Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.

Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

Your comparison is purely delusional and moronic. US acknowledged the bombing in Mosul killing 200 and NEVER intentional.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering their people for DECADES supporting terrorism at the same time. Both of these dude are real MONSTERS supported by Putin killing more civilians than ISIS.

it's a Baathist thing. Baathism is a totalitarian utopian ideology-----it looks
good on paper and ends up standing on piles of dead bodies. Its adherents
can never face the facts
be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.

I'm not talking about the history of Baathists irosie and you should know better than to believe Saddam would ever be my hero. I'm talking about this Assad in the here and now. Just as when I discuss Russia in the here and now and not in the past USSR with all of Stalin's sins.

Now just recently ISIS was discovered to have used chemical weapons in Mosul. It has never been proven that Assad has. Damascus was a false flag as is this incident. Only the opposition Muslim Brotherhood benefits this chemical attack along with their backers Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Oh and of course our local war mongers like John McCain.

And your sources is ------ what?
be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.


ok ----if you enjoy genocide
So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.

you understand it? It is true that Assad and Putin are killing civilians------but
I do not understand it

Yes I do. And you?

oh good-----I don't. Totalitarian "utopias" produce piles of dead bodies----
but unlike you----I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why the dictators DO IT.
Please explain
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

It flies------Bashar is desperate. Putin "winning"? what is he "winning"?

1. What the hell are you talking about? The retaking of Aleppo was an amazing victory for Syria and Russia. Freeing those citizens from the grip of Jabhat al Nusra aka AQ was a major feat. They have been decimating ISIS and AQ strongholds.

2. Russia and Syria formed a major coalition with former rebel groups to continue the battle against the terrorists.

That's called a big f'n deal to quote Joe Biden. Winning. Big time.

1. True -------- They controlled a very wide area and the airspace --------- The ONLY aircraft that fly in that particular area are Russians and Assad Air Force ----------- Rebels and ISIS do not have any flying capability.
2. Yes and No --------- or maybe never. Do you honestly believe the rebels will just forgive the dictator after years of atrocities? Most of these people suffered very deeply in their hands of Assad. Those wounds will never heal and long as Assad is in power there will be NO peace in Syria------- that I can tell you. Assad knows that.

After Putin and Assad bomb Aleppo killing civilians late last year-------- Do you honestly believe that is forgiven? Ask yourself if you are a rebel that suffered for years.
Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.

you understand it? It is true that Assad and Putin are killing civilians------but
I do not understand it

Yes I do. And you?

oh good-----I don't. Totalitarian "utopias" produce piles of dead bodies----
but unlike you----I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why the dictators DO IT.
Please explain

Sure you do------- You are playing dumb------and if you don't----------- I'm very disappointed bc so far you are the only one I knew here who has more knowledgeable than me about ME. On top of what I learned from professional middle easterners that I deal regularly.
Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.


ok ----if you enjoy genocide

No I don't-------- That is why I want to kill Assad myself.
be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.

I'm not talking about the history of Baathists irosie and you should know better than to believe Saddam would ever be my hero. I'm talking about this Assad in the here and now. Just as when I discuss Russia in the here and now and not in the past USSR with all of Stalin's sins.

Now just recently ISIS was discovered to have used chemical weapons in Mosul. It has never been proven that Assad has. Damascus was a false flag as is this incident. Only the opposition Muslim Brotherhood benefits this chemical attack along with their backers Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Oh and of course our local war mongers like John McCain.

Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface to surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

I bet you Kremlin trolls won't pick this up.

And hasn't it been said many times enough that isis, even if it has the chemicals does not have much to take it anywhere with. So sometimes, maybe. Al those times, nope.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

My point was America doing this without Russia knowing, screaming about, and blaming, threatening attacking.

Assad tortures political prisoners to death the way slaughterhouses kill pigs for you to eat. And if he's so fair. Why does half the country want to kill him? Maybe he's so sweet one just wants to squeeze him to death.:smiliehug:

Half of most nations hate their current Governments. Just take a look at the US. Half the country despises Donald Trump. The problem is, the US/West and Saudi Arabia armed the 'Rebels' in Syria. They fomented instability. They do that all around the world. And in this case, they've armed some very bad people. Terrorist Orgs like Al Nusra and ISIS have benefited greatly from the intervention. Much of the funding and arming went to them.
Bullshit again. They took out 200 civilians in Mosul just recently and managed to kill more civilians than either ISIS or Russia in March.

You need to get up to speed.

You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.

I don't support Assad or Putin. I just want my country to stop meddling everywhere. We don't belong in Syria. We never did. And your dishonesty & hypocrisy on the issue is pretty pathetic. When the US slaughters children, you either ignore it or defend it as being 'Collateral Damage.' But when anyone else kills civilians, you freak out and hop up on your high horse. You are a typical arrogant ignorant American.
Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.


ok ----if you enjoy genocide

Most Americans supported it in Iraq. How many Iraqis has the US slaughtered?
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.


ok ----if you enjoy genocide

No I don't-------- That is why I want to kill Assad myself.

Assad has never done any harm to you or the US. Yet you wanna kill him. That's insane. Syria has never been a threat to the US. We had no business invading.

Congressman Thomas Massie: "You've got a war going on over there. Supposedly that airstrike was on an ammo dump, and so I don't know if it was released because there was gas stored in the ammo dump or not -- that's plausible." (6:35-6:50)
be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.
My point was America doing this without Russia knowing, screaming about, and blaming, threatening attacking.

Assad tortures political prisoners to death the way slaughterhouses kill pigs for you to eat. And if he's so fair. Why does half the country want to kill him? Maybe he's so sweet one just wants to squeeze him to death.:smiliehug:

Half of most nations hate their current Governments. Just take a look at the US. Half the country despises Donald Trump. The problem is, the US/West and Saudi Arabia armed the 'Rebels' in Syria. They fomented instability. They do that all around the world. And in this case, they've armed some very bad people. Terrorist Orgs like Al Nusra and ISIS have benefited greatly from the intervention. Much of the funding and arming went to them.

I became exposed to the islamo Nazi propaganda before I reached the age
of 10, (long long ago) I do not need you to spit it up at me. It does not change much although-----way back then Saudi Arabia was not much of an
issue yet.. Your sophistry marked by the idiot comment "Half of most nations hate their current Governments" is annoying, truly annoying. Your
"blame it on DA WEST" bull shit-----is classical. The Syrians were TOLD
TO KILL EACH OTHER------another classic. More news------arabs have been
killing each other since "ARABIA" happened -----and the sunni Shiite feud
started before the carcass of the rapist pig had cooled.
Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.
My point was America doing this without Russia knowing, screaming about, and blaming, threatening attacking.

Assad tortures political prisoners to death the way slaughterhouses kill pigs for you to eat. And if he's so fair. Why does half the country want to kill him? Maybe he's so sweet one just wants to squeeze him to death.:smiliehug:

Half of most nations hate their current Governments. Just take a look at the US. Half the country despises Donald Trump. The problem is, the US/West and Saudi Arabia armed the 'Rebels' in Syria. They fomented instability. They do that all around the world. And in this case, they've armed some very bad people. Terrorist Orgs like Al Nusra and ISIS have benefited greatly from the intervention. Much of the funding and arming went to them.

I became exposed to the islamo Nazi propaganda before I reached the age
of 10, (long long ago) I do not need you to spit it up at me. It does not change much although-----way back then Saudi Arabia was not much of an
issue yet.. Your sophistry marked by the idiot comment "Half of most nations hate their current Governments" is annoying, truly annoying. Your
"blame it on DA WEST" bull shit-----is classical. The Syrians were TOLD
TO KILL EACH OTHER------another classic. More news------arabs have been
killing each other since "ARABIA" happened -----and the sunni Shiite feud
started before the carcass of the rapist pig had cooled.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia fomented the instability in Syria. I was pointing out that just because half the country supposedly hated him, there was no valid justification for the US to intervene. Half of most Nations' Citizens dislike their current Governments. It doesn't give nations the right to declare 'Regime Change' on other nations.
You know, I find it interesting that Tillerson said on Thursday that we should let Syria figure out it's own solutions, and then, a couple of days later, the use chemical weapons on their own people.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.
My point was America doing this without Russia knowing, screaming about, and blaming, threatening attacking.

Assad tortures political prisoners to death the way slaughterhouses kill pigs for you to eat. And if he's so fair. Why does half the country want to kill him? Maybe he's so sweet one just wants to squeeze him to death.:smiliehug:

Half of most nations hate their current Governments. Just take a look at the US. Half the country despises Donald Trump. The problem is, the US/West and Saudi Arabia armed the 'Rebels' in Syria. They fomented instability. They do that all around the world. And in this case, they've armed some very bad people. Terrorist Orgs like Al Nusra and ISIS have benefited greatly from the intervention. Much of the funding and arming went to them.

I became exposed to the islamo Nazi propaganda before I reached the age
of 10, (long long ago) I do not need you to spit it up at me. It does not change much although-----way back then Saudi Arabia was not much of an
issue yet.. Your sophistry marked by the idiot comment "Half of most nations hate their current Governments" is annoying, truly annoying. Your
"blame it on DA WEST" bull shit-----is classical. The Syrians were TOLD
TO KILL EACH OTHER------another classic. More news------arabs have been
killing each other since "ARABIA" happened -----and the sunni Shiite feud
started before the carcass of the rapist pig had cooled.

The US/West and Saudi Arabia fomented the instability in Syria. I was pointing out that just because half the country supposedly hated him, there was no valid justification for the US to intervene. Half of most Nations' Citizens dislike their current Governments. It doesn't give nations the right to declare 'Regime Change' on other nations.

The US and DA west and SA had nothing to do with instability in SYRIA----in fact the Baathist pig HAFEZ ------grabbed that government by VIOLENT COUP.
(persons of normal intellect call COUPS----evidence of INSTABILITY) ---way back around 1970. Learn some history and talk to some Syrians if you can find
any naïve enough to TRUST YOU. I have to admit that I am not sure if I have
ever interacted with a muslim Syrian-------but I have known hundreds of Christian and jewish Syrians. It might interest you to know that even decades ago Syrians with RELATIVES BACK HOME were reluctant to "talk". Ever meet any HAITIANS? same phenomenon. RELATIVES of complainers tended to
DISAPPEAR. Did you cry when Saddam got the long drop?. I knew what he
was up to way back in the mid-sixties. Do you live under a rock?
You know, I find it interesting that Tillerson said on Thursday that we should let Syria figure out it's own solutions, and then, a couple of days later, the use chemical weapons on their own people.

Correlation is not Causation (first page of "LOGIC 101" text )
You know, I find it interesting that Tillerson said on Thursday that we should let Syria figure out it's own solutions, and then, a couple of days later, the use chemical weapons on their own people.

Allegedly. Looks like a False Flag to me. It makes no sense for Assad to order such an attack. He's winning the war. Why would he jeopardize that? It looks to me like the 'Regime Change' folks are desperate. They realize they're failing in Syria. Hence, this attack scam. That's my opinion anyway.

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