Swiss Region Bans Burqas

Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
So, Saudi Arabia should allow women to dress in whatever they want? Please explain to me the compelling reason they can't.
We are in Switzerland at the moment, not Saudi Arabia.
Burkas are not a requirement of Islam or the quran.
No reason for it not to banned.
Yamaka's are not a requirement of Judaism or the Torah.

By your logic they should also be banned. ..... :cool:
The don't obscure people's faces.
That's still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem yet?
Still waiting for you to link to a post you self initiated denouncing Islam.
Is there not even one in the 39,986 posts you've made? I doubt there is.
I'm quite eager to see that too ;-)
Burkas are not a requirement of Islam or the quran.
No reason for it not to banned.
Yamaka's are not a requirement of Judaism or the Torah.

By your logic they should also be banned. ..... :cool:
The don't obscure people's faces.
That's still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem yet?
Still waiting for you to link to a post you self initiated denouncing Islam.
Is there not even one in the 39,986 posts you've made? I doubt there is.
I'm quite eager to see that too ;-)
I don't make threads denouncing Islam, nor many denouncing any other faith, all of which are garbage for mental infants.
Burkas are not a requirement of Islam or the quran.

No reason for it not to banned.
Where is the requirement for Christians to wear a cross around their necks, Jews to cover their hair with a Kippah? Where does either faith require their believers to read the holy books? Can they not ban all three things? They aren't required, right?

Keep them in the house of religion or in the home. Want to wear a cross, put it on a longer chain and wear under your clothes.
I see you are a big supporter of religious freedom, AKA, not even remotely supportive.

Banned. Not required by the Bible, looks weird...
No need for a ban, she is not disguised.
You can be disguised, that still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem, yet?
No, your problem is that you are demanding other religions have things banned but you keep comparing apples and oranges. We don't need to mess with the woman above because she is not disguising herself. She can be identified. I've already told you I'd prefer people in public do not conceal their ID with rags or masks. I don't know how many times you want me to repeat that. I'm surprised you're not equally concerned that Muslim women in Illinois can disguise themselves for their drivers licence photo but a non Muslim wouldn't be able to do the same with a balaclava. Strange how you get your panties in such a bunch over this. Lol.
Where is the requirement for Christians to wear a cross around their necks, Jews to cover their hair with a Kippah? Where does either faith require their believers to read the holy books? Can they not ban all three things? They aren't required, right?

Keep them in the house of religion or in the home. Want to wear a cross, put it on a longer chain and wear under your clothes.
I see you are a big supporter of religious freedom, AKA, not even remotely supportive.

Banned. Not required by the Bible, looks weird...
No need for a ban, she is not disguised.
You can be disguised, that still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem, yet?
No, your problem is that you are demanding other religions have things banned but you keep comparing apples and oranges. We don't need to mess with the woman above because she is not disguising herself. She can be identified. I've already told you I'd prefer people in public do not conceal their ID with rags or masks. I don't know how many times you want me to repeat that. I'm surprised you're not equally concerned that Muslim women in Illinois can disguise themselves for their drivers licence photo but a non Muslim wouldn't be able to do the same with a balaclava. Strange how you get your panties in such a bunch over this. Lol.
It's blatant religious discrimination. What you want doesn't matter a fucking damn. Deal with that is.
Yamaka's are not a requirement of Judaism or the Torah.

By your logic they should also be banned. ..... :cool:
The don't obscure people's faces.
That's still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem yet?
Still waiting for you to link to a post you self initiated denouncing Islam.
Is there not even one in the 39,986 posts you've made? I doubt there is.
I'm quite eager to see that too ;-)
I don't make threads denouncing Islam, nor many denouncing any other faith, all of which are garbage for mental infants.
I can't say I'm at all surprised about the former.
It is specific to a religion only because no other religions pretend they are obliged to hide their ID. It's so simple, your attempts at moving the goalposts and muddying the water are absolutely hilarious. Lol.
The water is perfectly clear, only Muslim garments have been banned.
Because only adherents of the Muslim religion are hiding under rags that conceal their ID.
Nope. Concealment is allowed there, just not using Muslim garments. Flat out religious discrimination, without a compelling reason.
So, Saudi Arabia should allow women to dress in whatever they want? Please explain to me the compelling reason they can't.
We are in Switzerland at the moment, not Saudi Arabia.
No, I am in the Czech Republic at the moment while you are in some state-side shithole.

It would be no great lose if women in shit holes like yours were covered from head to toe. Here things are different.
Keep them in the house of religion or in the home. Want to wear a cross, put it on a longer chain and wear under your clothes.
I see you are a big supporter of religious freedom, AKA, not even remotely supportive.

Banned. Not required by the Bible, looks weird...
No need for a ban, she is not disguised.
You can be disguised, that still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem, yet?
No, your problem is that you are demanding other religions have things banned but you keep comparing apples and oranges. We don't need to mess with the woman above because she is not disguising herself. She can be identified. I've already told you I'd prefer people in public do not conceal their ID with rags or masks. I don't know how many times you want me to repeat that. I'm surprised you're not equally concerned that Muslim women in Illinois can disguise themselves for their drivers licence photo but a non Muslim wouldn't be able to do the same with a balaclava. Strange how you get your panties in such a bunch over this. Lol.
It's blatant religious discrimination. What you want doesn't matter a fucking damn. Deal with that is.
I see no evidence of religious discrimination. The burqa is not a requirement in Islam. If it a symbol of anything it is a symbol of radical Islam. It is also a tool of oppression and it impedes integration and communication. Something like 80% of communication is non-verbal and conveyed by the face. I don't want to talk to black sacks and grills. There is no requirement for it and there is no place for it in the West. Thats my opinion and all your dhimmi whining and I'll-informed nonsense isn't going to change it. Are you a mysoginist?
Keep them in the house of religion or in the home. Want to wear a cross, put it on a longer chain and wear under your clothes.
I see you are a big supporter of religious freedom, AKA, not even remotely supportive.

Banned. Not required by the Bible, looks weird...
No need for a ban, she is not disguised.
You can be disguised, that still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem, yet?
You prove the left love to treat women as lower than animals like Islam teaches.
Not at all, I'm defending Religious Freedom, and so should you.
No you're not. You refuse to accept that people shouldn't be hiding their ID under black sacks, whilst saying crucifixes, yarmulkas and so on should be banned, even though they do not conceal the wearers ID. Seems to me you are only defending Islamic freedom, the freedom for its followers to conceal themselves, and for their menfolk to oppress them thus. Shame on you :)
I see you are a big supporter of religious freedom, AKA, not even remotely supportive.

Banned. Not required by the Bible, looks weird...
No need for a ban, she is not disguised.
You can be disguised, that still legal, as long as it isn't with a Muslim garment. See the problem, yet?
You prove the left love to treat women as lower than animals like Islam teaches.
Not at all, I'm defending Religious Freedom, and so should you.
No you're not. You refuse to accept that people shouldn't be hiding their ID under black sacks, whilst saying crucifixes, yarmulkas and so on should be banned, even though they do not conceal the wearers ID. Seems to me you are only defending Islamic freedom, the freedom for its followers to conceal themselves, and for their menfolk to oppress them thus. Shame on you :)
People should have an much religious freedom as possible, and that means being able to wear religious garments that the government has no business banning.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?
A practitioner of muta is a prostitute. Dear god you're hard work.
Please tell us just how phobic they are.
Off the fuckin' charts, obviously. You can hide you face, as long as you aren't a Muslim...

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

The report banned all coverings of the face
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald

Sharia Compliant Illinois Driver's Licenses

OMG! You are an idiot that feeds on disinformation
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?
A practitioner of muta is a prostitute. Dear god you're hard work.
As I said, she's not "dressed" as a hooker...
The report banned all coverings of the face
No, it did not. Read the fucking OP.

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."
Please tell us just how phobic they are.
Off the fuckin' charts, obviously. You can hide you face, as long as you aren't a Muslim...

"The local government wanted the law to also include other forms of headwear that cover the face, including masks worn by demonstrators and soccer hooligans, but the parliament voted to only ban the burqas and niqabs (face veil). This means covering your face in public is legal, as long as you don’t do it with a burqa or niqab."

The report banned all coverings of the face
Halloween, stage and screen costumes for work and special occasions but not everyday. If stopped or questioned there is no protection and the make-up and masks have to be removed.
The law doesn't say that, not does it? it bans what Muslim women wear, and nothing else...

Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

If my expression of faith was to go naked and shit on the church door step, I'd be arrested.

Burka is part of a few cultures, it is not required by Islam, or all women around the world would be absolutely hidden, ghosts led on a leash of some man..
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?
A practitioner of muta is a prostitute. Dear god you're hard work.
As I said, she's not "dressed" as a hooker...
So Muslim hookers are pious women.? Lol.
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald
How dumb. Can everyone conceal their face for their driving ID?
That case hasn't come up yet but you can wear a pasta strainer on your head.

does not cover the face
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
Pious woman and, prostitute. Bin Laden told you so but you wouldn't read his letter denouncing the Western lack of respect for women.
You are clueless. For all you know the 'pious woman' could be a regular practitioner of muta.
I don't give a goddamn what her faith is, she's not dressed like a hooker now is she?
A practitioner of muta is a prostitute. Dear god you're hard work.
As I said, she's not "dressed" as a hooker...
So Muslim hookers are pious women.? Lol.

It used to be that prostitutes wore red slippers just barely seen from under the burka.

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