubt you have any clue what that means. But by all means knock yourself out.

Yes we can, you lying little fuck

Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation

Nazi Pogo sez

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false.

You demand we prove Ford's testimony false - but among grown ups it is the accuser who must prove their accusation true - shit fer brains.
hope that she is made an example of !! I hope that they go after 'ugly woman' and femi nazi 'chrissy balsey ford' ,

Yes, if Sweatnik lied to the FBI she ought to be prosecuted but she won't: the country is fucked up, and that would only be seen as being mean spirited, vengedul and the GOP again attacking another women. Like blacks, the Left have managed to elevate the woman to a special class of protected citizen now. The MeToo movement has proven that women really aren't equal after all. They can't even defend themseves by reporting crime upon themselves---- they hide in a closet for 40 years trembling behind locked doors and are so fragile, we have to coax them out like little bunnies, then take them at their word unquestioned.

How DARE you doubt a woman's word!
hope that she is made an example of !! I hope that they go after 'ugly woman' and femi nazi 'chrissy balsey ford' ,

Yes, if Sweatnik lied to the FBI she ought to be prosecuted but she won't: the country is fucked up, and that would only be seen as being mean spirited, vengedul and the GOP again attacking another women. Like blacks, the Left have managed to elevate the woman to a special class of protected citizen now. The MeToo movement has proven that women really aren't equal after all. They can't even defend themseves by reporting crime upon themselves---- they hide in a closet for 40 years trembling behind locked doors and are so fragile, we have to coax them out like little bunnies, then take them at their word unquestioned.

How DARE you doubt a woman's word!

We know for a FACT that Ford lied under oath.

She claimed to have no knowledge of polygraphs but had in fact helped prep people to beat polygraphs.

She should do some time.
I believe there SHOULD be consequences. for those who lie in front of congress.
If not, then these games will continue.
Kavanaugh lost his job at Harvard over the lies being spewed at the Political Game.
There should be consequences.

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