Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense. Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks.

Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I think you are right.

Look at what this crazed warmonger said yesterday...they are CRAZY!!!!

Nikki Haley condemns Russia, Iran after chemical attack in Syria: 'They defied the conscience of the world'

Haley is a complete whack job. Last night on twitter people were freaking out all over her comments. Trump has to reign her in or fire her.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.
I should have noted. Mustard gas is a particularly noxious weapon. It is a vesicant --- which means it "BLISTERS" ----the tissues it touches----in including skin ---but more importantly LUNG TISSUE. People who come into contact with it ----die
an excruciating and often very SLOW death of suffocation-----could be days and
sometimes even years. Children are the most susceptible. The stuff once dropped
an any area (Baathists use it on civilian populations) sticks around in the environment-------Nasser dropped it on Yemeni civiliains------way back in the 1950s
in SUPPORT OF THE BAATHIST CAUSE------in opposition to Yemeni "loyalists"
Other than the Baathists----no one has used it------Saddam was known to have stocked it-------and now----the assads-----according to recent reports. USA homeland security has developed extensive protocols to deal with a possible terrorist use of MUSTARD gas in the USA--------if it happens-----DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO----which would include staying indoors till the situation is under control
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

It flies------Bashar is desperate. Putin "winning"? what is he "winning"?
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.

I'm not talking about the history of Baathists irosie and you should know better than to believe Saddam would ever be my hero. I'm talking about this Assad in the here and now. Just as when I discuss Russia in the here and now and not in the past USSR with all of Stalin's sins.

Now just recently ISIS was discovered to have used chemical weapons in Mosul. It has never been proven that Assad has. Damascus was a false flag as is this incident. Only the opposition Muslim Brotherhood benefits this chemical attack along with their backers Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Oh and of course our local war mongers like John McCain.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

It flies------Bashar is desperate. Putin "winning"? what is he "winning"?

What the hell are you talking about? The retaking of Aleppo was an amazing victory for Syria and Russia. Freeing those citizens from the grip of Jabhat al Nusra aka AQ was a major feat. They have been decimating ISIS and AQ strongholds.

Russia and Syria formed a major coalition with former rebel groups to continue the battle against the terrorists.

That's called a big f'n deal to quote Joe Biden. Winning. Big time.
be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

I am not young-----(actually damned old) I lived in my childhood in a part of the
USA that harbored lots of "SYRIANS". Long before I had any idea where Syria EXISTS in the world, I knew Syrians----mostly Christians and later on Jews.
The Assads came into power circa 1970---------to cut to the chase-----do you also
deny the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE NAZI HOLOCAUST, tiny little brain?.
The assads are Monsters as was your other BAATHIST HERO-----Saddam. As to the present news of the use of MUSTARD GASES------nothing new-----the ONLY
PEOPLE TO USE MUSTARD GAS since world war I ----have been BAATHIST RULERS----( ya know -----those wonderful "equality" loving Baathists)

For those who do not know-----the mass murderers Gamal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and the Assads are all BAATHISTS (people of the slit
throat and lovers of mustard gases) NATIONALIST SOCIALISM is their
creed----- aka Nazi.

I'm not talking about the history of Baathists irosie and you should know better than to believe Saddam would ever be my hero. I'm talking about this Assad in the here and now. Just as when I discuss Russia in the here and now and not in the past USSR with all of Stalin's sins.

Now just recently ISIS was discovered to have used chemical weapons in Mosul. It has never been proven that Assad has. Damascus was a false flag as is this incident. Only the opposition Muslim Brotherhood benefits this chemical attack along with their backers Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Oh and of course our local war mongers like John McCain.

Mustard gas------very clearly demonstrated that SADDAM has lots and very
clearly demonstrated that he shipped his stuff to Syria. Be patient---maybe it
is not mustard gas. There are other chemical agents that COULD be
available to ISIS------since Saddam had them stored in large quantities. I do
not know what ""Damascus was a false flag" means. Isis is in no position to
elaborated their own stuff on any significant level
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II

You need to get up to speed. In January Iraqi forces found a cache of mustard gas in ISIS stronghold of Mosul. And they have used them.

"Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Special forces say mustard agent and Russian surface-to-air missiles found in site set up in Nineveh ruins

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon
Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface-to-surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil from Iraqi special forces said French officials tested the chemical this week and confirmed it was a mustard agent. “We know that they were using this place to experiment with chemical weapons,” he said, referring to Isis.

Fadhil did not specify the quantity or potency of the chemical, but Iraqi soldiers were able to visit the site for about 10 minutes without exhibiting symptoms of exposure.

Fadhil said he believed the facility was set up in the Nineveh ruins – an ancient site away from the city’s dense neighbourhoods – to keep it a secret from Mosul residents who might be passing information to Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

The number of casualties due to Isis chemical weapons is a small fraction compared with the hundreds of civilians killed in car and suicide bombings carried out by the group. Experts say that is largely due to the low grade of the weapons and the group’s lack of access to efficient delivery systems.

The types of rockets found at the site suggest Isis was attempting to weaponise the chemical agent, Fadhil said. He added that he believed the facility was being used up until just one or two weeks ago.

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

It flies------Bashar is desperate. Putin "winning"? what is he "winning"?

What the hell are you talking about? The retaking of Aleppo was an amazing victory for Syria and Russia. Freeing those citizens from the grip of Jabhat al Nusra aka AQ was a major feat. They have been decimating ISIS and AQ strongholds.

Russia and Syria formed a major coalition with former rebel groups to continue the battle against the terrorists.

That's called a big f'n deal to quote Joe Biden. Winning. Big time.

oh-----are YOU, TOO ---calling every person not willing to lick the ass of ASSAD ---a "terrorist" ?-----------People have been opposed to that monster for MANY DECADES. Papa Assad and Baby Assad are the middle east versions of
Papa Doc and baby Doc (Haiti)
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II

You need to get up to speed. In January Iraqi forces found a cache of mustard gas in ISIS stronghold of Mosul. And they have used them.

"Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Special forces say mustard agent and Russian surface-to-air missiles found in site set up in Nineveh ruins

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon
Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface-to-surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil from Iraqi special forces said French officials tested the chemical this week and confirmed it was a mustard agent. “We know that they were using this place to experiment with chemical weapons,” he said, referring to Isis.

Fadhil did not specify the quantity or potency of the chemical, but Iraqi soldiers were able to visit the site for about 10 minutes without exhibiting symptoms of exposure.

Fadhil said he believed the facility was set up in the Nineveh ruins – an ancient site away from the city’s dense neighbourhoods – to keep it a secret from Mosul residents who might be passing information to Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

The number of casualties due to Isis chemical weapons is a small fraction compared with the hundreds of civilians killed in car and suicide bombings carried out by the group. Experts say that is largely due to the low grade of the weapons and the group’s lack of access to efficient delivery systems.

The types of rockets found at the site suggest Isis was attempting to weaponise the chemical agent, Fadhil said. He added that he believed the facility was being used up until just one or two weeks ago.

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

Try again------that MUSTARD GAS has been stored in Syria is NO SURPRISE------Saddam gave it to ASSAD------there are no cases of the USE thereof by Isis.
It's not a mystery-------it is easy to detect. That the Russians supply BAATHISTS
with missiles is no surprise either-----they have been doing it for more than
60 years.------------ISIS did not MAKE them or buy them------they FOUND
THEM in Syria------and have probably managed to confiscate stored stuff
in Iraq too. SAUDI ARABIA makes mustard gas in your tiny mind?
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

It flies------Bashar is desperate. Putin "winning"? what is he "winning"?

What the hell are you talking about? The retaking of Aleppo was an amazing victory for Syria and Russia. Freeing those citizens from the grip of Jabhat al Nusra aka AQ was a major feat. They have been decimating ISIS and AQ strongholds.

Russia and Syria formed a major coalition with former rebel groups to continue the battle against the terrorists.

That's called a big f'n deal to quote Joe Biden. Winning. Big time.

oh-----are YOU, TOO ---calling every person not willing to lick the ass of ASSAD ---a "terrorist" ?-----------People have been opposed to that monster for MANY DECADES. Papa Assad and Baby Assad are the middle east versions of
Papa Doc and baby Doc (Haiti)

In the mid east as you well know there is a sliding scale on rating "monsters". Syrians including all faiths have been protected by Assad. Versus the Muslim Brotherhood who would torture, maim and kill all those who do not subscribe to Salifism.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II

You need to get up to speed. In January Iraqi forces found a cache of mustard gas in ISIS stronghold of Mosul. And they have used them.

"Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Special forces say mustard agent and Russian surface-to-air missiles found in site set up in Nineveh ruins

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon
Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface-to-surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil from Iraqi special forces said French officials tested the chemical this week and confirmed it was a mustard agent. “We know that they were using this place to experiment with chemical weapons,” he said, referring to Isis.

Fadhil did not specify the quantity or potency of the chemical, but Iraqi soldiers were able to visit the site for about 10 minutes without exhibiting symptoms of exposure.

Fadhil said he believed the facility was set up in the Nineveh ruins – an ancient site away from the city’s dense neighbourhoods – to keep it a secret from Mosul residents who might be passing information to Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

The number of casualties due to Isis chemical weapons is a small fraction compared with the hundreds of civilians killed in car and suicide bombings carried out by the group. Experts say that is largely due to the low grade of the weapons and the group’s lack of access to efficient delivery systems.

The types of rockets found at the site suggest Isis was attempting to weaponise the chemical agent, Fadhil said. He added that he believed the facility was being used up until just one or two weeks ago.

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

Try again------that MUSTARD GAS has been stored in Syria is NO SURPRISE------Saddam gave it to ASSAD------there are no cases of the USE thereof by Isis.
It's not a mystery-------it is easy to detect. That the Russians supply BAATHISTS
with missiles is no surprise either-----they have been doing it for more than
60 years.------------ISIS did not MAKE them or buy them------they FOUND
THEM in Syria------and have probably managed to confiscate stored stuff
in Iraq too. SAUDI ARABIA makes mustard gas in your tiny mind?

The Pentagon backs what I've been saying. I'm not giving you my own opinions here. I'm citing sources.

"Iraqi and US officials have repeatedly warned of efforts by Isis to develop chemical weapons. When Iraqi forces retook Mosul University this month, they found chemistry labs they believed had been converted into makeshift weapons labs.

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II

You need to get up to speed. In January Iraqi forces found a cache of mustard gas in ISIS stronghold of Mosul. And they have used them.

"Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Special forces say mustard agent and Russian surface-to-air missiles found in site set up in Nineveh ruins

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon
Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface-to-surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil from Iraqi special forces said French officials tested the chemical this week and confirmed it was a mustard agent. “We know that they were using this place to experiment with chemical weapons,” he said, referring to Isis.

Fadhil did not specify the quantity or potency of the chemical, but Iraqi soldiers were able to visit the site for about 10 minutes without exhibiting symptoms of exposure.

Fadhil said he believed the facility was set up in the Nineveh ruins – an ancient site away from the city’s dense neighbourhoods – to keep it a secret from Mosul residents who might be passing information to Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

The number of casualties due to Isis chemical weapons is a small fraction compared with the hundreds of civilians killed in car and suicide bombings carried out by the group. Experts say that is largely due to the low grade of the weapons and the group’s lack of access to efficient delivery systems.

The types of rockets found at the site suggest Isis was attempting to weaponise the chemical agent, Fadhil said. He added that he believed the facility was being used up until just one or two weeks ago.

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

Try again------that MUSTARD GAS has been stored in Syria is NO SURPRISE------Saddam gave it to ASSAD------there are no cases of the USE thereof by Isis.
It's not a mystery-------it is easy to detect. That the Russians supply BAATHISTS
with missiles is no surprise either-----they have been doing it for more than
60 years.------------ISIS did not MAKE them or buy them------they FOUND
THEM in Syria------and have probably managed to confiscate stored stuff
in Iraq too. SAUDI ARABIA makes mustard gas in your tiny mind?

The Pentagon backs what I've been saying. I'm not giving you my own opinions here. I'm citing sources.

"Iraqi and US officials have repeatedly warned of efforts by Isis to develop chemical weapons. When Iraqi forces retook Mosul University this month, they found chemistry labs they believed had been converted into makeshift weapons labs.

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

"crude chemical weapons" ain't mustard gas and it is not even Sarin.
Be patient -----the agent will be described. There are people who have
already died of the stuff. -----those foaming kids seem like mustard gas to me.
Chemical weapons are ALL OVER Iraq-----and Syria-------a Baathist thing
I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

the issue is the STUFF being used. Al Queida does not have mustard gas. Be patient------It could very well be mustard gas. ------Saddam had lots of it and he
shipped his stuff to his fellow Baathists in Syria. It is not something you can buy in grocery store or EASILY make-------it is a german invention-----and da Nazis were happy to give the recipe to their beloved Baathists in the middle east WAY back during world war II

You need to get up to speed. In January Iraqi forces found a cache of mustard gas in ISIS stronghold of Mosul. And they have used them.

"Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Special forces say mustard agent and Russian surface-to-air missiles found in site set up in Nineveh ruins

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon
Iraqi forces showed journalists a tank of the chemical agent and a warehouse of more than a dozen surface-to-surface rockets bearing Russian inscriptions.

Brigadier General Haider Fadhil from Iraqi special forces said French officials tested the chemical this week and confirmed it was a mustard agent. “We know that they were using this place to experiment with chemical weapons,” he said, referring to Isis.

Fadhil did not specify the quantity or potency of the chemical, but Iraqi soldiers were able to visit the site for about 10 minutes without exhibiting symptoms of exposure.

Fadhil said he believed the facility was set up in the Nineveh ruins – an ancient site away from the city’s dense neighbourhoods – to keep it a secret from Mosul residents who might be passing information to Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

The number of casualties due to Isis chemical weapons is a small fraction compared with the hundreds of civilians killed in car and suicide bombings carried out by the group. Experts say that is largely due to the low grade of the weapons and the group’s lack of access to efficient delivery systems.

The types of rockets found at the site suggest Isis was attempting to weaponise the chemical agent, Fadhil said. He added that he believed the facility was being used up until just one or two weeks ago.

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

Try again------that MUSTARD GAS has been stored in Syria is NO SURPRISE------Saddam gave it to ASSAD------there are no cases of the USE thereof by Isis.
It's not a mystery-------it is easy to detect. That the Russians supply BAATHISTS
with missiles is no surprise either-----they have been doing it for more than
60 years.------------ISIS did not MAKE them or buy them------they FOUND
THEM in Syria------and have probably managed to confiscate stored stuff
in Iraq too. SAUDI ARABIA makes mustard gas in your tiny mind?

The Pentagon backs what I've been saying. I'm not giving you my own opinions here. I'm citing sources.

"Iraqi and US officials have repeatedly warned of efforts by Isis to develop chemical weapons. When Iraqi forces retook Mosul University this month, they found chemistry labs they believed had been converted into makeshift weapons labs.

Islamic State fired crude chemical weapons on US troops – Pentagon

Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces

"crude chemical weapons" ain't mustard gas and it is not even Sarin.
Be patient -----the agent will be described. There are people who have
already died of the stuff. -----those foaming kids seem like mustard gas to me.
Chemical weapons are ALL OVER Iraq-----and Syria-------a Baathist thing

Only Baathists are bad? ISIS is pure as the driven snow? ISIS wouldn't use chemical weapons? ISIS you know the lovely souls who have no problem setting people on fire while they are still alive or drowning them in cages are better for the Syrian people as compared to a Baathist?
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

My point was America doing this without Russia knowing, screaming about, and blaming, threatening attacking.

Assad tortures political prisoners to death the way slaughterhouses kill pigs for you to eat. And if he's so fair. Why does half the country want to kill him? Maybe he's so sweet one just wants to squeeze him to death.:smiliehug:
None. The US goes out of it's way to avoid hitting citizens. Sometimes too far. The bad guys know that and that is why they use civilians as human shields. If you hate this country so much leave it.

Bullshit again. They took out 200 civilians in Mosul just recently and managed to kill more civilians than either ISIS or Russia in March.

You need to get up to speed.

You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.
Bullshit again. They took out 200 civilians in Mosul just recently and managed to kill more civilians than either ISIS or Russia in March.

You need to get up to speed.

You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.

you understand it? It is true that Assad and Putin are killing civilians------but
I do not understand it
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.

Your comparison is purely delusional and moronic. US acknowledged the bombing in Mosul killing 200 and NEVER intentional.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering their people for DECADES supporting terrorism at the same time. Both of these dude are real MONSTERS supported by Putin killing more civilians than ISIS.
You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.

Nope----- we never intended to kill civilians on purpose ---- that is not arrogance but reality---------- but I fully understand your support to Assad and Putin killing civilians purposely.

you understand it? It is true that Assad and Putin are killing civilians------but
I do not understand it

Yes I do. And you?

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