Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership here's why it doesn't have mass shootings


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings
Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.


I think one of the other biggest reasons is " they are NOT all drugged up on prescription meds.) which has been proven to cause suicidal thoughts, and the urge to kill. Everyone of the MASS SHOOTERS in the US have been on Prescribed meds.

Uhhh but you can't tell the HItler youth this information, why you can't even tell the adult sheep this information. Their globalist brainwashing leaders have them convinced gun get up and shoot people all by themselves amazing the stupidity is so easily controlled and manipulated.
Weak minds will always flock together and support tyrannical governments and dictatorship just stand back and watch it all unfold before you as these are your same morons who lead themselves to their own death chambers ( Hitlers gas chambers) . they were just as stupid as today's sheep Hitler youth included.
Switzerland is a Confederacy where the people rule themselves. I think that says most of it.
Can't change the fact they have lower crime, then you have Australia where the loony marchers try to say their crime rate dropped that is pure bs it sky rocketed. .
The Swiss are taught from childhood to be self productive and self responsible. In the US children are taught from childhood to look to others for production and responsibility.
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A homogeneous culture.

School children used to carry guns to school in the USA.

As the culture diversified, that was no longer possible.

Today, you could make every liberal high school kid in America wet their panties and fall to the ground flailing in hysteria if you used a crayon to draw a gun picture.
they are also 8 million people who are basically on the same page....here its 320 million on 50 million different pages...
A homogeneous culture.

School children used to carry guns to school in the USA.

As the culture diversified, that was no longer possible.

Today, you could make every liberal high school kid in America wet their panties and fall to the ground flailing in hysteria if you used a crayon to draw a gun picture.

Multiculturalism is always a step toward totalitarianism. The British kid who was imprisoned (!) for teaching his dog to do a Nazi salute was told by the judge "Britain is now multicultural".

It is what happens when you lose your country to foreigners. You lose your freedom as well.
Switzerland has 8.5 million people--they are the definition of " A well regulated militia". Their cultural dynamic is so different from the US..or really..anywhere

Every mass shooter has been on prescription meds..if true...because they were all insane, so there's that.
Switzerland is a Confederacy where the people rule themselves. I think that says most of it.
I agree....but I don't think their way would work here...economies of scale as applied to cultures.
The Swiss are taught from childhood to be self productive and self responsible. In the US children are taught from childhood to look to others for production and responsibility.
Your assumptions are breathtaking! Some children are taught to rely on others..some to be self-sufficient. The cooperative nature of societies operates on the assumption of givers and takers.

But you can't know if the current crop of people will be any more, or less, self-sufficient than we were.
Switzerland is a Confederacy where the people rule themselves. I think that says most of it.
I agree....but I don't think their way would work here...economies of scale as applied to cultures.

It always worked here. I never worried a day in my life about school shootings when I was a kid.
Yeah.. your experience is not everyone's. There have always been random killings..some of them you could call mass. i never worried because we had 3 tv channels--and world news, for me..was black and white Walter.

School shootings...I had a kid killed in my high school..in 1966. But it was not random--and I'm sure, not common..but were you to look into it, you'd find a lot of school shootings...they were handled differently...and unless sit happened in your home town...you didn't hear about it.

Hmmm..come to think of it, every day in Nam--could've been called a mass killing.

America is violence--it's what we do..it's part of our cultural gestalt.
Switzerland is a Confederacy where the people rule themselves. I think that says most of it.
I agree....but I don't think their way would work here...economies of scale as applied to cultures.

It always worked here. I never worried a day in my life about school shootings when I was a kid.
Yeah.. your experience is not everyone's. There have always been random killings..some of them you could call mass. i never worried because we had 3 tv channels--and world news, for me..was black and white Walter.

School shootings...I had a kid killed in my high school..in 1966. But it was not random--and I'm sure, not common..but were you to look into it, you'd find a lot of school shootings...they were handled differently...and unless sit happened in your home town...you didn't hear about it.

Hmmm..come to think of it, every day in Nam--could've been called a mass killing.

America is violence--it's what we do..it's part of our cultural gestalt.

Not really. It is a recent trend which tracks the rise of liberalism.


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