Swiss Region Bans Burqas

Please tell us just how phobic they are.
Off the fuckin' charts, obviously. You can hide you face, as long as you aren't a Muslim...

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

The report banned all coverings of the face
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald

Sharia Compliant Illinois Driver's Licenses

OMG! You are an idiot that feeds on disinformation
The origin of this was Burkas aren't worn here, but they are, only you can't now in Switzerland, which is blatant religious discrimination.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?

and you would know because you hire a lot of prostitutes? Can't find a good wife or girl friend? With your attitude of women I can't mage why.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?

and you would know because you hire a lot of prostitutes? Can't find a good wife or girl friend? With your attitude of women I can't mage why.
Been married since dirt was a new idea...
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...
No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It's not the fault of Sweden that other religions don't hide their faces behind sacks and grills. And it has nothing to do with religion.
It's Switzerland you dumbfuck. Read the Goddamned OP.
Whatever. The point remains, only Muslims hide their ID under cloths and grills, that is not the fault of other religions or anyone else. Yay Switzerland and France.
Your total lack of respect for religion is noted, and meet some Jews...




Yea, poise men covering their eyes so they don't have to look at women.

Much better idea, but for identification and security, they would have to remove the covering

Women should not have to hide who they are because men are weak.

Pedophiles are banned from being around kids. Kids are not hidden or banned from playing and just being kids because maybe some man somewhere in town might be a pedophile.

I see no evidence of religious discrimination.
Banning the garments of just one faith isn't religious discrimination to your tiny mind? On that note, we are at an end.

It is not a religious garment, it is a cultural costume. It also hides the identity of the person and with terrorism and security concerns, it has no place in the west. The want to live where they can be covered like that? Go to saudi. Want to live in the west, uncover the face when asked or required.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...

Let muslims that believe in Burkas find religious freedom in arabia or one the countries where the burka is permitted.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...

Let muslims that believe in Burkas find religious freedom in arabia or one the countries where the burka is permitted.
So the Jews should all be in Israel, the Catholics in Vatican City, and the Christians in Greece (declared Christian state)? That works for me since the US is a liberal and secular nation, by law. So, get the fuck out of my country.
I see no evidence of religious discrimination.
Banning the garments of just one faith isn't religious discrimination to your tiny mind? On that note, we are at an end.

It is not a religious garment, it is a cultural costume. It also hides the identity of the person and with terrorism and security concerns, it has no place in the west. The want to live where they can be covered like that? Go to saudi. Want to live in the west, uncover the face when asked or required.
The law doesn't ban being covered head to toe, dumbass. it only bans it if you use Muslim garments.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
He seems to think women who wear jeans with bikini type tops are prostitutes. I wonder if he 's talibani
Please tell us just how phobic they are.
Off the fuckin' charts, obviously. You can hide you face, as long as you aren't a Muslim...

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

The report banned all coverings of the face
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald

Sharia Compliant Illinois Driver's Licenses

OMG! You are an idiot that feeds on disinformation
The origin of this was Burkas aren't worn here, but they are, only you can't now in Switzerland, which is blatant religious discrimination.

It's their country and the people voted.

No one is saying they can practice their faith, they just can't hide who is actually under that fabric.

Did it say they couldn't wear an abaya? Did it ban the hijab? It banned the burka and niqab covering the face.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
He seems to think women who wear jeans with bikini type tops are prostitutes. I wonder if he 's talibani
Dress like a hooker then that is what you are.
Please tell us just how phobic they are.
Off the fuckin' charts, obviously. You can hide you face, as long as you aren't a Muslim...

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

The report banned all coverings of the face
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald

Sharia Compliant Illinois Driver's Licenses

OMG! You are an idiot that feeds on disinformation
The origin of this was Burkas aren't worn here, but they are, only you can't now in Switzerland, which is blatant religious discrimination.

It's their country and the people voted.

No one is saying they can practice their faith, they just can't hide who is actually under that fabric.

Did it say they couldn't wear an abaya? Did it ban the hijab? It banned the burka and niqab covering the face.
Neither of which it should be allowed to since it banned only Muslims coverings, not all coverings. Can't be for security now can it?
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...
Perhaps Muslims and their dhimmi's should be taught that countries that welcome Muslims are not compelled to allow them to go around in disguise and won't if they don't want to.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...
Perhaps Muslims and their dhimmi's should be taught that countries that welcome Muslims are not compelled to allow them to go around in disguise and won't if they don't want to.
Muslims can't be covered head to toe but it's okay for everyone else, as long as they don't wear Muslim garments that is? Dandy law, no religious discrimination that at all eh.

Next up, you can carry a book in public, as long as it isn't a Bible. That's a cultural thing, and not required by the faith.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.

Cute butt BTW. I'd tap that, with a condom on, and I wouldn't be focused on Submission to God, exactly as the Muslims are concerned about.

A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
He seems to think women who wear jeans with bikini type tops are prostitutes. I wonder if he 's talibani
Dress like a hooker then that is what you are.
You are a vulgar and illiberal imbecile.

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