Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

It's just political talk. Everyone will express outrage but no one will be willing to do anything about it, and that makes sense because using chemical weapons of civilians is no worse than dropping barrel bombs on them and the world seems quite content for that to continue.

The most difficult fighting is like we faced in Mosul. Where the enemy digs in, and we have to fight them, house to house, block by block, facing large casualities to take back the town. What better way for Assad to defeat the rebels, than to just drop nerve gas, and kill everybody no matter where they hid, no matter how fortified they were, or how well armed, or how many booby traps they set. The ultimate way to get rid of the people, while leaving the city intact.

We shouldn't be in Iraq and Syria to begin with. That's what you misguided Warmongers don't get. Both nations were never a threat to the US. So why are we there?
It's not that simple. What would have happened if we had never gone into Iraq? Sadam would have continued his conquests down the Gulf Coast conquering much of the world's oil supply and holding the global economy the the balls. This would clearly have threatened American interests. The question about going into the second Iraq war comes down to this: how long would it have been possible to contain Iraq with sanctions enforced by the UN?

As for Syria, we are only in Syria to fight ISIS and we are only doing that because it was not politically feasible to watch the ISIS videos and not respond.

Come on now, seriously? Iraq was decimated by years of sanctions and a 'No-Fly Zone.' It barely had a military. It was not a threat to the US. The invasion was a completely unnecessary catastrophic blunder. All it achieved was, killing Thousands of innocents and handing the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Enough is enough.
And now all the christians are gone from there too.

Yes, under Hussein Christians were respected and protected. He included Christians in his Government. We've opened Pandora's Box in Iraq. It's a catastrophic blunder of epic proportions.
Just last week Trump through both Rex Tillerson and Nicky Barber said that regime change is off the table. We're leaving it to the Russians to do anything about Assad. And all the Russians will do is veto a UN security counsel resolution to do anything about it.

So why would Assad fuck up the good will by cooking babies fromthe sky? Why would Assad want to enrage the whole world? It makes no sense at all.

But those who are out there and have been involved in wanting to overthrow Assad all these years, they needed the world to be enraged. They need the planet pissed off.

This 'Chemical Weapons Attack' only benefits the 'Regime Change' folks. It's clearly a False Flag event.
No one is calling for regime who isn't already in the war.

Who does this 'Chemical Weapons Attack' benefit the most? Think on it some. Why would Assad do it?
I already explained why. Assad cannot gain or keep control of Syria anymore without surrendering much of this authority and Syria's sovereignty to Iran and Russia. Chemical weapons are no more effective in killing people than conventional bombs are, but they are uniquely effective in demoralizing populations, so the fear of falling victim to a chemical attack could allow Assad to keep control of his country without being so heavily dependent on Iran and Russia.

Oh that's one hell of a fairy tale. They are allies. And always will be.
It's just political talk. Everyone will express outrage but no one will be willing to do anything about it, and that makes sense because using chemical weapons of civilians is no worse than dropping barrel bombs on them and the world seems quite content for that to continue.

The most difficult fighting is like we faced in Mosul. Where the enemy digs in, and we have to fight them, house to house, block by block, facing large casualities to take back the town. What better way for Assad to defeat the rebels, than to just drop nerve gas, and kill everybody no matter where they hid, no matter how fortified they were, or how well armed, or how many booby traps they set. The ultimate way to get rid of the people, while leaving the city intact.

We shouldn't be in Iraq and Syria to begin with. That's what you misguided Warmongers don't get. Both nations were never a threat to the US. So why are we there?
It's not that simple. What would have happened if we had never gone into Iraq? Sadam would have continued his conquests down the Gulf Coast conquering much of the world's oil supply and holding the global economy the the balls. This would clearly have threatened American interests. The question about going into the second Iraq war comes down to this: how long would it have been possible to contain Iraq with sanctions enforced by the UN?

As for Syria, we are only in Syria to fight ISIS and we are only doing that because it was not politically feasible to watch the ISIS videos and not respond.

Come on now, seriously? Iraq was decimated by years of sanctions and a 'No-Fly Zone.' It barely had a military. It was not a threat to the US. The invasion was a completely unnecessary catastrophic blunder. All it achieved was, killing Thousands of innocents and handing the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Enough is enough.
You want to check your information. Before the first Gulf War, Iraq's army was a million men strong and while it suffered losses in the war and economic losses during the sanctions regime, it still had 500,000 men in its army at the start of the second Gulf War. In addition it had trained hundreds of thousands of men in paramilitary organizations, and these were what we were fighting after the army was defeated.

The UN was not up to the task of enforcing the sanctions regime. Sadam was bribing people in Kofi Anan's office to allow illegal oil sales and the UNSC put Syria in charge of sanctions enforcement at the same time Syria was operating an illegal pipeline to buy Iraqi oil. It was like the League of Nations trying to contain Germany after WWI. Little by little Sadam was chipping away at the sanctions regime, and it was impossible to reform the UN so that the sanctions would be strictly enforced. There were no good choices. If the sanctions regime had broken down and Sadam resumed his aggressive ways, then not removing him when we did would have been seen as the wrong choice.
Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.

Link please.

Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage
Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.

Link please.

Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.

Link please.

Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
And when this doesn't happen, will you begin to question what Ron or Rand Paul tells you?
Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.

Link please.

Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
And when this doesn't happen, will you begin to question what Ron or Rand Paul tells you?

Do you really believe all-out war isn't coming? I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.
The UN was not up to the task of enforcing the sanctions regime. Sadam was bribing people in Kofi Anan's office to allow illegal oil sales and the UNSC put Syria in charge of sanctions enforcement at the same time Syria was operating an illegal pipeline to buy Iraqi oil. It was like the League of Nations trying to contain Germany after WWI. Little by little Sadam was chipping away at the sanctions regime, and it was impossible to reform the UN so that the sanctions would be strictly enforced. There were no good choices. If the sanctions regime had broken down and Sadam resumed his aggressive ways, then not removing him when we did would have been seen as the wrong choice.

What you missed was how Hussein was trying to get the sanctions lifted, by ridding himself of all illegal WMD's and declaring all his programs, documenting each and every item in dispute. Hussein made a full and complete disclosure, to which Colin Powell said it only proved Hussein's declaration wasn't accurate, and he was hiding WMD's and we knew where they were.

All of which turned out that Hussein was the one telling the truth, and Bush was lying.
I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.

Trump can't suddenly call for regime change. Trump just finished reversing that requirement less than a week ago.
The UN was not up to the task of enforcing the sanctions regime. Sadam was bribing people in Kofi Anan's office to allow illegal oil sales and the UNSC put Syria in charge of sanctions enforcement at the same time Syria was operating an illegal pipeline to buy Iraqi oil. It was like the League of Nations trying to contain Germany after WWI. Little by little Sadam was chipping away at the sanctions regime, and it was impossible to reform the UN so that the sanctions would be strictly enforced. There were no good choices. If the sanctions regime had broken down and Sadam resumed his aggressive ways, then not removing him when we did would have been seen as the wrong choice.

What you missed was how Hussein was trying to get the sanctions lifted, by ridding himself of all illegal WMD's and declaring all his programs, documenting each and every item in dispute. Hussein made a full and complete disclosure, to which Colin Powell said it only proved Hussein's declaration wasn't accurate, and he was hiding WMD's and we knew where they were.

All of which turned out that Hussein was the one telling the truth, and Bush was lying.

Completely delusional. The reality is, Iraq didn't have WMD's and barely had a military. And Hussein did not support Al Qaeda. Those were heinous lies to get the American Sheeple on board supporting another bloody endless war.

Iraq was no threat to the US at all. The invasion was a horrific blunder. It only resulted in the slaughter of Thousands of innocents and handing the country over to the Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It was a blunder of epic proportions. Period, end of story.
I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.

Trump can't suddenly call for regime change. Trump just finished reversing that requirement less than a week ago.

He's being sucked into another bloody quagmire. I don't see him escaping it. I see much more intervention on the way.
Link please.

Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
And when this doesn't happen, will you begin to question what Ron or Rand Paul tells you?

Do you really believe all-out war isn't coming? I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.
You are hallucinating. There are no regime change folks in the US and the rest of the West won't do anything without the US. I don't know why you are having trouble understanding that we are engaged win a war with ISIS but not with Assad.
Chemical weapons dumped on Syrian town kill 100

Dozens of innocent victims, including at least 11 children, foamed at the mouth and convulsed in the streets as planes dosed their Syrian town in a suspected chemical gas attack.

Witnesses described Sukhoi jets used by the Russian and Syrian governments flying over the town — although both nations denied any involvement in the attack.

Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
And when this doesn't happen, will you begin to question what Ron or Rand Paul tells you?

Do you really believe all-out war isn't coming? I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.
You are hallucinating. There are no regime change folks in the US and the rest of the West won't do anything without the US. I don't know why you are having trouble understanding that we are engaged win a war with ISIS but not with Assad.

Pretty delusional. The US/West declared 'Regime Change' long before the ISIS threat. This False Flag is their big opportunity to escalate the war. It's tragic. But i can't say i'm surprised.
The UN was not up to the task of enforcing the sanctions regime. Sadam was bribing people in Kofi Anan's office to allow illegal oil sales and the UNSC put Syria in charge of sanctions enforcement at the same time Syria was operating an illegal pipeline to buy Iraqi oil. It was like the League of Nations trying to contain Germany after WWI. Little by little Sadam was chipping away at the sanctions regime, and it was impossible to reform the UN so that the sanctions would be strictly enforced. There were no good choices. If the sanctions regime had broken down and Sadam resumed his aggressive ways, then not removing him when we did would have been seen as the wrong choice.

What you missed was how Hussein was trying to get the sanctions lifted, by ridding himself of all illegal WMD's and declaring all his programs, documenting each and every item in dispute. Hussein made a full and complete disclosure, to which Colin Powell said it only proved Hussein's declaration wasn't accurate, and he was hiding WMD's and we knew where they were.

All of which turned out that Hussein was the one telling the truth, and Bush was lying.
Actually, the US demanded Sadaam open his books so that we could see exactly what was being imported, and until the very last minute Sadam refused. He also refused the US's demand that he allow U2 flights to be sure he wasn't moving WMD to avoid detection. The situation was further complicated by the fact Iraqi top generals believed they had chemical weapons and that while denying he had WMD to the West, he hinted he had them to the Iranians in order to keep t
Seems like the story is changing. To the oppositions benefit. Al Jazeera couldn't find any witnesses to the planes.

"Khan Sheikhoun residents said the attack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they heard planes in the sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which people very quickly began to show symptoms.

They said they could not identify the planes. Both Syrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before."

'Chemical attack' in Syria draws international outrage

Doesn't matter now. The usual suspects have already declared Assad committed a 'War Crime.' It 'justifies' their coming full invasion. This was all planned a long time ago. It was planned the day they declared 'Regime Change.'
And when this doesn't happen, will you begin to question what Ron or Rand Paul tells you?

Do you really believe all-out war isn't coming? I mean, Assad supposedly just committed a 'War Crime.' You don't think there's gonna be an escalation coming from the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia? I see a major escalation coming. It's the perfect 'opportunity' for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be, to pounce. A perfect False Flag.
You are hallucinating. There are no regime change folks in the US and the rest of the West won't do anything without the US. I don't know why you are having trouble understanding that we are engaged win a war with ISIS but not with Assad.

Pretty delusional. The US/West declared 'Regime Change' long before the ISIS threat. This False Flag is their big opportunity to escalate the war. It's tragic. But i can't say i'm surprised.
No effort was made by the US to facilitate regime change. Obama mumbled about it but balked at taking any steps to achieve it. President Trump has made it clear regime change is not anything he is interested in. You should start trying to think for yourself.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

As I previously posted. There is no such thing as winning a civil war until you eliminated all the enemies.

Don't you think that Assad soldiers could of have done this on their own?

There is NO civil war in Syria.


I will pretend that you are sleeping when you posted ^ that.
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

None. The US goes out of it's way to avoid hitting citizens. Sometimes too far. The bad guys know that and that is why they use civilians as human shields. If you hate this country so much leave it.

Bullshit again. They took out 200 civilians in Mosul just recently and managed to kill more civilians than either ISIS or Russia in March.

You need to get up to speed.

You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

As I previously posted. There is no such thing as winning a civil war until you eliminated all the enemies.

Don't you think that Assad soldiers could of have done this on their own?

There is NO civil war in Syria.

The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia invaded that country for their own reasons

Israel want to retain the Golan Heights and steal whatever territory will allow it to expand where it thinks is necessary.

It also wants to weknen Syria so that it can not retaliate when Israel attacks Iran.

Saudi Arabia want a to replace Assad, a SHIITE, with a Sunni puppet.



Spot On. Thanks.

REALLY? Are you saying there are no civil war in Syria? Who in the world would believe that kind of stupidity?

So what had you been posting?
Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.

Last ditch effort for the usual suspects to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a False Flag event. Look for the US/West to declare all-out war on Syria. It's just a sad repeat of history. When will the wars end?

If we in the west declare war on Assad get ready for WWIII. Even if they just try to declare a no fly zone, not Russia nor Syria nor Iran will tolerate it because of Libya. We all know what happened there.

I don't know, it's a set up. Trump's getting sucked in. The US/West is likely to escalate the war. It's such a horrific mess over there. We shouldn't be in Syria at all. We've got to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East.

Trump is a pussy. I doubt it if he will do anything.

If he does as much as O-stammer you should be tickled to death!

If we go to war because of this then you got what you wish for.

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