SwRI part of international team identifying primordial asteroids


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The main belt contains vast numbers of irregularly shaped asteroids, also known as planetesimals, orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. As improved telescope technology finds smaller and more distant asteroids, astronomers have identified clusters of similar-looking bodies clumped in analogous orbits. These familial objects are likely fragments of catastrophic collisions between larger asteroids eons ago. Finding and studying asteroid families allows scientists to better understand the history of main belt asteroids.

“By identifying all the families in the main belt, we can figure out which asteroids have been formed by collisions and which might be some of the original members of the asteroid belt,” said SwRI Astronomer Dr. Kevin Walsh, a coauthor of the online Science paper detailing the findings. “We identified all known families and their members and discovered a gigantic void in the main belt, populated by only a handful of asteroids. These relics must be part of the original asteroid belt. That is the real prize, to know what the main belt looked like just after it formed.”
SwRI part of international team identifying primordial asteroids | SwRI

There are multiple articles out but they either don't mention the team, utilize fantastic headlines, repeat the above verbatim, or don't offer enough information in general. So, here is a link to the paper:
Identification of a primordial asteroid family constrains the original planetesimal population | Science

Which I can't read because I am not a member.

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