Swiss Region Bans Burqas

Burkas are not a requirement of faith or piety, they are cultural costumes and not protected under religious freedom. There are many ways to dress modestly that does not require being a security risk. When there is a threat, security trump personal costume. When a costume or clothing is disruptive, dangerous or interferes with work and uniform requirements there is not protect or exemption for such clothing as a burka. Off work, in the mosque or at home it can be worn. In places with high security and frequent searches it has no place.
The men above can walk around all day, in their masks, and they are perfectly legal to do so but this woman cannot wear this as an expression of faith?

Please explain?

Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?

In public or at certain job, yes. If someone was carrying a bible and security or police tell you to open it, you should be required to do so.
There is not protecting to carry a bible or to proselytize at work if you don't work in a church. Read on your own time.

If your job and religion conflict, find a new line of work. Even people that a permit to carry a gun will find places where it is not permitted.

You have a right to your faith in church and in private. You don't have a right to shove it in peoples faces.
You misunderstand. This is banning the Bible, in public, period, like these Muslim garments. That is what you are approving of since the Bible, and reading it, are optional.

nothing say a christian has to carry a bible everywhere at all times. Not all christians even have one in their home. I have books from close to twenty different religions and I don't believe in a conventional god or hold to any particular faith. When I had to take my father to church I would read a novel during service or bring a puzzle book. Never stuck by lightening. No one else in the church cared or said anything to me. Most christians till the last few hundred years could even read and books were too expensive for most people to own, so where is the requirement to carry a bible? Those that work with electricity know not to wear any metal and no cross will save them if they do.

Even priests have been hit by lightening golfing in the rain.
The men above can walk around all day, in their masks, and they are perfectly legal to do so but this woman cannot wear this as an expression of faith?

Please explain?

Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?

In public or at certain job, yes. If someone was carrying a bible and security or police tell you to open it, you should be required to do so.
There is not protecting to carry a bible or to proselytize at work if you don't work in a church. Read on your own time.

If your job and religion conflict, find a new line of work. Even people that a permit to carry a gun will find places where it is not permitted.

You have a right to your faith in church and in private. You don't have a right to shove it in peoples faces.
You misunderstand. This is banning the Bible, in public, period, like these Muslim garments. That is what you are approving of since the Bible, and reading it, are optional.

nothing say a christian has to carry a bible everywhere at all times. Not all christians even have one in their home. I have books from close to twenty different religions and I don't believe in a conventional god or hold to any particular faith. When I had to take my father to church I would read a novel during service or bring a puzzle book. Never stuck by lightening. No one else in the church cared or said anything to me. Most christians till the last few hundred years could even read and books were too expensive for most people to own, so where is the requirement to carry a bible? Those that work with electricity know not to wear any metal and no cross will save them if they do.

Even priests have been hit by lightening golfing in the rain.
There is no requirement to carry a Bible, dumbass so, let's ban it if it gets in our way as the government. That is what you approve of by approving of these restrictions on Muslim women.
Burkas are not a requirement of Islam or the quran.

No reason for it not to banned.
Where is the requirement for Christians to wear a cross around their necks, Jews to cover their hair with a Kippah? Where does either faith require their believers to read the holy books? Can they not ban all three things? They aren't required, right?

Like Saudi bans any show of other faiths and bibles in their country?

Why shouldn't france or western countries not ban burkas? Too many terrorist (men) have escaped under a burka. Too many weapons have been smuggled and transported under a burka. There are valid security reason for banning them.
Even a hijab might hide some distinguishing feature or an adam's apple. If ask to remove, it should be required to do so. They can put it back on afterwards if there is no objection.
Devout Muslims women are not allowed to show their faces to men unrelated to them. It's part of the faith.

It is cultural not religious. To think that it is a religious requirement is in error. If you believe it is required you don't know Islam or the quran.

Devout muslims woman around the world don't wear the burka, the majority have never worn nor would wear a burka. Not all muslim women even wear a hijab.

The idea if a requirement is false. It is required in certain countries because of culture not religion. Beyond those few countries it is a private choice.
It doesn't matter whether it is a choice or not. It's a choice banned for just one religion. And it can't be a security issue because anyone can mask their identity, which isn't banned, just these garments, which Muslim women wear. That, little friend, is religious discrimination without a rational basis.

Covering your face is not protected right. In france all religious symbols are banned in public schools. Got another religion that tires to cover a woman or implies that hiding the face it a requirement of faith? It would be banned as well under the same circumstances.

Nothing says a woman has to be allowed to cover from head to foot in the west or most of the world.

If there was reason a law could be passed by government or popular vote to ban the wearing of red. Pay the fine or find a place where it is not banned.

Law does not have to submit to some erroneous interpretation of Islam.
Halloween, stage and screen costumes for work and special occasions but not everyday. If stopped or questioned there is no protection and the make-up and masks have to be removed.
The law doesn't say that, not does it? it bans what Muslim women wear, and nothing else...

Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
The law doesn't say that, not does it? it bans what Muslim women wear, and nothing else...

Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.
It is cultural not a religious requirement. Many devout women around the world don't have their face or even their hair covered.
It doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say that?

Wearing a cross is optional. so let's ban it. Reading the Bible is optional, so let's ban it. Being a Christian is optional, so let's ban it.

Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Burkas are not a requirement of faith or piety, they are cultural costumes and not protected under religious freedom. There are many ways to dress modestly that does not require being a security risk. When there is a threat, security trump personal costume. When a costume or clothing is disruptive, dangerous or interferes with work and uniform requirements there is not protect or exemption for such clothing as a burka. Off work, in the mosque or at home it can be worn. In places with high security and frequent searches it has no place.
The men above can walk around all day, in their masks, and they are perfectly legal to do so but this woman cannot wear this as an expression of faith?

Please explain?

Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?

In public or at certain job, yes. If someone was carrying a bible and security or police tell you to open it, you should be required to do so.
There is not protecting to carry a bible or to proselytize at work if you don't work in a church. Read on your own time.

If your job and religion conflict, find a new line of work. Even people that a permit to carry a gun will find places where it is not permitted.

You have a right to your faith in church and in private. You don't have a right to shove it in peoples faces.
You misunderstand. This is banning the Bible, in public, period, like these Muslim garments. That is what you are approving of since the Bible, and reading it, are optional.

Burka is not religious or all muslim women around the world would be wearing them. Many don't even wear the hijab.

Just because a few woman are forced or coerced to believe they have to wear certain clothing to hide from men it is not a protected right or religious.

If white men said all blacks had to wear shackles to protect themselves we would laugh. Woman do not have to hide their body or face because muslims men are too weak to control their urges. Women in Africa wear little or no clothing in some cultures and have more rights than some muslim women. No reason for women to hide from men regardless of religion. All a woman should have to say is no. That is the most powerful word they should need to say to any man. Women in burkas are often raped so a black shroud is not real protection or deterrent to poorly behaved men with no manners or respect. And these men are supposed to be adherents to a religion of peace? They are supposed to respect life, even that of other faiths, people of the book? They can't treat women on earth correctly and they expect 72 virgins and rivers of wine in heaven?

And the rest of the world is supposed to not only respect but submit to Islam and the corrupt rules of some "fundamentalists" or suffer their wrath of terrorism?

What drug have you been doing?
Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is not specific to faith. Most muslim women in the world do not wear a burka.

You can choose to wear a dress, but it is not a protected right to wear a dress in many jobs or public places if it posses a risk. Even changing gender does not give you the right to wear a dress if there is a uniform or everyone, male or female is required to wear pants.

There is no protection or requirement to wear a burka, it is private choice and in some place not permitted. Can you imagine working in a nuclear plant, a factory or trying to perform surgery wearing a burka? Can't drive a bus or fly a plane. Can't work in food service. If you don't like it find an other job.
Why can you not understand that this is banning a garment specific to a religion? If that can be done for one it can be done for all, and not just garments, but books, and places of worship, and all the rest. Religion is a choice, and you are perfectly fine with banning choices even though they only apply to the garments of one faith. Once you start down that road lots of doors open, and all hell tends to break loose.
Most places around the world have a requirement to remove masks, helmets and face coverings on demand by police or security.

There are only a handful of countries that require a woman to wear such clothing but even other countries in the muslims world can require proof of identification and for the face to be revealed, at least to a female officer. Many of those countries used to ban the burka and even the hijab in public buildings, schools, many government offices, etc.

Burka is a choice not a requirement
Bibles are a choice, crosses around the neck a choice, being a nun a choice, dressing like a Jew a choice, religion a choice. Shall we just ban anything that makes life difficult for us, if it's a "choice"?

In some jobs and areas, yes. There is no right or protection for a women to wear pants or a man to wear boots, and in many cases it is not part of a work uniform. If you cannot comply with the requirements of the job, find an other place to work. If a job requires you to wear steel toed shoes, you don't show up to work in stappy 5 inch heals. If you work in a factory you don't sow up to work in flowing chiffon. If yo are required to cover your hair in a net, you don't wear some fancy 12 inch plus hair doo with feathers and flowers. If you are required to wear khaki pants you don't go to work in hot pants that leave nothing to the imagination.

There is not requirement for a woman outside a few counties to wear burka.
It is an expression of faith specific to one faith. It matters not a damn that it's a choice, all religion is therefore, according to your logic, all religion or aspects of religion can be banned, just because...

No it is a culture expression and not one of faith. religion really has nothing to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it, they banned garments specific to Muslims. Wake the fuck up.

I not only lived half my life in the middle east but traveled extensively through asia and africa. I seen the best and worst of Islam. Burka is not required by the quran. There are only a few references to a veil in the hadith for prayer or to hide the radiance of the prophet's wives due to their nearness to him, much the way moses was described after meeting god. The idea of a body tent does not exist during or till years after the prophet. Bedouin and travels would cover to protect themselves from the sun and sand, not to hide from from the view of all men. The idea of the burka really has little to do with Islam, historical or religious.

It is not required. No reason not to ban it. Even the hijab was banned in turkey and in many areas of egypt for decades. Rules have been relaxed somewhat. Even when a scarf is worn, it does not have to cover all hair and neck, not does all skin need to be covered.
I don't think it should banned. If some women feel that wearing this or some other article of clothing is the way to honor their god (s) or if they are maybe very modest women and actually do want to wear a burka to cover themselves, then I think it would be wrong to tell them they cannot wear it. FORCING women to wear them by use of threat or force is the thing that is of concern. If a woman chooses to wear it of her own free will due to her personal religious beliefs, then I think that is okay.

Of course, there are exceptions, any article of clothing that covers your face and/or changes your appearance in some way should definitely not be allowed while in court, having any kind of official photo (such as a drivers license, etc.), and other such things.

That's how I feel about this in a nutshell. :)
Swiss Region Imposes $9,800 Fines On Burqas, Aims At ‘Islamist Fundamentalists’

"Those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome."

Swiss Region Imposes $9,800 Fines On Wearing Burqas | The Daily Caller

If not banning all religious acutrements, it's fairly obviously discriminatory. Gonna ban Amish women their traditional attire and head covers (if married) too?
It is cultural not a religious requirement. Many devout women around the world don't have their face or even their hair covered.
It doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say that?

Wearing a cross is optional. so let's ban it. Reading the Bible is optional, so let's ban it. Being a Christian is optional, so let's ban it.

Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
It is cultural not a religious requirement. Many devout women around the world don't have their face or even their hair covered.
It doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say that?

Wearing a cross is optional. so let's ban it. Reading the Bible is optional, so let's ban it. Being a Christian is optional, so let's ban it.

Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
Why not just force them to become Christians? Oh wait, you'd approve of that.
It is cultural not a religious requirement. Many devout women around the world don't have their face or even their hair covered.
It doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say that?

Wearing a cross is optional. so let's ban it. Reading the Bible is optional, so let's ban it. Being a Christian is optional, so let's ban it.

Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
Why not just force them to become Christians? Oh wait, you'd approve of that.
Muslims have no problem arresting people for owning a Bible in Muslim nations.
Your selective outrage is most telling.
It doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say that?

Wearing a cross is optional. so let's ban it. Reading the Bible is optional, so let's ban it. Being a Christian is optional, so let's ban it.

Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
Why not just force them to become Christians? Oh wait, you'd approve of that.
Muslims have no problem arresting people for owning a Bible in Muslim nations.
Your selective outrage is most telling.
It's not selective. and all religion is fucking nonsense, but that has nothing to do with this overt discrimination.
Burka is not religious.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
Why not just force them to become Christians? Oh wait, you'd approve of that.
Muslims have no problem arresting people for owning a Bible in Muslim nations.
Your selective outrage is most telling.
It's not selective. and all religion is fucking nonsense, but that has nothing to do with this overt discrimination.
You are selective, at no time have you ever self initiated any outrage at Islam.

Swiss can do as they wish just like Muslim nations can.
The fuck it isn't. That's why it is worn.

And it wouldn't matter a damn if it was just for kicks, it's a Muslim garment banned when others that do the very same thing are not.
Switzerland is a Christian based nation. They should adapt.
Try carrying a Bible or wearing a cross in Saudi Arabia and you'll know what I'm getting at.
Why not just force them to become Christians? Oh wait, you'd approve of that.
Muslims have no problem arresting people for owning a Bible in Muslim nations.
Your selective outrage is most telling.
It's not selective. and all religion is fucking nonsense, but that has nothing to do with this overt discrimination.
You are selective, at no time have you ever self initiated any outrage at Islam.

Swiss can do as they wish just like Muslim nations can.
1. Untrue.
2. Two wrongs don't make a right. Thought your mommy would have taught you that by now?

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