Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

Not all Muslims belong to ISIS, but all ISIS members are Muslims.

Which is the best argument ever for not persecuting innocent Muslims.

Declining to grant them a visa is not persecuting them.

It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Nope. It's no more persecuting them than denying them a visa because they are Nazis or communists.

That's the Hitler view, unsurprisingly.

It was FDR's view, moron.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Well lets look at our serial murderers and find out where they are from


Ted Bundy
Serial Killer
Theodore Robert Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. Wikipedia

Born: November 24, 1946, Burlington, VT
Died: January 24, 1989, Florida State Prison, FL
Spouse: Carole Anne Boone (m. 1980–1986)
Education: University of Utah (1973–1974), More
Parents: Johnny Culpepper Bundy, Eleanor Louise Cowell
Nicknames: Lady Killer, The Campus Killer, Ted

It appears that Ted Bundy was NOT an Islamofascist.

What does Ted Bundy have to do with anything, douche bag?

Excuse me cum swalllower

Did you make the following statement

That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Was Ted Bundy and his ilk home grown members of a despicable culture? Were they Islamofascists? What made Ted Bundy and his peers savages?

You're too fucking stupid to waste a substantive response on.
You’re a liar, bigot, and hateful racist – typical of most on the right.

You represent everything that’s wrong with conservatism: the fear, the ignorance, the hate – conservativism is in fact the bane of the American Nation, you’re proof of that.

He represents everything that cautious conservatives try to hide.
That's pure horseshit. Switzerland is ranked 4th on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.
Economic freedom not overall freedom
Think about it, they can ban someone from being a citizen because they do not assimilate into the culture. You may like that, but it is a heavy handed government.
Having lived in Switzerland, I am confident they would never let you in; you do not fit..

Switzerland is a great country but it is very different in culture and circumstances than the USA.
How is banning a non-citizen from becoming one "heavy handed?" If they refuse to assimilate, denying them citizenship is just plain common sense. Of course, that's what leftwing turds like you have been fighting against since the Wilson Administration.

Economic freedom is about 90% of freedom.

There's no such thing as citizenship in the anarchy you support.

Yes, that's true, but in the world as it is we have citizenship. We aren't obligated to dole it out to whomever demands it.

Anarchy doesn't dole out anything.
Our government does, and it has no obligation to dole out visas to Muzzie savages.
Which is the best argument ever for not persecuting innocent Muslims.

Declining to grant them a visa is not persecuting them.

It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Nope. It's no more persecuting them than denying them a visa because they are Nazis or communists.

That's the Hitler view, unsurprisingly.

It was FDR's view, moron.

You want a genocide of Muslims. Hitler wanted a genocide of the Jews.

You are peas in a pod.
The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?

So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?

When they've been sent back to the Bottomless Pit on a permanent basis, meaning when they've been removed from not only our Continents but this planet, then Islam itself will exist only as a myth.

You know all religion is hocus pocus, right?

Tell that to the Muslims, say to their faces that everything Mohammed wrote was hocus pocus and see what happens.

There's only one way to deal with this crowd and that's we kill them, if not they'll be the end of us.

Another vote for genocide. Good one, Eva.

Everyone knows this is what it's coming to, only those with heads in the sand can't understand this.

This coming situation isn't something that Western Nations peoples have asked for, therefore whatever slaughter occurs won't be Western Nations peoples fault, in the eyes of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Our Messiah, it'll be considered doing good work on this earth, cleansing this earth of Satanic influence and The Devil's Disciples.
Economic freedom not overall freedom
Think about it, they can ban someone from being a citizen because they do not assimilate into the culture. You may like that, but it is a heavy handed government.
Having lived in Switzerland, I am confident they would never let you in; you do not fit..

Switzerland is a great country but it is very different in culture and circumstances than the USA.
How is banning a non-citizen from becoming one "heavy handed?" If they refuse to assimilate, denying them citizenship is just plain common sense. Of course, that's what leftwing turds like you have been fighting against since the Wilson Administration.

Economic freedom is about 90% of freedom.

There's no such thing as citizenship in the anarchy you support.

Yes, that's true, but in the world as it is we have citizenship. We aren't obligated to dole it out to whomever demands it.

Anarchy doesn't dole out anything.
Our government does, and it has no obligation to dole out visas to Muzzie savages.

Our government has no obligation to listen to genocidal maniacs like you.
So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?

When they've been sent back to the Bottomless Pit on a permanent basis, meaning when they've been removed from not only our Continents but this planet, then Islam itself will exist only as a myth.

You know all religion is hocus pocus, right?

Tell that to the Muslims, say to their faces that everything Mohammed wrote was hocus pocus and see what happens.

There's only one way to deal with this crowd and that's we kill them, if not they'll be the end of us.

Another vote for genocide. Good one, Eva.

Everyone knows this is what it's coming to, only those with heads in the sand can't understand this.

This coming situation isn't something that Western Nations peoples have asked for, therefore whatever slaughter occurs won't be Western Nations peoples fault, in the eyes of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Our Messiah, it'll be considered doing good work on this earth, cleansing this earth of Satanic influence and The Devil's Disciples.

The divinity of Jesus is a superstition.
Last edited:
Declining to grant them a visa is not persecuting them.

It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Nope. It's no more persecuting them than denying them a visa because they are Nazis or communists.

That's the Hitler view, unsurprisingly.

It was FDR's view, moron.

You want a genocide of Muslims. Hitler wanted a genocide of the Jews.

You are peas in a pod.
I have no desire to kill Muslims that mind their own business. The ones who want to come here and impose Sharia, on the other hand, deserve to be escorted out of the country at gun point.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.
The Constitution has ammendmants to bring it up to the needs of the time.
Terrorists are using our rights to kill us. There has to be common sense revisions to meet the risks of the new world.
The 9/11 hijackers would have been stopped if their had not been such tight restrictions on monitoring their phone calls. Changes were made.

Terrorists are using our rights to kill us.

That's because US Warmongers and interventionists want to enforce warhawk law upon Muslim nations.

Beginning with scumbag Harry S Truman who in 1949 made , at least, 1.3 Million Palestinians FOREIGNERS IN THEIR OWN LAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard the United Nations may have played a rather small part in creating the nation of Israel.
How is banning a non-citizen from becoming one "heavy handed?" If they refuse to assimilate, denying them citizenship is just plain common sense. Of course, that's what leftwing turds like you have been fighting against since the Wilson Administration.

Economic freedom is about 90% of freedom.

There's no such thing as citizenship in the anarchy you support.

Yes, that's true, but in the world as it is we have citizenship. We aren't obligated to dole it out to whomever demands it.

Anarchy doesn't dole out anything.
Our government does, and it has no obligation to dole out visas to Muzzie savages.

Our government has no obligation to listen to genocidal maniacs like you.

Yes it does. Ever heard of the First Amendment?

However, I'm not genocidal, but in the end it may come to that if Western society wants to survive. The business end of a rifle is the only logic that Muslims understand.
Declining to grant them a visa is not persecuting them.

It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Nope. It's no more persecuting them than denying them a visa because they are Nazis or communists.

That's the Hitler view, unsurprisingly.

It was FDR's view, moron.

You want a genocide of Muslims. Hitler wanted a genocide of the Jews.

You are peas in a pod.

Godwin's Law.
Western society > Islam

In other news from the article

In Switzerland, local town or village councils make initial decisions on naturalization applications. If they decide a candidate is not an upstanding member of the community, the application will be denied and not forwarded to canton (state) and federal authorities for further processing.

That’s what happened in 2014 to Irving Dunn, an American who has lived in Switzerland for nearly 40 years. He was denied Swiss citizenship because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages, authorities said.​

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.

The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?

So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?

When they've been sent back to the Bottomless Pit on a permanent basis, meaning when they've been removed from not only our Continents but this planet, then Islam itself will exist only as a myth.

You know all religion is hocus pocus, right?

I bet you say that to all of your Muslim friends. One time!
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe.

That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Well lets look at our serial murderers and find out where they are from


Ted Bundy
Serial Killer
Theodore Robert Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. Wikipedia

Born: November 24, 1946, Burlington, VT
Died: January 24, 1989, Florida State Prison, FL
Spouse: Carole Anne Boone (m. 1980–1986)
Education: University of Utah (1973–1974), More
Parents: Johnny Culpepper Bundy, Eleanor Louise Cowell
Nicknames: Lady Killer, The Campus Killer, Ted

It appears that Ted Bundy was NOT an Islamofascist.


Okay, you'll have to explain how Ted Bundy get's into this thread?
Switzerland is near the top of the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It's no more "socialist" than Singapore.

Switzerland and Norway have thrived, not being members of the EU. They do their own thing. They've remained independent sovereign nations. And it's worked.
For those who rail about less government, Switzerland is not where you want to live. They have a very heavy handed government that keeps the country "in line".
These same posters who are talking about the immigration policy of Switzerland would find many other aspects of the Swiss government they would be whining about.

That's pure horseshit. Switzerland is ranked 4th on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.
Economic freedom not overall freedom
Think about it, they can ban someone from being a citizen because they do not assimilate into the culture. You may like that, but it is a heavy handed government.
Having lived in Switzerland, I am confident they would never let you in; you do not fit..

Switzerland is a great country but it is very different in culture and circumstances than the USA.
How is banning a non-citizen from becoming one "heavy handed?" If they refuse to assimilate, denying them citizenship is just plain common sense. Of course, that's what leftwing turds like you have been fighting against since the Wilson Administration.

Economic freedom is about 90% of freedom.
You know that Trump is campaigning to put restrictions on a free economy by putting tariffs on other countries exports into the USA and putting restriction on US companies from being able to freely decide where they manufacture products.
You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.

The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?

So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?

When they've been sent back to the Bottomless Pit on a permanent basis, meaning when they've been removed from not only our Continents but from this planet, then Islam itself will exist only as a myth.

Let's get back to your profoundly retarded claim that Islam was never a part of Europe.

You and your fake history degree.

I have a Politics and History degree.
What University?
It is if you cite their religion as your only justification.

Nope. It's no more persecuting them than denying them a visa because they are Nazis or communists.

That's the Hitler view, unsurprisingly.

It was FDR's view, moron.

You want a genocide of Muslims. Hitler wanted a genocide of the Jews.

You are peas in a pod.

Godwin's Law.

It's not Godwin's law if it's relevant and topical.
That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Well lets look at our serial murderers and find out where they are from


Ted Bundy
Serial Killer
Theodore Robert Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. Wikipedia

Born: November 24, 1946, Burlington, VT
Died: January 24, 1989, Florida State Prison, FL
Spouse: Carole Anne Boone (m. 1980–1986)
Education: University of Utah (1973–1974), More
Parents: Johnny Culpepper Bundy, Eleanor Louise Cowell
Nicknames: Lady Killer, The Campus Killer, Ted

It appears that Ted Bundy was NOT an Islamofascist.

What does Ted Bundy have to do with anything, douche bag?

Excuse me cum swalllower

Did you make the following statement

That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Was Ted Bundy and his ilk home grown members of a despicable culture? Were they Islamofascists? What made Ted Bundy and his peers savages?

You're too fucking stupid to waste a substantive response on.

Yo Butthead

I believe that you meant to say that You, bripat9643, are too fucking stupid to understand a substantive response.

That as one who fellates Bibi you are conflicted by interest.


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