Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?
Are we? Or is there a certain segment that is skewing our numbers?

Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?

A tiny number of Americans are violent in our democrat controlled cities..........and they are only able to commit murder because democrats keep letting them out of jail.......

And as more law abiding gun owners buy, own and carry guns...our gun crime rates go down....law abiding gun owners are not increasing our gun crime and murder rates....so taking guns away from them won't lower the gun crime and murder rates...as we see in Britain, Australia and Europe...they banned guns, and now their gun crime rates are going up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
US population 1800 5,308,483
US population 2010 308,745,538

Your graph starts in 1800--so that is where I'm at. We are a violent culture..you seem to attribute that to Liberalism? Or just school shootings...or...just everything bad in the world?

Pitiful. The number in 1950 was ten. Today 400. A forty fold increase. And you said what about population?
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings
Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.

View attachment 184583

I think one of the other biggest reasons is " they are NOT all drugged up on prescription meds.) which has been proven to cause suicidal thoughts, and the urge to kill. Everyone of the MASS SHOOTERS in the US have been on Prescribed meds.

Uhhh but you can't tell the HItler youth this information, why you can't even tell the adult sheep this information. Their globalist brainwashing leaders have them convinced gun get up and shoot people all by themselves amazing the stupidity is so easily controlled and manipulated.
Weak minds will always flock together and support tyrannical governments and dictatorship just stand back and watch it all unfold before you as these are your same morons who lead themselves to their own death chambers ( Hitlers gas chambers) . they were just as stupid as today's sheep Hitler youth included.

If the US govt imposed the restrictions on guns that the Swiss have, you'd be going absolutely ape shit.

Do you have any clue what the Swiss make you do in order to have a gun? Probably not.

But hey, you take one statistic and think you know everything.

Typical of this forum.
A homogeneous culture.

School children used to carry guns to school in the USA.

As the culture diversified, that was no longer possible.

Today, you could make every liberal high school kid in America wet their panties and fall to the ground flailing in hysteria if you used a crayon to draw a gun picture.
I like guns, yet we never had a mass shootings until the late 50 or early 60's. Back in the teens or twenties, They used to sell .50 Tommy guns in the mail for Christ's sake. Then came valentines day 1929. We got rid of mail order machine guns, the proto- NRA never stood up and said that was an act, a phony issue meant to attack god fearing Americans right to bear arms , be it a cannon or a .50 Thomas machine gun. Nope. never happened. The NRA represents a small tiny teensy lot of Americans. But ,boy do they have power. Some of us question all that power...
Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?
Are we? Or is there a certain segment that is skewing our numbers?

View attachment 184713

Is there a link to your attachment?If there is one earlier in the thread never mind, I just haven't go there yet.

I'm betting the number is even lower for whites when hispanics and others who identify as 'white' are also culled form the data for white.
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings
Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.

View attachment 184583

I think one of the other biggest reasons is " they are NOT all drugged up on prescription meds.) which has been proven to cause suicidal thoughts, and the urge to kill. Everyone of the MASS SHOOTERS in the US have been on Prescribed meds.

Uhhh but you can't tell the HItler youth this information, why you can't even tell the adult sheep this information. Their globalist brainwashing leaders have them convinced gun get up and shoot people all by themselves amazing the stupidity is so easily controlled and manipulated.
Weak minds will always flock together and support tyrannical governments and dictatorship just stand back and watch it all unfold before you as these are your same morons who lead themselves to their own death chambers ( Hitlers gas chambers) . they were just as stupid as today's sheep Hitler youth included.

If the US govt imposed the restrictions on guns that the Swiss have, you'd be going absolutely ape shit.

Do you have any clue what the Swiss make you do in order to have a gun? Probably not.


And the data for a similar demographic here in the U.S. proves those restrictions aren't necessary, and don't do anything to make people safer among that demographic.
As I said...America is violence. How many 'fake' dead people does the average 12 year old boy see...in America?

Ok add liberal Hollywood's gratuitous violence and sex to the graph. In 1968 Jack Valenti "deemed the Motion Picture Production Code – in place since 1930 and rigorously enforced since 1934 – as out of date and bearing 'the odious smell of censorship'". Lew Wasserman (what kind of name is Wasserman?) "single handedly" LINK installed Jack Valenti in the MPAA in order to destroy it.

So lets add that to our chart as well. Getting a little crowded with those liberal ideas it looks like.

View attachment 184703

That ad can also be used to claim the rise of the 'libertarian right wing is the cause. Right wingers support many of the same social platforms as the left does, abortion on demand, banning school prayer, mindlless self-indulgence as an ideal, pornography, sniveling about public school teachers and restricting them from disciplining students, unrestricted drug abuse, and all the rest of of the culture war rubbish. I guess we're not supposed to notice that and just whine about the left for some reason, as if they are the only problem when it comes to cultural suicide and destruction of traditional values. They're right there with the Maoists and 'globalists'.
My last trip to Switzerland I saw a lot of heroin needle junkies hanging out doing nothing. At least they try and keep them moving around and not crowding the parks like it was some 10 years ago. I don't see anything grand about Swiss 'culture'; the govt. lives off of money laundering and organized crime. True this is not nearly as noticeable in the small towns, which are pretty nice places. My grandson goes to an International school there.
Switzerland is almost entirely all white people.

Will regressives be able to put 2 and 2 together?
Switzerland is almost entirely all white people.

Will regressives be able to put 2 and 2 together?

Well, they're too racist to use facts to address issues, so no, they won't address that big giant elephant in the room, and keep encouraging violence against whites, murdering police officers, and anything else to keep from angering the hood rats they rely on for votes and a source of thugs to break up opposition rallies.
China is hacking the site, LOL.. they are trolling it watch what happens to the site........
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings
Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.

View attachment 184583

I think one of the other biggest reasons is " they are NOT all drugged up on prescription meds.) which has been proven to cause suicidal thoughts, and the urge to kill. Everyone of the MASS SHOOTERS in the US have been on Prescribed meds.

Uhhh but you can't tell the HItler youth this information, why you can't even tell the adult sheep this information. Their globalist brainwashing leaders have them convinced gun get up and shoot people all by themselves amazing the stupidity is so easily controlled and manipulated.
Weak minds will always flock together and support tyrannical governments and dictatorship just stand back and watch it all unfold before you as these are your same morons who lead themselves to their own death chambers ( Hitlers gas chambers) . they were just as stupid as today's sheep Hitler youth included.

Why fight when you got Swiss Miss?

America's failed cultural/diversity experiment designed by social engineers is why we have such a huge delta between us and Switzerland

Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?
Are we? Or is there a certain segment that is skewing our numbers?

View attachment 184713

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