Syria is another obama debacle


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
obama claims that because of him, Al Quaeda is broken and no longer a threat. Despite the warnings of more intelligent men than himself, obama has supported the Syrian opposition in demanding that Assad must GO.

As it turns out, the Syrian opposition IS Al Quaeda, just as everyone said it was.


obama can't make a correct decision. He just can't. Everything he touches turns to failure.
al qaeda has long since broken off into many splinter groups that carry the jihad banner.

Sheikh Obama might be technically correct that al qaeda has been severely hurt, but, it's irrelevant in the end
It doesn't take a genius to figure this out, look at the suicide bombings and IED's that are showing up in Syria, the same kind of shit our troops in Iraq had to put up with. I say let the Syrians sort this out amongst themselves.
Can you provide any objetive source which claims that the opposition IS Al Queda?

btw, Do you also believe that the Assas administration has maintained links with Hezbollah?

Are you aware of any conflict between Hezbollah and Al Queda, or would you consider them to be on the same side?
Brotherhood tryin' to reap while the storm clouds gather...
Muslim Brotherhood coming back in Syria
May 13,`12 (UPI) -- Leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood say they are not positioning themselves for a power grab in Syria where President Bashar Assad's regime is under attack.
After 30 years of persecution in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood has now come back to be one of most influential parties in the country's 14-month revolution, The Washington Post reported Saturday. Brotherhood members hold the most seats in the Syrian National Council, the main opposition group against Assad, and lead its relief committee, which distributes aid and money to Syrians participating in the revolt.

The group was nearly wiped out during Syria's last revolution, during which government forces killed as many as 25,000 people in Hama in 1982. The Brotherhood's comeback in Syria is creating concern in neighboring countries and the wider international community, the newspaper said. Other countries fear that if the minority Alawite regime in Damascus falls, it would be followed by the rise of a Sunni Islamist government.

Brotherhood officials have reached out to Syria's neighbors, including Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as to U.S. and European diplomats, to assure them they have no intention of taking over a future Syrian political system or establishing any form of Islamist government. "These concerns are not legitimate when it comes to Syria, for many reasons," said Molham al-Drobi, who is a member of the Brotherhood's leadership and sits on the Syrian National Council's foreign affairs committee. "First, we are a really moderate Islamic movement compared to others worldwide. We are open-minded," al-Drobi said. "And I personally do not believe we could dominate politics in Syria even if we wanted to. We don't have the will, and we don't have the means."

Read more: Muslim Brotherhood coming back in Syria -
Brotherhood tryin' to reap while the storm clouds gather...
Muslim Brotherhood coming back in Syria
May 13,`12 (UPI) -- Leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood say they are not positioning themselves for a power grab in Syria where President Bashar Assad's regime is under attack.
After 30 years of persecution in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood has now come back to be one of most influential parties in the country's 14-month revolution, The Washington Post reported Saturday. Brotherhood members hold the most seats in the Syrian National Council, the main opposition group against Assad, and lead its relief committee, which distributes aid and money to Syrians participating in the revolt.

The group was nearly wiped out during Syria's last revolution, during which government forces killed as many as 25,000 people in Hama in 1982. The Brotherhood's comeback in Syria is creating concern in neighboring countries and the wider international community, the newspaper said. Other countries fear that if the minority Alawite regime in Damascus falls, it would be followed by the rise of a Sunni Islamist government.

Brotherhood officials have reached out to Syria's neighbors, including Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, as well as to U.S. and European diplomats, to assure them they have no intention of taking over a future Syrian political system or establishing any form of Islamist government. "These concerns are not legitimate when it comes to Syria, for many reasons," said Molham al-Drobi, who is a member of the Brotherhood's leadership and sits on the Syrian National Council's foreign affairs committee. "First, we are a really moderate Islamic movement compared to others worldwide. We are open-minded," al-Drobi said. "And I personally do not believe we could dominate politics in Syria even if we wanted to. We don't have the will, and we don't have the means."

Read more: Muslim Brotherhood coming back in Syria -

Muslime Brotherhood is the parent of al qaeda and all islimic terror factions. Jihad [holy war] is the mission statement of Muslim Brotherhood which dates back to 1928
Granny says its time to put some boots onna ground an' kick Assad's butt...
UN monitors in Syria 'fired on' near Haffa
12 June 2012 - A truce was agreed in April but the violence shows no sign of abating
UN monitors say they were fired on and forced to turn back as they attempted to reach the town of Haffa in northern Syria, where rebel positions are being bombarded by government forces. The monitors said stone-throwing crowds stopped them from reaching Haffa and three cars were fired on as they left. The head of UN peacekeeping says Syria is now in a state of civil war. Herve Ladsous told reporters at the UN in New York that large parts of Syria were now outside government control. The monitors turned back at the last checkpoint before Haffa, judging the situation "unsafe", a UN spokeswoman said. As the monitors were leaving the area, the spokeswoman said an angry crowd threw stones and metal bars at the UN team before unknown assailants opened fire. None of the observers was hurt.

Mr Ladsous, UN Under-Secretary for Peacekeeping Operations, said the attack on the UN team near Haffa was deliberate. Asked whether he believed Syria was now in a civil war, Mr Ladsous told a small group of reporters: "Yes, I think we can say that. "Clearly what is happening is that the government of Syria lost some large chunks of territory, several cities to the opposition, and wants to retake control." The UN has warned of an alarming escalation in violence in Haffa. The fighting comes as the Syrian government stands accused of being behind two massacres in the past month. Earlier, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had underlined the importance of "unimpeded access" to Haffa, amid reports of a build-up of government forces around the town.

'Twist arms'

Kofi Annan, the international mediator on Syria, is working on convening a new diplomatic conference on Syria soon, according to his spokesman, Ahmad Fawzi. However, no date or list of participants has yet been decided. Mr Annan has asked governments with influence in Syria to "twist arms" and get the two sides to implement his six-point plan to end the violence, Mr Fawzi said. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Russia of supplying attack helicopters to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. She told a conference in Washington the US was concerned as the helicopters would "escalate the conflict quite dramatically".

Russia has previously denied supplying arms to the Syrian government. On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit Iran to discuss Moscow's call for a conference that would involve Tehran - a move strongly opposed by the US. Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who is visiting Pakistan, said foreign military intervention was not being considered for Syria and that all efforts were being made for a peaceful transition. "I think we should not think about it in terms of another Libya," he said.

'Situation dire'

See also:

Syrian children tortured, used as human shields, UN report finds
12 June`12 - The Syrian military and armed militias loyal to President Bashar Assad have used children as young as 8 years old as human shields, a new United Nations report has found.
The Syrian military and armed militias loyal to President Bashar Assad have used children as young as 8 years old as human shields, a new United Nations report has found. Children have also been tortured and killed by the Syrian army and its allies; whipped, beaten, subjected to sexual violence, burned with cigarettes and even given electrical shock. One former soldier told the U.N. he had been ordered to shoot “without distinction” during protests in the city of Tall Kalakh, even though children were there. Three girls roughly between the ages of 10 and 13 were killed, he said. Though most of the reported abuses were carried out by the Syrian army and its allies, there are also credible allegations that the armed rebels fighting Bashar's forces have recruited children to fight, the U.N. report said.

The abuses were laid out as part of an annual U.N. report on children and armed conflict worldwide last year. However, the violations in Syria were so grave that the U.N. decided to include a string of more recent incidents in its report, including a March attack by government forces in which three teens were killed and three other youths were arrested for interrogation, one of them a 9-year-old girl. Syria was added to the U.N. "list of shame" this year. “The world is keeping a detailed account of the violence committed against civilians in Syria and I am confident that these crimes will not go unpunished,” U.N. Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Radhika Coomaraswamy said.

The fighting in Syria has resulted in more than 10,000 deaths, with those killed including rebels, civilians and government forces. The slaying of children, including a recent massacre that included at least 32 children in the township of Houla, has stepped up continued calls to stop the violence. U.N. special envoy Kofi Annan lamented last week that a peace plan he brokered had not halted the violence, with both sides violating the truce. Heavy bombardment of the Syrian city of Homs and other towns occupied by rebels has alarmed the international body, whose secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, called the recent shelling a "dangerous intensification of armed violence."

The Local Coordination Committees, an opposition activist network, said that at least 40 people were killed Tuesday, including a baby less than 2 months old. Meanwhile, Syrian state media reported that armed terrorists -- the usual government term for the rebels -- kidnapped passengers on two buses Tuesday. Outside a Homs building battered by shelling, a man asked angrily, "What is this? Nobody help us? Why?" The unnamed man was recorded in a video shared by the U.N. Tuesday. "We are people. Not animals."

obama claims that because of him, Al Quaeda is broken and no longer a threat. Despite the warnings of more intelligent men than himself, obama has supported the Syrian opposition in demanding that Assad must GO.

As it turns out, the Syrian opposition IS Al Quaeda, just as everyone said it was.


obama can't make a correct decision. He just can't. Everything he touches turns to failure.

Al Qaeda isn't driving what's going on in Syria.
We haven't set one foot in Syria yet, so far this debacle is totally of their own making.
Would there have been a debacle in Syria if there had not been help for the rebellion in Libya or the arab spring in Egypt? No. The fundamentalist muslims wanting to replace the Assad government with a strict islamic theocracy counted on western help. The worse it got, the more help they expected. This time, they picked on the wrong country with an existing powerful ally.

Even obama isn't stupid enough to send ground forces into Syria, or maybe he is. If so, it's time for our own military to rebel.
Would there have been a debacle in Syria if there had not been help for the rebellion in Libya or the arab spring in Egypt? No. The fundamentalist muslims wanting to replace the Assad government with a strict islamic theocracy counted on western help. The worse it got, the more help they expected. This time, they picked on the wrong country with an existing powerful ally.

Even obama isn't stupid enough to send ground forces into Syria, or maybe he is. If so, it's time for our own military to rebel.

If I were a betting man I would bet no help is coming to Syria, except for the weapons and stuff we are already giving them.
Would there have been a debacle in Syria if there had not been help for the rebellion in Libya or the arab spring in Egypt? No. The fundamentalist muslims wanting to replace the Assad government with a strict islamic theocracy counted on western help. The worse it got, the more help they expected. This time, they picked on the wrong country with an existing powerful ally.

People like this do not know or understand the makeup of syria. There are 22 million people there, with a large secular merchant/middle class that simply wants the basic of life you and I enjoy; freedom of speech, assembly, the right to work at whatever profession you want, a state that is not corrupt, not having to deal with a crony of ass-ad abusing his power over you if he hits your car/steals something from you - and laughs that you cannot do anything to stop him.

Syria has run one of the world's largest torture/gulag systems on earth, and many syrians know someone who is/has spent time in it.

The uprising was inspired by the arab spring but was put forth by ordinary, freedom-seeking civilians - until ass-ad, realizing that in a free country there was no way his fake regime could continue to govern - chose to start shooting demonstrating civilians in the streets.

Were a tiny number of those civilians religious sunnis, sure - but they were in no way a large percentage/majority, not even close. Those on this forum and elsewhere who claim al qaeda or the muslim brotherhood is behind this uprising in any meaningful way simply has no clue WTF they are talking about. They do not know syria, and do not understand its people.
So it's now ok to be nation builders? It's apparent the UN brokered peace was a farce so the time has come for the Syrian's to stand on their own two feet. The US should stand down and convince Russia to do the same, however, the Bear refuses to pass on an opportunity to maintain a foot hold, and the Big 0 can't refuse the temptation. Meaningful change comes from within and my hunch is that if the outside world contains and restricts the flow of arms to the merchant of death, the people will hang Assad and his entourage in due course. Freedom is earned and paid for with blood and this civil war will be fought by Syrian's and Syrian's alone. How they choose to rebuild a new government in it's aftermath is their decision.

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