Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

Absolute false flag. 1. Assad doesn't NEED to do this...he is winning the war. 2. The US,Israel,Saudi Arabia etc WANT this done because if Assad wins then there goes the Rothschild bank they want installed.

In 1972 Richard Nixon was kicking McGoverns ass, and didn't need to send his burglars break into the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. But he did.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.

False Flag.
"Condemnation mounted throughout Tuesday as the US, Britain and EU blamed the Syrian government for the carnage, hours before the start of a donor conference on Syria in Brussels."

Syria chemical weapons attack toll rises to 70 as Russian narrative is dismissed

It's NOT just people in the U.S. that claim Assad did it, or even want 'Regime Change.

You need to get over your "Holier Than Thou" self, Dschrute.

Also by repeating your same talking point/asking the same question isn't making friends or influencing people. What you're doing is to make you look like a bore.
You play the role of the useful idiot very well. Even if ISIS had chemical weapons, they don't fly Sukoi fighter jets, which is what dropped the sarin in Syria. The jet was tracked by allied forces, and seen flying over the village.

There are no other planes or helicopters flying in that particular area.

Russia and Syria are the only one's flying Sukoi fighters from Syrian airbases. They were picked up on radar, so we know where they came from and where they went.
Absolute false flag. 1. Assad doesn't NEED to do this...he is winning the war. 2. The US,Israel,Saudi Arabia etc WANT this done because if Assad wins then there goes the Rothschild bank they want installed.

In 1972 Richard Nixon was kicking McGoverns ass, and didn't need to send his burglars break into the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. But he did.
Actually, the evidence is Nixon didn't know about the burglary until after it happened but they got him for trying to cover it up.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

It does make sense. The rebels along with huge numbers of civilians in their territories are being killed by Russian and Assad air attacks, but the war will never end as long as Assad remains in power and that means he will never get his country back from the Iranians and Russians who are calling all the shots now. While chemical weapons are no deadlier than bombs, they have a uniquely demoralizing effect on people so this may be a desperate gambit by Assad to gain control of the war without having to depend on the Iranians and Russians.

There hasn't been a credible investigation. All we have to go on is that the usual suspect 'Regime Change' folks are claiming Assad did it. Gee pretty convenient, no? It just doesn't add up. Assad is a smart guy. He's actually winning. Ordering a chemical weapon attack at this point, makes no strategic sense. It just seems way to convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia. I'm not buying it.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.

False Flag.
Or true flag? We simply don't know.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.

False Flag.
Or true flag? We simply don't know.

Perhaps you don't want to know. :dunno:
If the US thinks just Russia and Iran are just gonna let the US,Israel and Saudi Arabia come waltzing in and take out Assad they got another thing coming. I will cheer Russia,Iran and whoever else joins them in defeating the combined zionist forces. Tired of this shit...American men and women dying for Israel's interests.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

It does make sense. The rebels along with huge numbers of civilians in their territories are being killed by Russian and Assad air attacks, but the war will never end as long as Assad remains in power and that means he will never get his country back from the Iranians and Russians who are calling all the shots now. While chemical weapons are no deadlier than bombs, they have a uniquely demoralizing effect on people so this may be a desperate gambit by Assad to gain control of the war without having to depend on the Iranians and Russians.

There hasn't been a credible investigation. All we have to go on is that the usual suspect 'Regime Change' folks are claiming Assad did it. Gee pretty convenient, no? It just doesn't add up. Assad is a smart guy. He's actually winning. Ordering a chemical weapon attack at this point, makes no strategic sense. It just seems way to convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks in the US/West and Saudi Arabia. I'm not buying it.

I agree with you that we simply don't know, but now even the Russians are saying it was the result of a bomb dropped by Assad's forces, but that it hit a chemical weapons facility in the area rather than being loaded with chemical weapons, and would sort of shoot down the notion it was a false flag attack.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

Absolute false flag. 1. Assad doesn't NEED to do this...he is winning the war. 2. The US,Israel,Saudi Arabia etc WANT this done because if Assad wins then there goes the Rothschild bank they want installed.

It appears to be a last ditch attempt by the US/West to 'Regime Change' Assad. They realize their agenda is failing there. A chemical weapon attack at this point makes no strategic sense for Assad. It only makes strategic sense for the 'Regime Change' crowd. That's why i believe it is a False Flag event.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.

Last ditch effort for the usual suspects to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a False Flag event. Look for the US/West to declare all-out war on Syria. It's just a sad repeat of history. When will the wars end?

If we in the west declare war on Assad get ready for WWIII. Even if they just try to declare a no fly zone, not Russia nor Syria nor Iran will tolerate it because of Libya. We all know what happened there.

I don't know, it's a set up. Trump's getting sucked in. The US/West is likely to escalate the war. It's such a horrific mess over there. We shouldn't be in Syria at all. We've got to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East.

Trump is a pussy. I doubt it if he will do anything.

If he does as much as O-stammer you should be tickled to death!
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.

False Flag.
Or true flag? We simply don't know.

Perhaps you don't want to know. :dunno:
I do want to know, but we simply don't have the facts to go on to decide just what happened. That said it seems more plausible that Assad did it to undermine moral of the rebels than that the rebels gassed themselves. The notion that they gassed themselves is predicated on the idea that the world would be so outraged it would rush to their aid, but while the world is outraged, no one is rushing in to aid them. So Assad has a rational motive for a chemical weapons attack, but the rebels don't.
"Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad."


There's no doubt there was a plan. It was a set up. However, it looks like they now realize their 'Regime Change' agenda is failing in Syria. Assad's actually winning the war. Hence, this False Flag event. Now we can expect a full invasion of Syria.

This stuff has been done many times in the past. Nothing changes. It's a Permanent War agenda. It keeps the Sheeple in line. Keeping them in a permanent state of fear & anxiety, makes them easier to control. People in fear, usually support just about anything their Governments do. After all, it's 'for their own good', right?

INFOWARS has fried your brain
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

Absolute false flag. 1. Assad doesn't NEED to do this...he is winning the war. 2. The US,Israel,Saudi Arabia etc WANT this done because if Assad wins then there goes the Rothschild bank they want installed.

It appears to be a last ditch attempt by the US/West to 'Regime Change' Assad. They realize their agenda is failing there. A chemical weapon attack at this point makes no strategic sense for Assad. It only makes strategic sense for the 'Regime Change' crowd. That's why i believe it is a False Flag event.

Let's see, while Obama mumbled Assad must go all of his actions actually empowered Assad, and now Tillerson is saying Assad doesn't necessarily have to go, so where do you get the idea the West is so invested in regime change?
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.

Last ditch effort for the usual suspects to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a False Flag event. Look for the US/West to declare all-out war on Syria. It's just a sad repeat of history. When will the wars end?

If we in the west declare war on Assad get ready for WWIII. Even if they just try to declare a no fly zone, not Russia nor Syria nor Iran will tolerate it because of Libya. We all know what happened there.
The US would crush the Russian army in less than a week.
It appears to be a last ditch attempt by the US/West to 'Regime Change' Assad. They realize their agenda is failing there. A chemical weapon attack at this point makes no strategic sense for Assad. It only makes strategic sense for the 'Regime Change' crowd. That's why i believe it is a False Flag event.

Or it's Assad, testing Trump, who's too busy with problems of his own. He's got a new push on replacing Obamacare, he's got North Korea launching missiles, he's got the russia investigation, , and all before he pushes his $1 trillion infrastructure program and tax cuts.

Assad is probably watching twitter to see if Trump plans to do anything about it..
I second that.

Totally agree with Ron Paul!

It walks, smells and quacks like a false flag....

It is a false flag.
Assad has not begun to win the war. In fighting the rebels he has had to surrender control of Syria to the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps he believed chemical weapons would give him the ability to regain control of his country from the Iranian and Russians.

False Flag.
Or true flag? We simply don't know.

Perhaps you don't want to know. :dunno:
I do want to know, but we simply don't have the facts to go on to decide just what happened. That said it seems more plausible that Assad did it to undermine moral of the rebels than that the rebels gassed themselves. The notion that they gassed themselves is predicated on the idea that the world would be so outraged it would rush to their aid, but while the world is outraged, no one is rushing in to aid them. So Assad has a rational motive for a chemical weapons attack, but the rebels don't.

Read this it might help understand the situation.

"Back in January, Paul said in an interview with The Daily Caller that false flag attacks could be used by both the so-called American “deep state” and foreign actors to draw the Trump administration into foreign engagements. (RELATED: Ron Paul Warns Of False Flags And A ‘Shadow Government’)

“All we need is a false flag and an accident and everybody will be for teaching them a lesson,” he told TheDC’s Alex Pfeiffer. “You know the deep state is very very powerful and they have a lot of control.”
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?

Now it's helicopters? Last article I read witnesses couldn't identify the plane.

Last ditch effort for the usual suspects to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a False Flag event. Look for the US/West to declare all-out war on Syria. It's just a sad repeat of history. When will the wars end?

If we in the west declare war on Assad get ready for WWIII. Even if they just try to declare a no fly zone, not Russia nor Syria nor Iran will tolerate it because of Libya. We all know what happened there.
The US would crush the Russian army in less than a week.
lol Clearly, you need a new Magic Eight Ball.

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