Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.

Last ditch effort for the usual suspects to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a False Flag event. Look for the US/West to declare all-out war on Syria. It's just a sad repeat of history. When will the wars end?

If we in the west declare war on Assad get ready for WWIII. Even if they just try to declare a no fly zone, not Russia nor Syria nor Iran will tolerate it because of Libya. We all know what happened there.
The US would crush the Russian army in less than a week.

Not sure about that.
The US would crush the Russian army in less than a week.

Did you get that from Napoleon, or from the Nazi's?
Its just a fact. The US economy is set up for war. The Russian gdp is similar to Italy. All of the wealth in Russia is stashed off shore in Panama and London mansions. How long would they be able to carry on ?

I'm very sure it's not week or month and don't forget they kept their ICBMs pristine sharp.
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

This one just stinks of False Flag so much. Assad's a pretty smart guy. He's winning the war. Why would he jeopardize that by ordering a chemical weapon attack? He knows the possible consequences. This doesn't add up.

It seems like a last desperate attempt to 'Regime Change' him. It's intended to force Trump to expand US involvement in the war. And it looks like that's exactly what's gonna happen. Another endless bloody war. Will these wars ever end?
Suuuure. That's been Trump's plan all along!
Get into another fight with the fucking sand monkeys.
You're fucking mentally unstable!Assad better be watching the skies.
He's about to eat four B1's flying at 50K feet carrying four satellite guided MOABS each for lunch.

Are you going to be on the front line tough guy? If we go to war with Russia the damage will be a world wide devastations.
Then your dream of apocalyptic America will come true. Better keep that basement deeper.
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What happened to BARRY'S RED LINE if Assad used Chemical Weapons from 2013?

He wasn't just full of shit and talking out of his ass, was he?

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”

Last time I checked, Former President Obama is not the CinC anymore. Haven't you heard?

And he said he would deal with Assad if Assad used chemical weapons, which he did WHILE OBAMA WAS POTUS, and OBAMA DID NOTHING.

Now Trump will have to clean up Obama's lies.
You play the role of the useful idiot very well. Even if ISIS had chemical weapons, they don't fly Sukoi fighter jets, which is what dropped the sarin in Syria. The jet was tracked by allied forces, and seen flying over the village.

There are no other planes or helicopters flying in that particular area.

Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.

Link please.

Your kidding right?
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

As I previously posted. There is no such thing as winning a civil war until you eliminated all the enemies.

Don't you think that Assad soldiers could of have done this on their own?

There is NO civil war in Syria.

The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia invaded that country for their own reasons

Israel want to retain the Golan Heights and steal whatever territory will allow it to expand where it thinks is necessary.

It also wants to weknen Syria so that it can not retaliate when Israel attacks Iran.

Saudi Arabia want a to replace Assad, a SHIITE, with a Sunni puppet.



Spot On. Thanks.

REALLY? Are you saying there are no civil war in Syria? Who in the world would believe that kind of stupidity?

So what had you been posting?

These so called rebels are jihadists from over 80 countries and are paid mercenaries. It's not a civil war when the fighters are foreign . It's called a fucking invasion.
Absolute false flag. 1. Assad doesn't NEED to do this...he is winning the war. 2. The US,Israel,Saudi Arabia etc WANT this done because if Assad wins then there goes the Rothschild bank they want installed.

It appears to be a last ditch attempt by the US/West to 'Regime Change' Assad. They realize their agenda is failing there. A chemical weapon attack at this point makes no strategic sense for Assad. It only makes strategic sense for the 'Regime Change' crowd. That's why i believe it is a False Flag event.
Let's see, while Obama mumbled Assad must go all of his actions actually empowered Assad, and now Tillerson is saying Assad doesn't necessarily have to go, so where do you get the idea the West is so invested in regime change?

They're trying to suck Trump in. Hopefully he won't take the bait. But i suspect Trump is gonna escalate our involvement. This False Flag event makes it very difficult for him. I see a bigger bloodier intervention coming.
Trump has shown no indication of wanting to take down Assad. He is talking about destroying ISIS only and that will actually strengthen Assad.

Yes, but this False Flag event puts a lot of pressure on him to escalate the war. I hope he doesn't get sucked in, but i'm afraid he is gonna take the bait.

I guarantee you Trump will not do a shit. Unless he is that stupid ( that's given).
Do you expect him to start bombing Damascus? If that happened you will expect Iran and Russia will react ------------ involving Israel and other countries nearby.
People just need to think about this calmly and rationally. Who benefits the most from this 'Chemical Weapons Attack?' Here's a hint, it isn't Assad.

Rebels don't have any aircraft. The airspace is controlled by Assad Air Force and Putin.

Syria attack survivors describe chemical bombs falling from sky

At least 72 dead in suspected chemical attack in Syria

(CNN) Survivors of a deadly attack in Syria described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, directly contradicting the government's version of events.

Global condemnation intensified Wednesday, the day after the chemical attack on a rebel-held town in Idlib province that killed at least 70 people, including children, one of the deadliest since the Syrian war began six years ago.

The White House and the UK blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for the attack that struck at dawn in Khan Sheikhoun when some were still asleep. At the United Nations, Western powers lambasted Russia for standing by the regime.
People just need to think about this calmly and rationally. Who benefits the most from this 'Chemical Weapons Attack?' Here's a hint, it isn't Assad.

Rebels don't have any aircraft. The airspace is controlled by Assad Air Force and Putin.

Syria attack survivors describe chemical bombs falling from sky

At least 72 dead in suspected chemical attack in Syria

(CNN) Survivors of a deadly attack in Syria described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, directly contradicting the government's version of events.

Global condemnation intensified Wednesday, the day after the chemical attack on a rebel-held town in Idlib province that killed at least 70 people, including children, one of the deadliest since the Syrian war began six years ago.

The White House and the UK blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for the attack that struck at dawn in Khan Sheikhoun when some were still asleep. At the United Nations, Western powers lambasted Russia for standing by the regime.

That whole area are controlled and patrols by Assad and Putin Air Force.


Red area controlled by ISIS.


Chemical bomb was dropped in Idlib. Tartus is where the Putin military base is located.
People just need to think about this calmly and rationally. Who benefits the most from this 'Chemical Weapons Attack?' Here's a hint, it isn't Assad.

Rebels don't have any aircraft. The airspace is controlled by Assad Air Force and Putin.

Syria attack survivors describe chemical bombs falling from sky

At least 72 dead in suspected chemical attack in Syria

(CNN) Survivors of a deadly attack in Syria described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, directly contradicting the government's version of events.

Global condemnation intensified Wednesday, the day after the chemical attack on a rebel-held town in Idlib province that killed at least 70 people, including children, one of the deadliest since the Syrian war began six years ago.

The White House and the UK blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for the attack that struck at dawn in Khan Sheikhoun when some were still asleep. At the United Nations, Western powers lambasted Russia for standing by the regime.

You might want to look at who lives in Khan Sheikhoun and who its controlled by, apparently you are on the side of rebel groups and mercenaries., as tragic as it is, perhaps its the wrong side to be on. All we have is pictures and their word, this is not our battle. Since SA is our ally, what they are doing to Yemen we turn a blind eye to. Israel and SA want Assad gone. It has never been proven Assad was behind any chemical attacks.
I told people the US/West and others weren't in Syria to kill ISIS. In fact, 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others armed ISIS. It's about killing Assad. And now they have their 'Justification' to declare all-out war.

This 'Attack' is pretty convenient, too convenient. Assad's winning the war, yet he orders a chemical weapon attack? Oh well, i guess the Sheeple will believe anything. Another day, another war.
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Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

None. The US goes out of it's way to avoid hitting citizens. Sometimes too far. The bad guys know that and that is why they use civilians as human shields. If you hate this country so much leave it.

Bullshit again. They took out 200 civilians in Mosul just recently and managed to kill more civilians than either ISIS or Russia in March.

You need to get up to speed.

You got it all backwards. The 200 civilians was not deliberately or purposely to kill civilians.

Putin and Assad kill civilians on purpose. That's the difference.

So when the US slaughters civilians, it's ok? But when anyone else does it, it's not ok. Yeah see, you sound like a typical arrogant ignorant American.

Really? Are you saying that US purposely bomb that building to kill civilians? REALLY?

But to compare us with murderers both Assad and Putin is just unbelievable nonsense, outlandish and pure moronic.

Like i said, typical arrogant ignorant American. Your Government kills far more civilians than any other on earth. That's the ugly reality.
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.
I have heard also that they were identified as Russian made planes (which are used by the Syrian govt as well). Helicopters don't usually do bombing missions, do they? Witness accounts are pretty sure about what happened then, though.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense. Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks.

Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I think you are right.

Look at what this crazed warmonger said yesterday...they are CRAZY!!!!

Nikki Haley condemns Russia, Iran after chemical attack in Syria: 'They defied the conscience of the world'
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.
I have heard also that they were identified as Russian made planes (which are used by the Syrian govt as well). Helicopters don't usually do bombing missions, do they? Witness accounts are pretty sure about what happened then, though.

Interesting point about the so called witnesses. AKA the opposition. The story appears to have evolved because Al Jazeera could not find any witnesses who could identify the plane.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.

Who is it then? False flag..:rolleyes:

Because Assad is a monster, and has been "winning the war" for years. He is terrified and tries to scare people under his control. And Russia welcomes it because their media will blame it on Obama and so they can keep distracting people.

If those doing the attacks weren't under deal with Russia, Russia would have detected them by now, who they are, announced them or shot them.

I suppose next you'll say it was Americans secretly flying round and round Syria undetected, unnoticed and uncared for by neither Russia Iran or Assad, killing civilians.

America killing civilians?

Well the US whacked 200 in Mosul in one bombing raid alone recently. Whoopsies! And the stats are in that the US led coalition has killed more civilians in Syria in March than ISIS or Russia.

Are you certain you wish to hammer down on your point?

And what's this shit that Assad is a monster? He has protected all religions under his rule. When the west was abandoning the Yazidis, those who were able to run away from ISIS ran to Syria because they knew Assad would protect them.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I have the same question. It makes much more sense that ISIS or Al Queada operatives would do such a thing, hoping to draw the U.S. and Russia into conflict with each other. The evidence of an Assad attack there sited in a CNN report was a small 2 ft. wide crater in a roadway. So Al Queada could not have created such a crater? Give me a break.

Exactly. It defies logic that with Assad and Putin winning and Tillerson giving Syria a pass that Assad would go "Oh special, I feel like gassing babies from the sky today just to piss off the whole world".

It doesn't fly.

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