Sydney October 26, 1992-March 19, 2014


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Yesterday, I had to put down my cat Sydney, my little girl, after over 21 years of her being my companion. This broke my heart.
During her last moments, I petted her and we looked directly into each other's eyes as I told her I how much her presence in my life meant so much to me. The last thing she saw was the love in my eyes and the last thing she she heard was how much I loved her. That was exactly the way I wanted her to go.
I got her for a Christmas present from a former girlfriend in 1992, she was eight weeks old. We immediately bonded. The first night that I had her, she ended up sleeping next to me and that event never stopped (except when I was out of the country). She also started meowing a "good morning" every time I woke up to me shortly after, that too never stopped. Until last night and this morning.
She was really playful as a kitten and that continued until she died. The night before she died, she still wanted to play. It lasted for about ten minutes, which was the norm as she was so old. But before she and I played for hours every day until she started to slow down, which started when she was 18. She used to play fetch with me for several years too. She'd greet me at the door when I came home from work, shopping, going out; etc. And she would always follow me around the house and just hang out right by me since I got her. About ten years ago I went to work for a company that allowed me to telecommute and she'd sit/lay next to me in the visitor's chair the whole time I was at my desk.
I am probably still in shock that my little girl is gone. As I told my two grown daughters, Sydney was like my third child.
Three months ago we had to put down our wonderful family dog (Bud) and then yesterday it was Sydney. It was a very tough winter for household. I really miss Bud and now I'm in mourning for Sydney. We will be searching shelters for a new family dog. But Sydney was my cat and at this time I feel she is irreplaceable.
Rest in peace my little girl. You'll always be with me, in my heart.


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I'm sorry, Kiwiman. What a beautiful tribute to your precious Sydney. I pray the Lord comforts you.
Yesterday, I had to put down my cat Sydney, my little girl, after over 21 years of her being my companion. This broke my heart.
During her last moments, I petted her and we looked directly into each other's eyes as I told her I how much her presence in my life meant so much to me. The last thing she saw was the love in my eyes and the last thing she she heard was how much I loved her. That was exactly the way I wanted her to go.
I got her for a Christmas present from a former girlfriend in 1992, she was eight weeks old. We immediately bonded. The first night that I had her, she ended up sleeping next to me and that event never stopped (except when I was out of the country). She also started meowing a "good morning" every time I woke up to me shortly after, that too never stopped. Until last night and this morning.
She was really playful as a kitten and that continued until she died. The night before she died, she still wanted to play. It lasted for about ten minutes, which was the norm as she was so old. But before she and I played for hours every day until she started to slow down, which started when she was 18. She used to play fetch with me for several years too. She'd greet me at the door when I came home from work, shopping, going out; etc. And she would always follow me around the house and just hang out right by me since I got her. About ten years ago I went to work for a company that allowed me to telecommute and she'd sit/lay next to me in the visitor's chair the whole time I was at my desk.
I am probably still in shock that my little girl is gone. As I told my two grown daughters, Sydney was like my third child.
Three months ago we had to put down our wonderful family dog (Bud) and then yesterday it was Sydney. It was a very tough winter for household. I really miss Bud and now I'm in mourning for Sydney. We will be searching shelters for a new family dog. But Sydney was my cat and at this time I feel she is irreplaceable.
Rest in peace my little girl. You'll always be with me, in my heart.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It is very painful to lose that kind of friend.
Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours

Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,
hills, valleys with lush green grass

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this special place
There is always food and water and warm spring weather

The old and frail are young again
Those who are maimed are made whole again

They play all day with each other
There is only one thing missing

They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth
So each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !

The nose twitches !
The ears are up !
The eyes are staring !
And this one suddenly runs from the group !

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her into your arms and embrace
your face is kissed again and again,
and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated

Author Unknown

pet loss

All you need to do is believe and be patient. Sending you healing wishes.

Many Regards from Rosie
I am so sorry, k. It is so hard when it's their time to go. No words can really help but do know that others are thinking of you and understand what you're going through.

Maybe, in time, your heart will open up to another cat that needs your love. Take care. :smiliehug:
Aw, I'm so sorry.

We all know we will outlive them but it never gets any easier.

21 years old? Obviously, you did everything right. She was lucky to have you.
I am so sad for you, kiwiman.

Life pets are a blessing in our lives and also a lesson in mortality.

My spouse and I talk about our three life pets now gone almost daily.

They enriched our lives in ways words just don't describe.

None of us here can change anything, but those of us who have underwent what you are now going through, we can suffer with you until things get better.

They will get better.
I am mourning the loss of my doberman, Greta, who died on January 4, 2014. I had to put her to sleep she had heart disease and her heart was failing. They couldn't help her anymore. I'd had her since she was six weeks old, and she was 10 years and 10 weeks old when she died. We never spent an entire day apart.

I know exactly how you feel and I'm still searching for answers, so I have no words of comfort to give you at this time. Except just keep moving forward, put one foot in front of the other. And know that you are not alone in your grief.

21 years is a long, long time to share your life with someone. You must miss her very, very much. :(
Yesterday, I had to put down my cat Sydney, my little girl, after over 21 years of her being my companion. This broke my heart.
During her last moments, I petted her and we looked directly into each other's eyes as I told her I how much her presence in my life meant so much to me. The last thing she saw was the love in my eyes and the last thing she she heard was how much I loved her. That was exactly the way I wanted her to go.
I got her for a Christmas present from a former girlfriend in 1992, she was eight weeks old. We immediately bonded. The first night that I had her, she ended up sleeping next to me and that event never stopped (except when I was out of the country). She also started meowing a "good morning" every time I woke up to me shortly after, that too never stopped. Until last night and this morning.
She was really playful as a kitten and that continued until she died. The night before she died, she still wanted to play. It lasted for about ten minutes, which was the norm as she was so old. But before she and I played for hours every day until she started to slow down, which started when she was 18. She used to play fetch with me for several years too. She'd greet me at the door when I came home from work, shopping, going out; etc. And she would always follow me around the house and just hang out right by me since I got her. About ten years ago I went to work for a company that allowed me to telecommute and she'd sit/lay next to me in the visitor's chair the whole time I was at my desk.
I am probably still in shock that my little girl is gone. As I told my two grown daughters, Sydney was like my third child.
Three months ago we had to put down our wonderful family dog (Bud) and then yesterday it was Sydney. It was a very tough winter for household. I really miss Bud and now I'm in mourning for Sydney. We will be searching shelters for a new family dog. But Sydney was my cat and at this time I feel she is irreplaceable.
Rest in peace my little girl. You'll always be with me, in my heart.

I'm glad you stuck around long enough to share this terribly sad news before you set sail from USMB for good.

It's better to have a support network to console you during these traumatic events.

Good you stuck around.

Sorry for Sydney.
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I am mourning the loss of my doberman, Greta, who died on January 4, 2014. I had to put her to sleep she had heart disease and her heart was failing. They couldn't help her anymore. I'd had her since she was six weeks old, and she was 10 years and 10 weeks old when she died. We never spent an entire day apart.

I know exactly how you feel and I'm still searching for answers, so I have no words of comfort to give you at this time. Except just keep moving forward, put one foot in front of the other. And know that you are not alone in your grief.

21 years is a long, long time to share your life with someone. You must miss her very, very much. :(

I think the length of time Sydney was with me does make it much harder. We lost our family dog (Bud) in December. We got Bud from a shelter and had him just about 8 years, he was seven when we got him. So he lived to be quite old for his breed. I miss Bud very much, he was a kid's favorite and a very gentle, happy dog. Everybody loved Bud. Sydney was my cat. I had her 11 years before I met my wife. Therefore we had a ton of one on one time together. Sydney slept on my bed the first night I got her and she never stopped sleeping by me. When I my wife (then girlfriend) moved in with me, I had to go out and buy a bigger bed to accommodate, my wife, Sydney and myself! Sydney was not going to give up her spot sleeping next to me. So there I was, sandwiched between my wife and my cat! But it worked out. Anyway, Sydney always sat next to me or followed me everywhere I went in the house. She was with me a lot during her life. I'd walk in the house from work and if she wasn't waiting at the door, she'd be running to meet me. We were really attached for those 21 years.
Yesterday, I had to put down my cat Sydney, my little girl, after over 21 years of her being my companion. This broke my heart.
During her last moments, I petted her and we looked directly into each other's eyes as I told her I how much her presence in my life meant so much to me. The last thing she saw was the love in my eyes and the last thing she she heard was how much I loved her. That was exactly the way I wanted her to go.
I got her for a Christmas present from a former girlfriend in 1992, she was eight weeks old. We immediately bonded. The first night that I had her, she ended up sleeping next to me and that event never stopped (except when I was out of the country). She also started meowing a "good morning" every time I woke up to me shortly after, that too never stopped. Until last night and this morning.
She was really playful as a kitten and that continued until she died. The night before she died, she still wanted to play. It lasted for about ten minutes, which was the norm as she was so old. But before she and I played for hours every day until she started to slow down, which started when she was 18. She used to play fetch with me for several years too. She'd greet me at the door when I came home from work, shopping, going out; etc. And she would always follow me around the house and just hang out right by me since I got her. About ten years ago I went to work for a company that allowed me to telecommute and she'd sit/lay next to me in the visitor's chair the whole time I was at my desk.
I am probably still in shock that my little girl is gone. As I told my two grown daughters, Sydney was like my third child.
Three months ago we had to put down our wonderful family dog (Bud) and then yesterday it was Sydney. It was a very tough winter for household. I really miss Bud and now I'm in mourning for Sydney. We will be searching shelters for a new family dog. But Sydney was my cat and at this time I feel she is irreplaceable.
Rest in peace my little girl. You'll always be with me, in my heart.

If you don't know about this place, try it. It might help. It helped me. You were fortunate enough to have over 20 years with her. That is something to cherish. Try Rainbow Bridge.

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