Swiss Region Bans Burqas

Got it, but the Christians never will. You just told them to take their act of faith, and shove it.

According to you, if it's a choice, we can ban it. Male circumcision though the wearing of a religious garment...

till they are off work, yes

Many jobs require the removal of metal, jewelry and even wedding rings. If a cross or other religious object is not allowed to be visible, tuck in your shirt or remove it.

Nothing says a christian must wear a cross at all times or ever.
I am well aware of that, but they aren't banned in public now are they, not like the garments devout Muslim women wear. And this ban, applies only to what they wear. Others can hide as they like as long as it isn't under said garments, Muslim garments...
A crucufix/cross doesn't conceal a persons ID. Motorcyclists are required to remove helmets in banks. No-one should wear masks in public unless for specific reasons. The other issues are still on the table in Sweden, and will in all probability go the same way as the the black id concealing rag.
Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
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How dumb. Can everyone conceal their face for their driving ID?
That case hasn't come up yet but you can wear a pasta strainer on your head.
No. We are talking about items that hide a persons ID. Can only Muslims cover their faces for their I'd pics or can everyone?
Dumbass, you can hide, just not with Muslim garments. How fucking long before you get that? Read the fucking OP.
So you are saying non Muslims in Illinois can wear a black sack over their heads for their driving licence ID.
We aren't discussing that law, we are discussing Switzerland, which is banning only Muslim garments.
No we were discussing both, due to your attempts to muddy the water. Now can everyone hide their face for their driving license id photo, or are only Muslims allowed, just because they feel like it, as it isn't a religious requirement at all?
Got it, but the Christians never will. You just told them to take their act of faith, and shove it.

According to you, if it's a choice, we can ban it. Male circumcision though the wearing of a religious garment...

till they are off work, yes

Many jobs require the removal of metal, jewelry and even wedding rings. If a cross or other religious object is not allowed to be visible, tuck in your shirt or remove it.

Nothing says a christian must wear a cross at all times or ever.
I am well aware of that, but they aren't banned in public now are they, not like the garments devout Muslim women wear. And this ban, applies only to what they wear. Others can hide as they like as long as it isn't under said garments, Muslim garments...
A crucufix/cross doesn't conceal a persons ID. Motorcyclists are required to remove helmets in banks. No-one should wear masks in public unless for specific reasons. The other issues are still on the table in Sweden, and will in all probability go the same way as the the black id concealing rag.
Read the Goddamned OP. This ban is only, ONLY FOR MUSLIM GARMENTS!
That case hasn't come up yet but you can wear a pasta strainer on your head.
No. We are talking about items that hide a persons ID. Can only Muslims cover their faces for their I'd pics or can everyone?
Dumbass, you can hide, just not with Muslim garments. How fucking long before you get that? Read the fucking OP.
So you are saying non Muslims in Illinois can wear a black sack over their heads for their driving licence ID.
We aren't discussing that law, we are discussing Switzerland, which is banning only Muslim garments.
No we were discussing both, due to your attempts to muddy the water. Now can everyone hide their face for their driving license id photo, or are only Muslims allowed, just because they feel like it, as it isn't a religious requirement at all?
No, what I did was show that Burkas are worn here, and if you think that is an act of piety the state is required to respect it, at least there it is.
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?

In public or at certain job, yes. If someone was carrying a bible and security or police tell you to open it, you should be required to do so.
There is not protecting to carry a bible or to proselytize at work if you don't work in a church. Read on your own time.

If your job and religion conflict, find a new line of work. Even people that a permit to carry a gun will find places where it is not permitted.

You have a right to your faith in church and in private. You don't have a right to shove it in peoples faces.
You misunderstand. This is banning the Bible, in public, period, like these Muslim garments. That is what you are approving of since the Bible, and reading it, are optional.

nothing say a christian has to carry a bible everywhere at all times. Not all christians even have one in their home. I have books from close to twenty different religions and I don't believe in a conventional god or hold to any particular faith. When I had to take my father to church I would read a novel during service or bring a puzzle book. Never stuck by lightening. No one else in the church cared or said anything to me. Most christians till the last few hundred years could even read and books were too expensive for most people to own, so where is the requirement to carry a bible? Those that work with electricity know not to wear any metal and no cross will save them if they do.

Even priests have been hit by lightening golfing in the rain.
There is no requirement to carry a Bible, dumbass so, let's ban it if it gets in our way as the government. That is what you approve of by approving of these restrictions on Muslim women.
A bible does not conceal ones ID. A burqa does. End of.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?

In public or at certain job, yes. If someone was carrying a bible and security or police tell you to open it, you should be required to do so.
There is not protecting to carry a bible or to proselytize at work if you don't work in a church. Read on your own time.

If your job and religion conflict, find a new line of work. Even people that a permit to carry a gun will find places where it is not permitted.

You have a right to your faith in church and in private. You don't have a right to shove it in peoples faces.
You misunderstand. This is banning the Bible, in public, period, like these Muslim garments. That is what you are approving of since the Bible, and reading it, are optional.

nothing say a christian has to carry a bible everywhere at all times. Not all christians even have one in their home. I have books from close to twenty different religions and I don't believe in a conventional god or hold to any particular faith. When I had to take my father to church I would read a novel during service or bring a puzzle book. Never stuck by lightening. No one else in the church cared or said anything to me. Most christians till the last few hundred years could even read and books were too expensive for most people to own, so where is the requirement to carry a bible? Those that work with electricity know not to wear any metal and no cross will save them if they do.

Even priests have been hit by lightening golfing in the rain.
There is no requirement to carry a Bible, dumbass so, let's ban it if it gets in our way as the government. That is what you approve of by approving of these restrictions on Muslim women.
A bible does not conceal ones ID. A burqa does. End of.
Well that's not the law they passed, dumbass. The law applies only to Muslim garments. They didn't pass a law against concealment, just against concealment with Muslim garments.
Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It's not the fault of Sweden that other religions don't hide their faces behind sacks and grills. And it has nothing to do with religion.
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It's not the fault of Sweden that other religions don't hide their faces behind sacks and grills. And it has nothing to do with religion.
It's Switzerland you dumbfuck. Read the Goddamned OP.
In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It's not the fault of Sweden that other religions don't hide their faces behind sacks and grills. And it has nothing to do with religion.
It's Switzerland you dumbfuck. Read the Goddamned OP.
Whatever. The point remains, only Muslims hide their ID under cloths and grills, that is not the fault of other religions or anyone else. Yay Switzerland and France.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
Swiss Region Imposes $9,800 Fines On Burqas, Aims At ‘Islamist Fundamentalists’

"Those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome."

Swiss Region Imposes $9,800 Fines On Wearing Burqas | The Daily Caller

If not banning all religious acutrements, it's fairly obviously discriminatory. Gonna ban Amish women their traditional attire and head covers (if married) too?
Are there faces concealed by their bonnets?
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It's not the fault of Sweden that other religions don't hide their faces behind sacks and grills. And it has nothing to do with religion.
It's Switzerland you dumbfuck. Read the Goddamned OP.
Whatever. The point remains, only Muslims hide their ID under cloths and grills, that is not the fault of other religions or anyone else. Yay Switzerland and France.
Your total lack of respect for religion is noted, and meet some Jews...



You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
It has nothing to do with religion and is not religious discrimination.
You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
So, Saudi Arabia should allow women to dress in whatever they want? Please explain to me the compelling reason they can't.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
It has nothing to do with religion and is not religious discrimination.
If it has nothing to do with religion then why did they ban concealment only with Muslim garments?

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

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