Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation

This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.


You stupid fuck.

No one has the duty to prove allegations false, YOU fucking Nazis have the duty to prove the baseless allegations you make are true.You have not even come close to supporting your absurd claims.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.


You stupid fuck.

No one has the duty to prove allegations false, YOU fucking Nazis have the duty to prove the baseless allegations you make are true.You have not even come close to supporting your absurd claims.

And what 'absurd claim' would this be, Pothead?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

Well? Ain't got all day here.
The Dimms had Ford under oath in front of them and could have asked her anything.

They were too busy telling Fraud how very courageous she was and giving speeches to actually ask her some questions.
A hush falls over the house as not one but two different posers desperately search ninety-two thousand four hundred posts for evidence they'll never find.

How to keep two morons busy.

And what 'absurd claim' would this be, Pothead?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

Well? Ain't got all day here.

Look stupid fuck, your demand that I prove a negative is far more than a logical fallacy, and let's face it, fallacy is as close as you ever get to committing logic. But shit fer brains, your demand that Kavanaugh prove the absurd and baseless allegations of paid a million bucks Christine Ford (Really George Soros/Dianne Feinstein) to be false is what has destroyed your hopes of gaining control of the house.

And what 'absurd claim' would this be, Pothead?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

Well? Ain't got all day here.

Look stupid fuck, your demand that I prove a negative is far more than a logical fallacy, and let's face it, fallacy is as close as you ever get to committing logic. But shit fer brains, your demand that Kavanaugh prove the absurd and baseless allegations of paid a million bucks Christine Ford (Really George Soros/Dianne Feinstein) to be false is what has destroyed your hopes of gaining control of the house.

And this "demand" of mine is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where?

C'mon Pothead I just told you I ain't got all day here. Just admit you pulled it out of your ample ass and we'll go to lunch.

Happy huntin' Dumbass.
lying under oath gets you appointed to the supreme court, havent you heard.
A hush falls over the house as not one but two different posers desperately search ninety-two thousand four hundred posts for evidence they'll never find.

How to keep two morons busy.

Evidence of what, drooling retard?

You Nazis never produced a hint nor shred of evidence. You shrieked "KAVANAUGH IS GUILTY - PROVE HIM INNOCENT."

Of course you could never say when the alleged party supposedly happened. What a happy coincidence for you Nazis - hard to prove one was not at a party when no one can say when the party was.

And you could never say WHERE the alleged party supposedly happened. What a happy coincidence for you Nazis - hard to prove one was not at a party when no one can say where the party was.

Prove you are innocent Justice Kavanaugh, but we won't tell you what the facts are (because there are no facts)

You're a scumbag, and dumb as a brick.

And what 'absurd claim' would this be, Pothead?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

Well? Ain't got all day here.

Look stupid fuck, your demand that I prove a negative is far more than a logical fallacy, and let's face it, fallacy is as close as you ever get to committing logic. But shit fer brains, your demand that Kavanaugh prove the absurd and baseless allegations of paid a million bucks Christine Ford (Really George Soros/Dianne Feinstein) to be false is what has destroyed your hopes of gaining control of the house.

And this "demand" of mine is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where?

C'mon Pothead I just told you I ain't got all day here. Just admit you pulled it out of your ample ass and we'll go to lunch.

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Oh kewl, you can lie.

How pathetic you are, fucking fraud.
Kavanaugh sent message to Swetnick, indicating that he wanted to see her again. "Every time he texts me, i just feel nauseous. it makes me want to vomit" Swetnick erupted
As soon as the LYING Drunk Rapist Kavanaugh arrested for Perjury. He lied his ass off.
"Swetnick had better be charged with a felony for lying under oath and making false rape accusation"

Guess Rump should also be charged with making false rape accusations against the Central Park Five, right OP?

Hey, same thing. Get on that willya.

This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.

the WH cut the investigation short it was a selective investigation -

that all canges if the dems win back the house .....
This shit needs to stop immediately.

How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

LMAO, you can't declare something TRUE without evidence that it IS true.
You mean the evidence that a thorough investigation with everyone being interviewed and all evidence being looked at would bring?

The FBI interviewed the people who were identified as having a first hand account, they all denied the claims.

Nobody was "identified as having (or being in place to have) a first hand account" other than Kavanaugh and Judge. The other people were identified as being present at the party (not in the room). And none of those co-inhabitants "denied" the claim; no one can do that. You can't "deny" what happened in a room in which you were not present. The laws of physics don't allow for it.

This of course was deliberately misrepresented by Kavanaugh in the hearing as "they all said it didn't happen", which they absolutely did not say. Weasel words. "They did not say it happened" is a wholly different sentence from "they say it didn't happen".
How long do you intend to play the role of Mongoloid Idiot on the internets?

You STILL can't declare something "false" without evidence that it is false. That has not somehow changed overnight, it will not have changed next week, and just to save you even more future embarrassment, it will *NEVER* change, ever.

Holy SHIT you're a dense motherfucker.

Show me this post aimed at a liberal going after Kavanaugh and I'll happily apologize.

Show me the "you can't declare something true without evidence that it is true you dense motherfucker".

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